July 20, 2007

Meet Ellie

We've arrived in Coos Bay!! We had a great flight - was even able to connect to the Horizon flight just 20 minutes after we got to Portland so we arrived in Coos Bay at 6 instead of at 9. What a treat!!! Clint and Sallie picked us up and fed us dinner - Sallie is such a great cook!!

We had a good visit and spent the night in their camper - They loaned us their extra vehicle - so we've been good to go!!

The men have been working their butts off since Tuesday. They've cut down trees, piled brush, wore the belts off of the lawn tractor, mowed grass, trimmed roses, but the biggest and first thing they did was to tear down about 400 feet of duck wire. It really is the 2x2 chicken wire that is so totally ugly but the guy used it to keep his ducks in - and obviously his neighbors dogs out. AND IT SURROUNDED THE PLACE!! With those metal stakes every 5' or so. By Wednesday morning the last of the stakes were out, wire rolled up and Joe (Clint and Sallies sone) pulled the stakes out that had been driven into the HUGE tree out front!!

And Tim and I shopped, and shopped, and then got Keith and we went back shopping. Got beds and we spent our 2nd night here at home. I even had gathered enough "stuff" that I cooked dinner last night!!

Today we spent the morning working on the lawn tractor while Clint and Keith hauled away brush and clippings. Sure looks different - already!! And Tim and I went shopping again!! (Of course we had to go lots of places to get the belts for the tractor) And we are all pooped with a big PEE. So we laid off a little early and I "borrowed" Sallies dsl line to upload pictures so all can see!!

Better head out tho'. I need a shower really, really bad. And still have stuff to do!! But we are having a great time. Sallie and I plan to yard sale tomorrow to see if we can't find stuff that we just can't live without:)

Click on the link above and see how far we've come in so little time. And we've still got another week!!


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that you are having a great time and getting a lot of work accomplished!! It's looking great!!

Anonymous said...

I haven't been on the computer. We've been busy with appts and VBS.