December 8, 2007

Lumber River - and a thought on Christ

Faith hosted Lumber River Quartet on Friday night!! It was totally awesome. Sometimes I get to wondering about odd wierd nonsensical little things during a quiet time ~~
It's usually when I come up with something that isn't anything anyone else would ever want to even think about ~ and it is usually just total nonsense
It's my Blog so,
Here is my nonsense for the day. . .
Faith holds these Southern Gospel Concerts at least monthly during the "Season" and it is really well attended.
You might say that this night the place is "packed" for the concerts.
Isn't Faith totally blessed to be so close to the Interstate but yet so central to the rest of the area also? It makes Faith so easy to get to so that God's House is so packed. Isn't it just as easy to get there on Sunday mornings as it is on Friday nights?
The Word is the Same.
Jesus is the Reason for the Season!!
It's getting right close to Christmas,
Tell every person I talk to on the phone Merry Christmas,
Tell every checker in the store Merry Christmas,
Tell everyone I come into contact with Merry Christmas!
I don't care if it isn't politically correct -
I'm seldom correct in any sense.
Several emails each and every day are circling the globe talking about Christians and telling us to "Stand Up"
there isn't going to be anything to "Stand Up" to if we don't
"Stand Up" now. Get the word out there - One thing that has not changed in the entire history of our great country is that we are still
Merry Christmas

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