First, Keith got home really late last night. I couldn't even get woke enough to say more than - I missed you, I love you, goodnight :(
This morning he brought me another BIRTHDAY PRESENT - a really sweet Mom's daily Devotions book and a heart.
And when I checked the mail - I had a postcard from Mexico - from Sharen. She's been back over a month and the postcard just made it!! Unbelievable!!
So today is going well - I'm happy!!
March 28, 2007
March 26, 2007
He'll be back home tomorrow!! Only for a few days - but hey - days are days. Reminds me of when we were in San Diego and he was there and gone and there and gone. Only then, I had a job to occupy my time and mind. How much mind needs occupied by a 2 and 1 yr old? Boo would rather talk to Baby than to me. They are a good pair.
Things have been rather slow around here. The most exciting thing we've had for dinner ina week was sausages in our spaghetti!! I got a kick out of watching them blow bubbles at the park yesterday. Pelik is quite the pro!! Mary does really well to - but Boo still thinks she has to have her mouth right on the wand to blow. After about 5 tastes of the soap - she was done.
We went to the Southern Gospel concert at Faith Friday night. They were really great. When we left Pelik wanted to know if he could have a little "tar" like "that" one. One of the players had a really ornate adorable banjo. I think that was what he was talking about!! And he wants drums too - maybe I'll get him some for a going away present - hehe.
Pastor and Sallie have gone to help one set of children move and visit the other - up North. It was different with them gone. I really can't say I care for the substitutes style - but it was ok - and who am I to say?
I've been "carpentering" and of course - nothing is of standard size - so I've had to drag the saw out a couple of times - you should see Boo run when she see it!!! Like I'd be the circle saw murderer!!! It is really rather funny. It doesn't even have to be plugged in and she won't go out on the porch. I guess it's one way to keep her in!! But I'm little by little getting satisfied that room isn't being wasted. Now all I have to do is to convince Keith that everything doesn't need to be right in sight or on a top shelf!! Like that'll ever happen - :)
Time for lunch - see ya'll later - Oh, BTW - if anyone else would care to update thier blogs - I will read them!!!!
March 19, 2007
In charge
I know, I'm the one always hollering for others to update so I have something to read. Everyone seems to think they need an activity or subject to post on and I'm probably as bad as you, but here is for today:
The Good Lord knew better than to put me in charge of anything. . . .
They found the little boy in GA. NEIGHBORS!! How horrible!! Neighbors who confessed and led the law on a wild goose chase looking for the body - 'cause they "couldn't remember where they put it". WHAT A HORROR!! I feel so bad for the family. The horrors of losing a child is a known horror to me. The certainty of what happened is somthing I doubt that I'll ever know. Until my babies were grown - I knew the WHOLE neighborhood. Everyone in it and all their kids. I didn't always keep their names straight and to this day couldn't tell you what they were - but I knew who they were - and probably more about them than they wanted me to know. But that was then and this is now. Today everyone is to busy with 2 jobs, forty outside interests, and oversheduling that they don't get to know thier neighbors. These parents knew the neighbors were undesirable and couldn't do anything about it. How sad!!!
They arrested a man south of here for leaving his gun where his 14 year old could get it. The man thought he had emptied it when in fact there was 1 bullet left. The boy shot himself. The father is in jail. He is grieveing over his son, his stupidity and carelessness, and they put him in jail. Is everyone that is guilty of stupidity and carelessness going to jail? How about all these parents that are stupid and careless and cause thier children to grow up the same as they are? Jail them all???
Couey got the death penalty. His ruse of coloring and drawing throughout the trial didn't fool the jury. God and justice has prevailed. Now we wait and see how many appeals he has. How long will he be fed, bathed, housed, medicated, and examined on taxpayer dollars for brutally raping a young girl and burying her alive?
Does anyone see stupidity above? I wish I could be judge and jury on these - but the Lord knows that I wouldn't be kind and forgiving. Even virtually, I find it hard to forgive the insensitivity of man, our laws, and the acceptance of Godless ways. I don't care what name anyone calls God by. My Lord is calling to people to come to know him, band together, care for and watch out for each other. As the Bible says Earth, Wind, and Fire. I wonder if the desensitizing of people is part of the Fire?
The Good Lord knew better than to put me in charge of anything. . . .
They found the little boy in GA. NEIGHBORS!! How horrible!! Neighbors who confessed and led the law on a wild goose chase looking for the body - 'cause they "couldn't remember where they put it". WHAT A HORROR!! I feel so bad for the family. The horrors of losing a child is a known horror to me. The certainty of what happened is somthing I doubt that I'll ever know. Until my babies were grown - I knew the WHOLE neighborhood. Everyone in it and all their kids. I didn't always keep their names straight and to this day couldn't tell you what they were - but I knew who they were - and probably more about them than they wanted me to know. But that was then and this is now. Today everyone is to busy with 2 jobs, forty outside interests, and oversheduling that they don't get to know thier neighbors. These parents knew the neighbors were undesirable and couldn't do anything about it. How sad!!!
They arrested a man south of here for leaving his gun where his 14 year old could get it. The man thought he had emptied it when in fact there was 1 bullet left. The boy shot himself. The father is in jail. He is grieveing over his son, his stupidity and carelessness, and they put him in jail. Is everyone that is guilty of stupidity and carelessness going to jail? How about all these parents that are stupid and careless and cause thier children to grow up the same as they are? Jail them all???
Couey got the death penalty. His ruse of coloring and drawing throughout the trial didn't fool the jury. God and justice has prevailed. Now we wait and see how many appeals he has. How long will he be fed, bathed, housed, medicated, and examined on taxpayer dollars for brutally raping a young girl and burying her alive?
Does anyone see stupidity above? I wish I could be judge and jury on these - but the Lord knows that I wouldn't be kind and forgiving. Even virtually, I find it hard to forgive the insensitivity of man, our laws, and the acceptance of Godless ways. I don't care what name anyone calls God by. My Lord is calling to people to come to know him, band together, care for and watch out for each other. As the Bible says Earth, Wind, and Fire. I wonder if the desensitizing of people is part of the Fire?
March 14, 2007
A thought
If I could catch a Rainbow
I would do it just for you
And share with you it's beauty
On the days your feeling blue.
March 11, 2007
Keith got home yesterday. His trip must've totally exhausted him - he barely got off of the couch before bedtime. The kids were really excited to see him - Mary was in 7th heaven. Pelik had an incident at school so he wasn't a happy camper - but he was glad to see Papa too. Even tho' he didn't get to see a whole lot of him.
Not much happening around here. Tonight is "The Browns" Southern Gospel Group at Church so I think we may try to go there. Not sure if I can get late enough naps for the babys to go = But I'm sure gonna try!!
Keith just got back from taking the older 2 to preschool - Boo is having a total and complete fit because she didn't get to stay. SHE NEVER GETS TO STAY - I don't know why she would think today would be any different?
I've been listening to the news - the big debate over "ending the war". Do those people (in Washington) think that taking the American Troops out of the "middle East" will END THE WAR? I'm personally afraid it will bring it all home with them. The "bad guys" will have open country to do thier trainings, build thier equipment, and prepare openly. I really have a problem with unequipped people makeing the decisicions for our very Able Military Personnel. I'm sure they have not intentions of leaving our Men and Women over there any longer than is absolutely necessary. If our Politicians will quit tying our Military's hands - they may get our "folks" out even quicker. Or maybe the goal of the "bad guys" has been achieved - the division of the American Government.
My prayer for today: Dear God, Let our eyes be open and your will be done. May you protect each and every person that has been placed in harms way. In Jesus' name, Amen.
BTW: Vista is not my operating system of choice - TOTALLY!!
Not much happening around here. Tonight is "The Browns" Southern Gospel Group at Church so I think we may try to go there. Not sure if I can get late enough naps for the babys to go = But I'm sure gonna try!!
Keith just got back from taking the older 2 to preschool - Boo is having a total and complete fit because she didn't get to stay. SHE NEVER GETS TO STAY - I don't know why she would think today would be any different?
I've been listening to the news - the big debate over "ending the war". Do those people (in Washington) think that taking the American Troops out of the "middle East" will END THE WAR? I'm personally afraid it will bring it all home with them. The "bad guys" will have open country to do thier trainings, build thier equipment, and prepare openly. I really have a problem with unequipped people makeing the decisicions for our very Able Military Personnel. I'm sure they have not intentions of leaving our Men and Women over there any longer than is absolutely necessary. If our Politicians will quit tying our Military's hands - they may get our "folks" out even quicker. Or maybe the goal of the "bad guys" has been achieved - the division of the American Government.
My prayer for today: Dear God, Let our eyes be open and your will be done. May you protect each and every person that has been placed in harms way. In Jesus' name, Amen.
BTW: Vista is not my operating system of choice - TOTALLY!!
March 10, 2007
Today's Thought
My life has become so boring the only thing to "Blog" on is interesting e-mail that I receive. I happen to believe that this little Poem shows exactly what happened to our whole Society. Without something to hold a NATION UNDER GOD together - we have to know God.

Do you know why so many "Seniors" attend church?
They are cramming for thier finals!!
March 5, 2007
Thought of the Day
May today there be peace within.
May I trust God that I am exactly
where I am meant to be.
May I not forget the infinite possibilities
that are born of faith.
May I use those gifts that I have received,
and pass on the love that has been given to me.
May I be content knowing I am a child of God.
Please, Lord, let Your presence
settle into my bones,
and allow my soul the freedom to
sing, dance, praise and love.
I received this via email and made a few changes to it. It will be my prayer for the mornings. I have many things to do - and many that I need to work on!! I'm working on my own 12 Steps to Living as a Christian.
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