June 5, 2008

From Pendleton to home!

We drove across I84, North to the Columbia River - more of Oregon scenery that I've never seen before. I hate to admit that I lived in Oregon for so many years and never saw so much of it!! I've read history along the way and found so many things that truly amaze me. I may be amazed easily - but every trip thru different parts of our whole country - - well, God did a really awesome job when he created all of the different parts is all I can say.

So we traveled most of the northern border of Oregon along the Columbia River. I have actually known for years that the Columbia is the Oregon/Washington border - but I never realized how huge the Columbia was, nor did I ever realize just how many dams are on it - and how different the scenery is from the highest part - towards Pendleton - and the lower parts of it - toward Portland.

We did take a detour and see the Multinomah and Horsetail Falls. Magnificant!! Pictures of them are on the Flickr Badge. Of course they don't even come close to doing justice to either of them. Today had been a rather murkey day for the most part....

We went from I84 to I5 around the Portland area - so we didn't really even get close to the City. We headed south with the decision that we would cut off at Corvallis, spend the night, and go down the coast the next day. Keith has acquired a rash that won't seem to go away. He soaked in the hot tub and got in the pool at the Holiday Inn in Pendleton and that just seemed to make it worse. I'm rather concerned so we will call it a day a little early.

At Corvallis we checked in to their Holiday Inn Express and checked out the rash again... It's even worse than this morning.... and no clue what it is!! he hasn't been out in the woods, sitting on the ground, or much of any thing that I can think of to cause a rash. No different laundry soap, regular showers, not too hot... What could it be? So off to the ER we go! Believe you me!! It was the shortest ER visit in history!!! I've had waits at the Dr.'s office longer than this one!! 55 minutes from check-in to check-out!! And they apologized for the wait! And you'll never guess - - - - - Poison Oak!! Absolutely no idea what or where he got into it!!

So now we know what is itching him... got him some medication and good old calamine lotion . . . so he got a good nights sleep so he can hold on while I drive down the coast.

We headed that way after breakfast and were amazed to see several people on bicycles traversing the same road! Up the hills and around the curves... just pedaling away. Amazing! We got to Hwy 101 and headed south towards Coos Bay. The last leg of our trip! It has been a fast forward several days but the end and our little house is at the end of this day! We made several small stops - at one of my favorites - Devil's Churn - we didn't walk down the paths to any of them - it was a very grey day and misty - I was afraid it would be slick and don't need another trip to the ER! We stopped at several places to look out over the Pacific Ocean as well as at Sea Lion Caves. My amazment at our world is still with me~ I reminissed about other trips down the same road - Most especially the one with S'te right as she was learning to drive!! Now that was a trip!! She nailed the brakes and and stopped at EVERY wide spot in the road where she thought there might maybe be something she wanted to look at :-)

About noon we rolled into our front yard. Clint and a friend were looking at the newest purchase - a used Salem travel trailer to use as a guest room. So we did hugs and welcome homes and caught up on current happenings as we unloaded the car.... and then just spent some time relaxing. It's great to be back!


Sharen said...

I love the falls! All of them. What did Keith think of the catracts? I take it you didn't climb over the log jam again like I had you and Debbie do...good thing we did it then, huh?

thank you for sharing the trip!

Anonymous said...

Devil's Churn! Love that place!!