April 28, 2006

Time Flies

Boy, time does fly "when you are having fun". It seems like months ago since I got home from San Diego instead of just over a week. I was putting the baby down for his nap the other day when I looked out the back window and saw the police putting up yellow crime scene tape!! There had been a stabbing in one of the FEMA homes behind me. It took until yesterday for me to find out the "dirt" behind it. This Village is always full of rumors but it is sure hard to find a truthful story!! No different from any other neighborhood. The government asked us to let them place these homes in our Village for the families displaced by Francis and Jeanne almost 2 years ago. Needless to say, there are still families living in them - but not anyone who is working, has an income, or could afford to live elsewhere. Only those who cannot find or afford regular housing. The families left in our FEMA homes leave much to be desired. Anyhow, the people were the stabbee's not the stabber's. Can't evict them for that~~ Last of that-got it off of my chest.

My only "friend" here in the Village is packing up and getting ready to go home to her summer residence. Keith is making plans and reservations for our summer "escape". Due to the skyrocketing fuel prices, the RV is staying here for most of the summer. We hope to be in SD for several weeks and squeeze a visit to Canyonville and Coos Bay in. He is looking at the first week of July for the Oregon trip. I am anxiously waiting to see what he decides. I know that I will be in SD for a medical appointment on June 6th - so that is what I know. My new teeth are a pain. Actually, I'm told that I was real lucky as I've only had to do a bit of grinding on them - but they have to rub a sore spot before I can figure out just where to grind - then they hurt to try to chew anything with. I'll get it figured out - sooner or later - it'll be good.

Life is hot here - we had a "cold front" come thru the other night - it got down to 72 at night. It has been in the 90's during the day and high 70's at night with a humidity level in the 70 & 80's.

I do all my outside work before 10 am and sit around the house for the rest of the time. But I did get to the pool on Wednesday - first time this year. And only then because the kids wanted to go so badly. Maybe I'll take them up after school today?????

Other than that - it's boring, boring, boring. How's it with you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's been drizzly and cloudy here. See, you should have stayed a little longer!!