He'll be back home tomorrow!! Only for a few days - but hey - days are days. Reminds me of when we were in San Diego and he was there and gone and there and gone. Only then, I had a job to occupy my time and mind. How much mind needs occupied by a 2 and 1 yr old? Boo would rather talk to Baby than to me. They are a good pair.
Things have been rather slow around here. The most exciting thing we've had for dinner ina week was sausages in our spaghetti!! I got a kick out of watching them blow bubbles at the park yesterday. Pelik is quite the pro!! Mary does really well to - but Boo still thinks she has to have her mouth right on the wand to blow. After about 5 tastes of the soap - she was done.
We went to the Southern Gospel concert at Faith Friday night. They were really great. When we left Pelik wanted to know if he could have a little "tar" like "that" one. One of the players had a really ornate adorable banjo. I think that was what he was talking about!! And he wants drums too - maybe I'll get him some for a going away present - hehe.
Pastor and Sallie have gone to help one set of children move and visit the other - up North. It was different with them gone. I really can't say I care for the substitutes style - but it was ok - and who am I to say?
I've been "carpentering" and of course - nothing is of standard size - so I've had to drag the saw out a couple of times - you should see Boo run when she see it!!! Like I'd be the circle saw murderer!!! It is really rather funny. It doesn't even have to be plugged in and she won't go out on the porch. I guess it's one way to keep her in!! But I'm little by little getting satisfied that room isn't being wasted. Now all I have to do is to convince Keith that everything doesn't need to be right in sight or on a top shelf!! Like that'll ever happen - :)
Time for lunch - see ya'll later - Oh, BTW - if anyone else would care to update thier blogs - I will read them!!!!
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