Christmas Eve we had our big dinner and then we went ~ en familia~ to Church at the Rock... It was great... I love the feeling of peace that comes over me whenever I enter the House of God.... I was very moved by the entire program. It was perfect.
Each of the kids got several "favorite" gifts. There were lots of squeals and ooohs going on during the openings! Cavelle was the first with a favorite - and it withstood the test of all the other gifts.... a noisy little lawnmower that deserved the place of honor - right in the middle of all the action!! LOL It didn't matter where we "hid" it - it returned as fast as he could find it.... He was definately determined!!
I bonused my own self with 2 grandmother necklaces and a bracelet, as well as a handmade card from Raquel. I would post pictures - but my picture poster doesn't want to work at this time - it keeps telling me that they are busy..... Imagine that!!!
Hope a very Merry Christmas was had by all!