April 8, 2006


And this is what they think of us!! The truth comes out!!! We babysit for who-knows-how-long and here is the thanks we get!!! Aren't they adorable?? I laughed until tears rolled when they were unwrapped and presented. I didn't really know that I had "bed-ears" but I get bed everything-else so why not!! I really think the nose on Papa's is a little large - but -other-than-that ~~~ Kiah thinks it looks like him too!!

We are patiently (well sort of) waiting for someone to get up so we can head off to TJ for our ourdental appointment with Dr. Ruth, She called last night and has an opening for us. Saturdays are "first come, first serve" so we try to get there rather early. Walking TJ at 9 am isn't nearly as crowded as at 2 pm. I think I've only been there after dark about 3 times out of the hundreds of times we've actually been there. Kiah just got up so the rest should be close behind him.

So, I'll say goodbye for now!!

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