When we got close to Bullhead City we stopped and got all the fixins' for Dad (and Keith's) favorite dinner. Meatloaf. I don't know that I do anything special to it - just empty the fridge into some hamburger - bake it - and put it on the table. But they like it ~ so we got the stuff. We got almost there and Dad called. I figured he was just looking for an ETA - but that wasn't it. Uncle Jim has taken a turn and Dad needed to get there. I convinced him to just hang out and wait for the 10 minutes it would take for us to arrive. And he did. During that 10 minutes he packed, changed clothes, had his jacket on, and suitcase in the car - ready to go!
Unfortunately, there was no flight to North Bend, OR that night. Eventually, he calmed down enough to take off his jacket and sit down while I tried to simultaneously find a decent flight online and fix dinner. Finally got him booked out of Vegas on the first flight into San Fransisco - and then on up to North Bend. Due to the circle jerk that is called an airport board up there - the Portland connections with Alaska (which were great by the way) are no longer available. So Dad sat in the LV airport waiting for the SFO weather to clear so that the plane he was supposed to be on at 7 or so AM could take off at 10:30. and guess what... he missed his connection to North Bend. Another circle jerk... Sounded so much like the flight I had out of North Bend in April. So - Dad left Bullhead at 4 am so he can be there in time, sat in the airport for an extra 3+ hours, made it to SFO and sat there for another 4 or 5 hours, to get to arrive in North Bend (and someone was waiting to take him to Powers to Uncle Jim) at 8:30! The whole time worrying himself to a frazzle because he was afraid that the man he'd known as a brother for over 50 years would be gone before he could get there. In the end - If Dad had left Bullhead - driving - stopped and spent the night somewhere - and continued on - he would have arrived in Powers before the flight arrived in North Bend. AND he would've had his car, AND he wouldn't have had to spend an enormous amount for a return trip - that ended up just like the one out!! The morning flight couldn't take off due to weather - so they canceled it - caught the next one and missed their connections (Evelyn came back with him) and arrived back in LV about 10 hours late - with Leona sitting there waiting to pick them up. Boy - I'm sure glad I wasn't a fly roaming around inside of Dad's head while either of those trips were happening!
But back to the story, Dad made it in time. He was there for several days before I received the text message from Linda saying Uncle Jim had gone on to heaven. I am glad that Dad made it - glad that Uncle Jim is out of his pain - and content with the fact that he lived a good long life and was ready to go. Rest in Peace Uncle Jim!
So - since Dad wasn't around, we left Bullhead ~ with our little Chaito sooo glad to be going with us - I opened the pick-up door and he loaded up - no problem!
Oh, and I forgot to tell you, on the way between Reno and Bullhead - we stopped at AREA 51 - it isn't anything but a little water stop and we bought t-shirts - but we STOPPED!! LOL
See Chaito settled right in to his designated pose!!
This is just a sample of the "hills" between Bullhead City and Kingman. If you look closely enough there is the top portion of the highway threaded thru and between the little peak on the right and side of the top... and a great view from the top too - just like driving straight into the sky!
At Kingman, we stopped, got milkshakes and headed towards Flagstaff where we planned to stopfor the night.
Williams was a very interesting looking place, and oddly enough, it looked vaguely familiar... you know why - because we've been through here before!! I had to look it up on the map to try and figure it out! I knew I'd never been through Kingman - so I was just kind of - hey ... deja vu or what! LOL AND it is a very, very kool lookin' town too!
And we did try to stop at
Geronimo - it is a ghost town - 1 major building - if it is any more than that - it was well hidden - we did see a souvenir shop with a couple of tepee's sitting next to it - but - we didn't stop.
Really neat rock formations along I40 between Geronimo and
the Hard Rock Casino at one of the many, many Arizona reservations. We checked into stopping at one - but none of them allowed a dog. Geez, not much into 'senior' tourists - we all travel with our new-found babies - and these places were out in the middle of NO WHERE... or if not . . they weren't where any amenities could be found! LOL
Some of what I call awesome scenery. Not awesome in the same awesome as the what Mike, Brett, and Sharen get pictures of - I surely enjoy my drives :-]
An truly barren rest area !
A working oil field LOL -
we stopped for the night at Flagstaff. Had a nice meal, planned our travel for tomorrow, kicked back and watched tv for the evening. Tomorrow is another day and some more miles!
Just outside of Flagstaff is a true amazement. It is where a meteor hit the earth some who-know's how many eon's ago. We (as in I) followed the sign off of I40 - up and down the rolling high desert scenery for some 10 -15 miles off in the opposite (not quite but...) direction - to find a fenced off area that hosted some rv's - a few cars - a strong breeze - and a truly helpful guide at the top of the stairs leading to the entrance to the
Meteor Crater - I read the signs - they had tours, a theater-in-the-round playing a documentary of the
Meteor Crater - all inclusive - for the paltry fee of $15 per person. Best part was, since the wind was so strong ~ the tours were all closed - and no - there was no alternative rate since we couldn't actually go see the Crater (due to the wind). So we thanked them and left to drive on some more!! LOL There was a car that came in behind us - as we were walking back down the steps - they went up and paid 30 bucks to go watch a movie all about the
Meteor Crater. Well, I learned as much as the movie would've taught me online - and did it at my own pace too!
Enough for now....