Keith has had to work the last few days (like all day meetings!!) so I've just been having fun!!! S'te and I have been shopping several times - buying strange things like - wood waterseal, doorknobs, just miscellaneous stuff - I spent $23 at the DOLLAR STORE!!
So yesterday, I attempted to put some of the waterseal on the fence - nada - not something I can do. I got a bit of it done (used a gallon) but I couldn't get it on uniformly so - someone else will get the honors for the rest of it. Now they have a rather blotchy looking fence to live with until the weather evens it out~~~
Then on to the evening entertainment. S'te and Keith both had evening meetings and I went to for my kids (that I knew of anyway). They didn't really have them all that often in the itty bitty town that we were in. Anyhow, I revisited the nostalgia - went again and it was really great. The open house was for 4 of the kids that attend the same school. After wandering around the auditorium and finding and oohing and aahhing over the special artwork that each one had the honor of being posted we went out to the Quad. They had Pizza, bottled water, coffee, and juice all set up - so that when you had stood in line for long enough and said "yes, there are 9 of us" (Papa didn't go! S'te didn't go! just me and the kids!) they handed us a whole pizza in the box. We gathered plates, napkins, etc - found a seat for us - the weather was perfect - and devoured this pizza. Then one of the girls went back thru the -much shorter- line and got another box. I think everyone got filled up. I was served a very hot cup of coffee and watched the kids play until they opened the individual rooms so that we can go look at all the special projects, reports, additional artwork, etc that our precious little ones have worked their little fingers to the bone on. . .
The 3rd grade room was first as it was the closest - imagine the look on my face when I go into the room trailed by 7 children, 1 over my shoulder and look at our special one's desk 3rd one in from the door and see:
The teacher hurried over and described in detail the excellent craftmanship that went into these works of art. Especially the brown one because no one thought the "nose" would make it thru the firing process. . . I had every parent around me staring at the items I was holding in my hands. . and said student was as proud as could possibly be. It seems that they have been studying masks and totems in class and this was his interpretation of what they must've looked like. The teacher also seemed very proud of this artwork also. Now to be fair - it did take a few minutes to focus. . . but. . .
With this information - and from the right angle, they do look a little more like a mask and a totem pole than they did at first. This was definately our highlight of the evening - we then met the class lizzard and. . .
We then went on to the 4th grade room and looked at all of the things that she had prepared for her open house. She worked hard too. There were poems, pictures, State Reports, all kinds of stuff. Her state was Montana - sure wish she had picked a state that we'd gathered our paraphanilia from during our Novice RV Trip!! Then on to the 5th grade room. We met the Rat named Peanut (the class mascot), looked at Rhode Island, saw her desk, more artwork, the different boards and all the work they had been doing all year.
And then on to the kinder room. Now remember, we've been at this for 2 hours now!! The baby was trying real hard to sleep on my shoulder, we've had to put the backpack on the kinder kid to contain him, the 3rd and 4th graders are bored now that they've shown their stuff. . .
So we get to the last room. He too has worked hard on paintings, drawings, a farm report complete with illustration. He showed us where he sits for story time, his desk, his computer that he does his flash cards on. . .
It's for sure different than when I went to school!!!
We got home, did chores, had bedtime story and prayers - and they ALL went right to bed and right to sleep!!
Then S'te got home and saw the only artwork that was sent home and we had a good hard laugh about me and 8 children carrying the mask and totem throughout the school for the evening. . .
So - I had fun - and you know the rest of the story. . .. . :) and if I missed any part of it - I'm sorry - I'm still laughing!!!!