May 28, 2007

Memorial Day 2007

Each And


Thank you for our Freedom to:
Pursue Life, Liberty, and Happiness
and to
Speak Freely
Educate Ourselves
Pursue a Career
Choose our Religion
Travel Freely
Choose our Clothing
Choose our Foods

and just so many more - I cannot begin to name them.

Thank you for defending these
Precious Freedoms
even for those who do not
"believe in the cause"
but reap the benefits without a qualm.

May 25, 2007

Jeremy's Birthday


I love you and miss you
more than
you could ever know!!

Love MOM

May 23, 2007

My little sickie

Medicine makes me feel "Yucky"!!

Trying to rest.

" Never brushed my teeth in bed before!!"

Our Sunday Morning

The big girls are ready!!

Naner is in a dress!!!!

Kiah loves his suits!!
Rod does the Baptism's that bring 5 people to the Lord.

May 21, 2007


Please pray for S'te as she went in for a checkup last evening - and they have admitted her to the Naval Hospital to try to stop her contractions. This is way, way to early for this precious little bundle to come into the world. Help us pray that it be God's Will that this little person stay warm and protected for AT LEAST 3 more weeks!!!

And since you will already be talking to God - please also pray for His Will to have Mak's surgery on Thursday (same hospital) come thru successfully and that the little guy has a minimum of pain and discomfort. They will basically be drilling a hole through his face to make a drainage tube for his sinus. With his already compromised respiratiory system - this is a really major surgery. And of course - he doesn't really understand just what it is.

Thank you all!!

Fun Fest

We went to Faith Community to the Fun Fest on Saturday. S'te waddled around a bit before she just found a place to sit - and sat!! Thankfully!!! Ever since Wednesday, when she started having "cramps", she has done a fair job of staying off of her feet. The kids don't really understand - but - que sera sera!!!

Anyhow, the Action Team did a short presentation, Ty, Naner, and Jay all headed for the skate park, Makk was amazed by the Fire Engine, Police Car, and of course, (as well as Dery and RQ) the CHARGERS PLAYERS!!! There were 3 of them there and we got AUTOGRAPHS and a few PICTURES !!

May 18, 2007

Wonderful Time

Keith has had to work the last few days (like all day meetings!!) so I've just been having fun!!! S'te and I have been shopping several times - buying strange things like - wood waterseal, doorknobs, just miscellaneous stuff - I spent $23 at the DOLLAR STORE!!

So yesterday, I attempted to put some of the waterseal on the fence - nada - not something I can do. I got a bit of it done (used a gallon) but I couldn't get it on uniformly so - someone else will get the honors for the rest of it. Now they have a rather blotchy looking fence to live with until the weather evens it out~~~

Then on to the evening entertainment. S'te and Keith both had evening meetings and I went to for my kids (that I knew of anyway). They didn't really have them all that often in the itty bitty town that we were in. Anyhow, I revisited the nostalgia - went again and it was really great. The open house was for 4 of the kids that attend the same school. After wandering around the auditorium and finding and oohing and aahhing over the special artwork that each one had the honor of being posted we went out to the Quad. They had Pizza, bottled water, coffee, and juice all set up - so that when you had stood in line for long enough and said "yes, there are 9 of us" (Papa didn't go! S'te didn't go! just me and the kids!) they handed us a whole pizza in the box. We gathered plates, napkins, etc - found a seat for us - the weather was perfect - and devoured this pizza. Then one of the girls went back thru the -much shorter- line and got another box. I think everyone got filled up. I was served a very hot cup of coffee and watched the kids play until they opened the individual rooms so that we can go look at all the special projects, reports, additional artwork, etc that our precious little ones have worked their little fingers to the bone on. . .

The 3rd grade room was first as it was the closest - imagine the look on my face when I go into the room trailed by 7 children, 1 over my shoulder and look at our special one's desk 3rd one in from the door and see:


The teacher hurried over and described in detail the excellent craftmanship that went into these works of art. Especially the brown one because no one thought the "nose" would make it thru the firing process. . . I had every parent around me staring at the items I was holding in my hands. . and said student was as proud as could possibly be. It seems that they have been studying masks and totems in class and this was his interpretation of what they must've looked like. The teacher also seemed very proud of this artwork also. Now to be fair - it did take a few minutes to focus. . . but. . .
With this information - and from the right angle, they do look a little more like a mask and a totem pole than they did at first. This was definately our highlight of the evening - we then met the class lizzard and. . .
We then went on to the 4th grade room and looked at all of the things that she had prepared for her open house. She worked hard too. There were poems, pictures, State Reports, all kinds of stuff. Her state was Montana - sure wish she had picked a state that we'd gathered our paraphanilia from during our Novice RV Trip!! Then on to the 5th grade room. We met the Rat named Peanut (the class mascot), looked at Rhode Island, saw her desk, more artwork, the different boards and all the work they had been doing all year.

And then on to the kinder room. Now remember, we've been at this for 2 hours now!! The baby was trying real hard to sleep on my shoulder, we've had to put the backpack on the kinder kid to contain him, the 3rd and 4th graders are bored now that they've shown their stuff. . .

So we get to the last room. He too has worked hard on paintings, drawings, a farm report complete with illustration. He showed us where he sits for story time, his desk, his computer that he does his flash cards on. . .

It's for sure different than when I went to school!!!

We got home, did chores, had bedtime story and prayers - and they ALL went right to bed and right to sleep!!

Then S'te got home and saw the only artwork that was sent home and we had a good hard laugh about me and 8 children carrying the mask and totem throughout the school for the evening. . .

So - I had fun - and you know the rest of the story. . .. . :) and if I missed any part of it - I'm sorry - I'm still laughing!!!!

May 17, 2007


Today was a fun day. After the kids got back from school and reading club we had all the hair and nail paraphanelia out. They girls (including Tetee) all took turns working on my and Ladaria's hair. We had some wild styles!! I have more mouse and hairspray and "leave in conditioner" in my hair right now than I've had in years put together!! We had lots of fun while Mom rested. Rod is underway and she has been having those wonderful charley horses at night - so she was exhausted. We all also practiced walking like her - to her dismay :)

The older girls are now sporting white tipped nails but I just had to take the "pretty" yellow off of mine - they just got all scrateched up - even before they dried.

Then it was dinner and off to bed!! All is well here and we are having lots of fun. Am so blessed by being able to be here - It's so hard to even describe how happy I am to be here with everyone.

Only a week until Kiah's surgery. We pray nightly for a good outcome. The little guy has already had so many medical problems!!

So it's off to say my prayers - for me and all the others that are in need>

May 14, 2007

Mother's Day

I started Mother's Day out with "first shot at the shower" (and in a home with 12 people - that's special)!! I also spent a few minutes pondering and reminissing about my dear Mother and of thanking the Lord for all the things that I learned from her. Above all, the empathy and compassion. Bless her and keep her always. I learned many many good things from her. She has been with the Lord for many years now - but I think of her often and many of her "ways" will be with me always. We then joined Rod and S'te for church. It was an amazing message ~ as usualy. Pastor Vines has such a way with words!! He bragged and blessed us all while teaching the Word. We acturally learned about the women in Mary, Mother of Jesus', maternal lineage.

THEN:We had 3 really happy Mom's here today. Here is S'te and her family. Ages 16 all the way down to our little Tetee who is 2. Makkiah is sitting on her lap - he is our "accident looking for a place to happen"!! Check out the Money Pit for his latest escapade. . .

I took 3 of the girls shopping (WHEEEEEE) while dinner was cooking and we were blessed that the rest of them decided to wait until we returned to eat. We shopped as fast as we could ~~ but there were just so many.stores.!!! We said a wonderful group blessing with each of us asking the Lord to help us with our own personal "character defect" that we felt needed special work. THEN WE ATE!!! AND ATE!!Rod really put himself out at the BBQ!! We had carne asada, chicken asada, jambalaya, and all the goodies that go with it. I was soooo full!! But it was soooo gooooooddddd!!

This is Marsha and her family. She is S'te's best friend. Her husband Will is under way so she came and joined us for our Happy Day. She spent the day keeping S'te company, showing us how to work Ladaria's hair, and I do believe she had as much fun as the rest of us. There was much laughter and and good times!!

We opened our gifts and cards after dinner and it dawned on us to take a couple of picutes (dhuh)

S'te commented to Rod "Do we really have to have our faces in this?" and the result of that question was a "faceless picture" Can you tell who is 7.5 months pregnant? That's really not saying much for the other one - is it?

Ater dinner and wind down, we watched a documentary DVD on Arlington National Cemetary - which is a very emotional link to what these 2 families live every day. Many of thier friends and other family members are in harm's way as I type. The DVD itself was very informative and very humbling in the portrayal of the beginnings of the Cemetary as well as the Honor, Respect, and Pride which every member of our Military deserves. The History of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is especially poignant to me - - but I'm into history any how!!

So, I had a lovely Mother's Day and feel wonderful just being able to be here with my lovely daughter and her family. Just, please keep Makkiah in your prayers for his upcoming surgery. It has us all a little bit skittish. . .

May 11, 2007

We are here

We had a great flight across the country yesterday. All went wonderfully. I had never been on a plane as big as Delta's Boeing 767. We both got isle seats right across from each other. We had a short flight from Orlando and then a longer one from Atlanta to San Diego. The kids all seemed glad to see us. I didn't see Tyrique until this morning just before he went to school. He is playing Lacrosse so he has practice after school and I laid down on the couch about 9 (midnight in the time zone we left) and didn't wake up until about 2. It was a long, long day. We actually even stopped by Channel 1 for about an hour.

Today S'te and I went to the Muffins for Mom's "Concert" that was performed by Mak's kindergarten class. It was great!! I think I embarrased him. Tetee ate her muffin and drank her water like a little lady. The kids were really good. The "Concert" was for Mother's Day and they all just worked really hard. It was amazing and really touching. I am so glad that I was able to be here to see it. I felt like the worst Grandma ever - I forgot my camera!!!!

I cooked a big meatloaf with mashed potatoes and gravy tonight. It's been awhile since I've made a meatloaf for 12. There was a little bit of meatloaf, a spoonful of potatoes, and some gravy left. But not much, so it must've been ok. We all sat down to the table and had a wonderful family meal with all the kids taking turns being told how to sit up to the table, keep their elbows off the table, talking, chatting, laughing. We really had a great time. We were only missing Ty (again) as he had practice and a game tonight. I hope we do it many times in the next couple of weeks - and I hope that Ty will get to join us a couple of times.

I am impressed totally about S'te "nesting" abilities. The fence looks like it was professionally done and the painting of the library and all the pictures in the library and hallway hung. She's sure been busy, busy!!

No plans in the future except for enjoying the kids and keeping Kiah healthy so that he doesn't have anything get in the way of his having his surgery on the 24th. I am soooo blessed with having such a wonderful, kind, caring and empathetic husband. He is so dear.... he immediately re-booked our return flight as soon as we got news about the surgery. And the helper at the Airlines actually shopped around and got us flights for the same price so we only had to pay the change fee.

All seems to be going well and I am sure glad to be here.

May 7, 2007

Spring Repairs Done

We've had a busy day today. The roof repairers were here at 8 am to start fixing the leaks on our roof. The manufacturer never put a "flashing" on the roof when they made it. When it rains (which is usually often) it pours into our screen room. They worked all day but got it all done. Now I'm waiting for a rain so see if they found the leaky spot(s). It looks pretty good but I was suprised when he guessed the age of the roof to be 7-8 years old. The "manufacture date" in the closet says October 2003. Not a good sign!!!! We also got the a/c units thier "annual" checkups and cleanings. hehe Vernon from In Reason HVAC did an excellent job - as usual.

We also went to Okeechobee for our first time. We went to the hearing that was real close to what we used to watch on "The Guardian". Everyone introduced themselves, the judge asked the case manager what was going on, she replied with less than basic, truthful info, the GAL that I've never met had submitted a less than truthful report, and the Judge never read my letter. Basic JR. Crap. I did talk to Mom for a few minutes and she seems to be in a good frame of mind and thanked me for the personal pictures and videos of the kids that I sent with them. Glad they made it to her - I was concerned after the last workers lost the picture albums. I wish her good luck. The kids deserve it. They deserve a real life instead of being shoved from home to home by the system.

Anyhow we are childless and getting ready for yet another short trip before we head out for the summer. It's way to quiet here. Gotta go see the kids. I've been checking my "blogline" often for updates. S'te is working hard on her house - she is "nesting" big time - I vaguely remember that time - just before the baby comes. Fond memories. Check out her newest pics on her blog. The "Money Pit" is looking better all the time!!

Got some closets cleaned out and dinged out the shed. Put a pile of "stuff" out on the curb. By this morning everything was gone. Better that than the dump.

Trying to eat all the open stuff and keep leftovers to a minimum. It's hard not to open that jar of something - because it will have to be tossed before we can turn off the fridge. Just little things. . .

Oh, and I went shopping. Repairing my wardrobe. :) Tried on a pair of shorts. They fit so I got the same ones in 2 other colors and a pair of jeans. The pair I tried on still fits, the other 2 are 2 big and the jeans are 2 small. All the same size, same brand. Go figure. Took the 2 small and the 2 big stuff back, tried another pair on, they fit - so I finally wound up with 2 new pair of shorts. And 2 more pair to return. I'm working on getting something to wear on the cruise in August. Another bit blessing to look forward too. I have so many!! It is going to be a great summer!!! Wedding, baby, cruise, family, friends, wonderful husband. . . . life can't get any better. Only 1 thing could possibly happen to make it all perfect. . . .

I am so looking forward to seeing my little fat girl. . . . . .

May 4, 2007

Missing and Exploited Children

It has been 21 years since this family portrait was taken. In so many ways it seems like it was just yesterday and in so many others it seems like several lifetimes ago.

This was taken right after Jeremy's outstanding basketball season while playing for South Middle School in Grants Pass, Oregon. His coach nominated him for the United States Achievemnet Academy 1986 Awards. I still open Volune 31 to see his picture there. I'll never forget the pride and honor his Coach bestowed on him in a letter written to me along with a copy of this stats for that season. He was never happier than when he was playing ball. It never mattered if it was basketball, baseball, or pinball he loved it. And he had such a natural talent. Since he was tall for a 13 year old, and left handed, he could sneak up on the opposite team and suprise them easily with both right and left handed moves. The summer after this Portrait was taken we spent most of our time at Riverside Park. I was attending Business College and worked evenings but the afternoons were all ours. Jeremy and his constant shadow, S'te, ran, fished, swam, and biked all over the park while I studied both my books and them. That summer was the first (and only time that I know of) time he "liked" a girl. Actually took her to the movies. Her name was Eve. I'll never ever forget her name. It was my first realization that my "baby" was growing up. And so handsomly too! In my hazy memories, it was the best summer we ever had together.

Then something bad happened. We still do not know what happened. We may never know what but I pray that we will know where he is someday soon. The Coos County Sheriff's Department has spent countless manhours on investigation ~ for naught. But they haven't given up!! They are still working this as an active case - it hasn't been relagated to the "cold case" stack. Even after all of this time. The tools in place now for protecting children were not even thought of then. I fight between jealousy and relief every time an Amber Alert has a positive outcome. Sometimes even when the news isn't good. At least here is news for the grieving family. It is bittersweet knowledge that these families have to grieve senseless, sadistic acts brought on by the perverted people that have abounded. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children had only been in existence for a couple of years at that time. They have had Jeremy registered there since 1986 - and they have also not given up. All that we need is for the person or persons that has the missing puzzle pieces to come forth. The piece may not even be something that seems important. I pray that no one will take the pieces of our personal hell to thier grave with them rather than to help this one family solve a senseless event. I call it that ~ only because I do not know what else to call it.

A few years ago, I received this picture from NCMEC. It is an computer age-progressed idea of what Jeremy would probably look like at the age of 26. Isn't he still handsome??

A few weeks ago, I had more realization that God was still giving out tools for finding him. NCMEC contacted both S'te and I for DNA samples. We gladly complied. They will use these samples to run against the DNA collected from John Does. This program will hopefully answer questions for many families. I know in my mind that answers are needed - even when they douse that flicker of hope that has remained in our hearts - even after all these years. Pray for the families that have missing loved ones. We need these answers. We can't grieve until we know we have something to grieve for and we can't give up that glimmer of hope until we must.

Just this week, I received another age progressed guess of what he may look like at age 34. The end of this month is his 35th Birthday. His birthday is the same day as the Missing Child Awareness Day. He is still soooo handsome!!

I see the same humorous glint in his eyes that I see in S'te's. He would be so proud of her. She has so many qualities that she must've learned from him. The empathy, sympathy, humor, and steadfast loyalty that he always showed is so very apparent in her. He blessed our lives for such a short time - but left such amassive number of great memories. . . We love you, baby. Please, help us find you.

May 1, 2007

Jamestown and Arlington Cemetary

We got up and packed our "gear" to check out and be away on the last leg of our journey. We decided to drive down to the Jamestown Settlement before heading north again. After 3 days of walking all day, we opted for the drive thru tour of the island that the original settlement was founded on. As always, the history of our Country amazed me. The trials and tribulations that the early settlers went thru to found our Nation were truly amazing. The melding of cultures and the many things learned by all is what made our Nation the "melting pot" that it became. We saw so many things. The Island itself has pretty much gone back to nature - but we were able to see the swamps and bogs that were so instrumental in moving the settlement more inland. There are spots that trees are growing straight out of the standing water!!

After taking the long route around the island, we took the "scenic route" back inland. We drove thru about 40 miles of back roads to see the plantation homes of yesteryear. I was amazed at how small many of these homes actually were. Of course, they were closed to the public - the "season" hasn't started yet. But I got to see the outside of them. We did take pictures of the signs that gave the history to them - and that was in itself interesting to me.

After finishing our second "tour" of the day - we headed back to the Rappanahock to cross over to the Potomic back into Maryland. Then we headed west again as we decided we had time to do a quick view of the Arlington National Cemetary. We went on a mini tour there also. I was at the Cemetary during my 9th grade school year - so it has been awhile for me. I was amazed to learn that Keith never visited it - even when he worked right there at the Pentegon!! We had to wait for the tour to start as the Japanese Minister of Defence was touring and it was closed to the public until he was out of the area. It was worth waiting for. It was a very moving tour - including the Changing of the Guards at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the gravesites of the Kennedy's - both President and Robert Kennedy's sites, the Monument in Memory of the Space Shuttle crash, and many many many others. If you are ever able to get there - it is certainly a very moving place to visit. In one spot of the tour - you see graves - as far as the eye can see - in any direction. This is the price that our Brave Men and Women have paid for our Freedom. The same freedom we take so for granted!!

After that, we toured on down to the Monument "Park" and saw the Jefferson Monument, the Vietnam Wall, Washington Monument and so many more of those that I couldn't even begin to name them all. It too shows the great people and great works that are so part of our heritage. The AMERICAN Heritage. We have that whether our forefathers came from Japan, Korea, Ireland, China, Africa, England, France, or anywhere else. Maybe we should be dwelling on our Freedoms instead of chafing on the unfairness that we seem to want to waller in~~

After again putting miles on our feet, we headed closer to the airport. Driving thru Washington DC I was able to get a pretty good picture of the renovated "row houses" in the downtown area. They were renovated some years ago (but since I was there last) and are actually in a pretty seedy part of town - but hey are still really awesome looking. These aren't the best ones I was - just the only ones I got pictures of.

We then headed over towards the airport. We had the only poor experience of our entire trip. We got a lousy, smelly, dirty room. And by the time Keith went back up to complain, they were full. He left a scathing comment card - and we actually got a follow up phone call, an apology, and our room charges reversed. The carpet was so sticky and dirty that I spread bath towels out on it to walk on so I didn't have to do the floor in my bare feet. I will walk thru security at the airport barefoot - but that carpet -!!

So this was our last day before heading back home. It was a jammed packed week - with lots of sights, lots of history, lots of laughs and a very good time.

We had a great flight back to Florida, seemed like it went by in a flash!! Stopped at the Lone Cabbage, ate stuffed crab and watched the gators floating in the marsh. Welcome home!!!!