April 2, 2008

Just an update

Nothing much has been going on around here - normal round of visits, frustration with lack of coordination with the "system", the love/hate feelings that I keep harbored for the lack of "for the children" that our current systems seem to have.

Other than that - the interviews for the segment on Jeremy have been done. They did S'te's at her home and mine here at our home. I have no clue what she said - and she has no clue of what I said. I really didn't get much said - it was a really bad day for me. I sort of lost it right at the beginning and never found it again. I didn't do a very good job. Jeremy and Gerald have both been on my mind and heavy on my heart lately. I just dropped the box that I had all my "stuff" in and it split wide open - I've been that way for several weeks now. . . but anyway, it's done. Last word was that it would be airing on April 28 out of the Portland KOIN station. I don't know what time or after or during what program. Hopefully, more will follow.

Trying to get into cleaning up and getting ready to head out. This year Keith wants to drive out - take the scenic route - by way of Mom B's and April's. It will be nice to see how Mom B is doing since her surgery. She was blessed with the presence of several family members to make sure her recovery was rapid! And soon she will have a new floor in her other bathroom. It's wonderful to know that she has so many caring people so close when Keith lives so far away. It will be great to see her. And April too. Keith went at Christmas and visited for a week but I haven't seen her or the kids since the Cruise ended last year. I was sorry that they weren't able to come down when S'te and family were here. It would have been a wonderful houseful!!

So, that's the update from the last update. Just being. . . . .

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