And there are roosters all over the place. here is the one I listened to all night for the first 2 nights (I think he is the same one) but then I saw 2 more from bedroom window. This was taken right about daylight. The neighbor across the street was trying to catch him - I guess to relocate him. This rooster sure dosen't know how to tell time!! They are all over the place~~ I asked Keith if they are like a sacred cow and his answer was "more like sacred roosters" LOL They are all over the downtown area, in churchyards, walking down sidewalks. Everyone just kind of ignores them!
Keith just liked this sign - it was how we felt at the end of 2nd day.
Animals displayed right on Duval Street.
I think this is the same kind of snake that S'te had in her front yard -
and the Parrots dance to the sound of change clinking in the
"Tips for Treats" can!
Leon being a reindeer with a twig that he found during one of his many time outs. The guys in the background were from a Russian Soccor Team and did some awesome stunts for the kids
- of course -
I didn't have my camera out for the best of them!!
We took a side trip to Naval Air Station Key West
and Keith got to look at several of the planes that he has
worked on over his years in the service.
And then back to the beach.For the third day in a row.
They never tired of it.
Keith finally bought me a sand umbrella
I caught a cold, I was hot,
the kids had a blast!!
It was a great trip for the kids. I learned things about themI would never had known if it hadn't happened.
They have learned no boundaries,
the word no loses something between
the n and the o,
they go to sleep early,
they love the water,
they learned to say Key West
they endured the ride back which
took about 7 hours due to traffic and accidents,
Leon will never be potty trained,
the limit is where to push to,
I don't care if it is a $9 casa dia on
Duval Street in Key West,
they aren't going to eat it!
My computer was running away with my frustration over not being able to look away for a single second. It took over the keyboard there for a minute. . .
I hope we can go back. There seems to be a festive air to most of the people and places there - I couldn't quite catch it - but I'm sure if we go back - as grown ups (without children) - I will. I just bet it would be really great to do the paddle boat things, or the kayaks, or the skidoo's, or even stay out after dark!!
And I know the formatting on this is all fouled up but I don't know how to fix it without losing my pictures - so - this is how it is staying!!
Glad you guys had such a great adventure! our family loves Sigsbee, we are planning a getaway this spring..... have you tried the beach at Boca Chica? It is really nice and you can walk out to an island plus there is a great snack bar there..... also a nice bowling alley..... Love it down there! Wish we could have gone with you!!!!! Happy New Year!
Sounds like you got the feel for it and I'm sure you made forever memories for the boys!
Maybe we'll get to visit Key West together someday! Wouldn't that be fun?
Love, Sis
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