Here are a couple of photos of our morning "aqua exercise" group. Our "fearless leader" Kathy does a wonderful job of getting us to stretch, balance, work our 'cores', and have a lot of fun at the same time. We meet every morning from 9 - 10 am and do the weight exercises, rope stretches and even more stretches on the side of the pool. She has a whole repertoire of different moves that warms us all up and gets us going for our busy days in the sun. The water is kept at a wonderful 86 or so and is nice and warm for us each morning!

After our warm water workout we all head off into the different activities.... I am learning to tatt, neighbor Kathy has tried the line dancing lessons, oil painting classes, and ballroom dancing. We haven't tried any of those but we do enjoy the bingo, card games, pot lucks, ice cream socials and of course the entertainment!
On Friday we were entertained by Hot Cocoa, a really neat quartet that did a whole litany of 40's music interspersed with some cool jazz!

on Saturday we attended a pot luck where there was food to varied to even describe. It is wonderful that we have so many people here from so many different parts of the country - each of them brought a different specialty to the party.
On Sunday we had an ice cream social - sadly the bonfire was cancelled ~ because it was to cold ~ lol ~ it was below 70!!! We've gotten so spoiled that we don't even know what cold is.
So that was our weekend. Meanwhile we did a lot of praying - for our family members who have recently had medical issues and accidents, for friends that have been ill or are going thru different kinds of hardships. Every day I realize just how wonderfully blessed my life is.