February 21, 2010

Yard Work!

I'm guessing it is time for yard work.  We woke up to bright sunny skies and  a promise for mid 70 degree weather.  So ~~ we put it off ~~ we went to Church, then Keith had lunch, then I put some laundry in, then I gave up - we went outside to do the 'duty'~  Boy do things grow up and over !!  We trimmed the rubber trees down.  They were about 7 or so feet tall.  I had to dig out the sprinklers - in this sand they tend to sink every year. 
So I got about 1/8 th of the work done.  The back of the side yard and 1 side of the back yard.  I got the sprinkler heads dug out, mulch (from the front) under them to keep them up where I want them, the rubber trees cut back, the frozen parts cut off of the hibiscus, and 10 bags of mulch down.  That was just the area in this picture!  I didn't put any under the rubber trees.  I still have to go around them with the shovel to sever the 'roots' that tend to go all over the place. :-<

Keith trimmed this poor frostbitten hibiscus to within inches of it's death - but it is budding nicely.  It was frostbitten that badly during the cold spell back in January - when it was warmer in Seattle than it was in Orlando!!  We pulled the old bark from here and put along the back where we have some low spots in the sand and around the back 'bird' and tomato plants.  Yes Sharen, believe it or not, we still have tomato plants!!  They broke off at the ground and then resprouted - don't know if we will have tomatoes but they are sure determind fellers!!

Jack and Keith cut the monster down that I had mistakenly planted right in the middle there.  Still trying to figure out what to put there.  If the middle hibiscus doesn't come out of it's funk, I may trim it and replant it there.  It has turned into a huge beautiful bush every year.  I think it would look good there on the large bald spot.... I doubt seriously if Keith will agree with me enough to move it - but who knows - hahaa.

But I believe we are done for today - my hint - Keith put all the tools away and has gone back to his Facebook Poker game. :->  At this rate - we will be done in 8 days.  And this will give me time to work on the decision of the hibiscus.

February 11, 2010


Oh, blast insurance companies!!  They seem to think that they are doing us a huge favor when they pay out for the things that they so gladly take our premiums for!~~
The Nursery
The Bathroom

Progress is slow
but there has been some

Insurance company
s l o w e r !!

It is really, really frustrating!!

I got a call from Lowes this morning.  The last of the materials for the rebuild is being delivered today.  Now all I have to do is figure out a way to pay for it!!  For some reason when it is time for the premiums - everything is real expensive - but when it's time to 'pay up' - everything is real cheap.  Like - where can I carpet an entire room (material and install) for $154??    And remember - this isn't in a major metro area either (so everyone charges freight on everything too!) !!

Frustration central!!

February 8, 2010

Super bowl - Tailgate Lakewood Style

Being that I'm not a die hard for either of yesterday's teams - I had a great time at Lakewood Villages Super Bowl Tailgate.  They started the afternoon off with the installation of the new Social Club Officers - btw, I'm glad we got another year's worth of great volunteers to plan things for us!!

Then we chowed down on homemade chili, served up by more volunteers, and even more had the grills going for hot dogs and burgers.  We (I) visited with a lot of residents that I hadn't yet caught up with for this season and had some really good chats.  Got on the volunteer boards myself and will be hosting coffee this Tuesday and working the kitchen for Bingo that night.  That gets me back home in time for NCIS!! LOL  Tuesday has always been my favorite TV night.  They move the show and I just get a new Tuesday show...  So much for programming..

Keith brought out our tailgate camping recliners, the cooler, and we kicked back with those diehards that stayed to watch the game on the 'big screen'.  There was a vaariety of whooping and hollering going on.   We had Saints fans and Colt fans alike - all cheering and booing at the game.  It was a lot of fun!  We had leftovers from the Cookout and munched our way through until game end. 

I rooted for the Colts - I remember them from being a kid in Baltimore - back in the dark ages when we had Johnny Unitas (and the Jets had Joe Namath!).  Keith has always been partial to the fun he had in New Orleans - so he rooted for them - it made for some good natured ribbing and kept the game interesting!
It was cooler than usual for Vero - so sweatshirts (of all colors) were the order of the day.  I in my Oregon Ducks and Las Vegas, Keith in his Key West and Oregon Beavers - friends all over the hall in Gator, Steeler, Charger, Titans and who knows what other teams were represented.  All in great fun!

Nancy and Lou in thier tailgate regalia!!

Now we need our tickets for the Valentine's Day Dance - but first - I'm headed out to see what we need to do to get some grass seed planted and then off to the Line Dancing hour.  I fully intend to stay busy this season - no kids - I will be doing something!!

Hope you had a great superbowl too!