October 24, 2007

Progress. . .

Last week we had several really grey days and some pretty strong winds.
Today Papa is enjoying a bright sunny day
and putting the soffits up around the house.
Sorry birdies, you'll have to find a new place to build your nests!
Ellie is enjoying the sunshine too!!
From her new spot - a little further out in the sun.
Tim is finishing up the woodwork on the front porch,
next comes the lattice around the bottom

And there is grass growing clear to the back fence!
We have been working hard on the yard.
Here are the fruit trees.And I've done a little rearranging in the kitchen.
Not a lot of room or choices, but this works better for me
than the original setup.

As you can see, we've all been "making hay" while the sun shines.
Tim leaves us soon to return to San Diego.
We will soon be making ready to head south east to see
what awaits for us there.


Anonymous said...

It's looking GREAT!!! I wish my grass would grow like that - I'm jealous

Anonymous said...

I bet the neighbors are glad to see all the work that you are doing on the house