Tim's new hat doesn't look like this anymore. It has big white paint sploches on it. His denim shirt doesn't look quite so nice anymore either!!
I am now sitting in the Portland airport waiting for our connecting flight to San Diego. We were blessed yet again in being able to go out standby and will arrive in San Diego about 1:30 instead of tonight at 10!!
I just opened and listened to the old Dean Martin/Foster Brooks dialoge on Airline Pilots. Thanks Barb - how appropriate ~~~~
But about OUR WEEK ckick on the underline to see more pictures . . . . We got ALL the lawn mowed and weedeated -- Clint and his tools were a HUGE help. . even the overgrown grass on the ugly mounds of dirt left next to the sludgy, green water, ugly, "duck stream" has been cut down!!
We finished primering the garage. It took all 4 of us. A lot of powerwashing, borard replacement, and primer - but we now have a big ghostly white garage and "condo". Defects were found (IMAGINE~~~~) and ideas were discussed. . and discussed . . and then discussed some more. We will see when we return. . what has changed and what hasn't. hehehe
We met with a person to level out the back yard and "dispose" of the "duck" pond and stream. . we haven't heard back about the when or if he even wants the job - - another thing for the list.
The big Cypress tree next to the garage. . . the one that is over 100' tall. . . will be coming down on the 8th. Even in the pictures you can see that it is leaning badly - right towards the neighbors house. Many in Eastside are really excited about it and several have plans to take the day off of work to see it done. They are so excited about this big event - makes me wish we'd scheduled it for after we come back up - But Sallie is going to video it for me - so I'll be able to see it - like watching a rerun football game. Still interesting but not as exciting as with the suspense!!! Anyhow, it was odd to see the excitement over the big "Event"!!
The guys hauled 3 more loads of brush out to Ron's. I mean 3 trailer loads, pushed and tied down!! And nothing came from anywhere other than the yard. A large load of junk was hauled to the dump - I spent 10 days trying to give away the 200' of "duck" wire and the over 100 posts that had surrounded our property!! No luck yet - it's still there!!
Sallie cooked dinner most nights - even after working all day - I think she was afraid that I would poison us with whatever I'd had my hands into that day :) (it worked - shes a much, much better cook than I). She also spent her days off over helping me on the things that needed done. She sprayed for mosquitoes ~ several times ~ showed me what I needed and where it needed to be treated to keep them down, she loaned me loads of lawn furniture (the living room is decorated in it!), she helped with the arborist job - showing us where to trim, what to cut, what was worth saving and what had pretty much died. . .
And to top our wonderfully busy and productive week - on Saturday Sharen and Jack came over to spend the night. They had been to his class reunion and went home via Eastside. We had a great dinner - Keith BBQ'd pork steaks and we all sat outside in our mosquito free yard and ate and my nephew Mike just happened to be in town visiting other relatives, so he was able to drop by for dinner and a little visit before heading off. We got to see thier new camper and we stayed up way late visiting. . . We had breakfast Sunday morning and they took off.
We did some looking at pick-ups (didn't buy anything). We shopped a lot. I was blessed by having a wonderful reporter who wrote a great article regarding Jeremy. We can pray that someone is really moved by it and the missing piece of the puzzle is put out there for the great team that has worked so hard over the years to solve the mystery of his disappearance.
They are calling our flight - so I guess I'd better log off for now.
Later. . . . . .