I'm not used to this!!! Get up in time for school!!! And be dressed and ready to take them to the bus!!! I've had to change my housework-in-my-nightshirt routine a bit. The kids are smiling and ready for school before I have the sleep out of my eyes or my teeth brushed!!
The first day of school went really well. Both kids got to return to their former classrooms, teachers, and friends. They feel right at home. I'm happy for them.
The first day of school went really well. Both kids got to return to their former classrooms, teachers, and friends. They feel right at home. I'm happy for them.
We had another fiasco of a Shareholder's meeting last night. Again, I wasn't able to ask my question before our erstwhile President started jabbering at me about unrelated things and finally called me enough names that one of the other shareholders jumped up and defended me. I was absolutely flabberghasted. He has been mean, rude, demeaning, arrogant and many other things before - even calling me thick-headed and other stuff - but nothing like last night. I am rather hurt that another woman had to jump up instead of my husband, who just sat there, but I'm sure I'll get over it. I just will stay aware that coming to my defense is not something that he will do. No matter what. I even had calls from other shareholders that were at the meeting sharing thier disgust with what our President did. I will defend my r ight to make an UNINTERRUPTED statement to the ends of this earth. Every other shareholder that had statements, questions, and even rude pointed things to say were given thier time. I have the feeling that the items I choose to speak on are sore subjects with him - why? Why is he so defensive and rude when I have something to say? I guess we will never know - I'm sure he won't tell me.
So, today isn't one of my better days - I'm tired, totally pissed, and disenchanted. Hopefully tomorrow will be better!!