July 21, 2008

Late but . . . .

For Father's Day this year Keith got another special picture from Elizabeth and Brennan. It arrived here when he was in California to bring S'te and family for their visit. He opened it immediately and we hung it on the wall - but then I got busy with company and the holiday, then they left, I lost the camera, and I just went and got another one.....

So here is the best art that any Grandparent could wish for. The first art to show in this home. Keith was wonderfully pleased!

But not to be outdone~ The next day (the day after they arrive here) Ty presented me with some more art to bless our home. He knows very well that wolves are my favorite animal ~ so he painted this for me! Isn't it wonderful?

Also amazing is how different thier styles become in the years between 8 and 18!

Thank you both! They have both been lovingly added to our collection ~

It's great to be a Grandparent!

1 comment:

Sharen said...

The art work caught my eye when I was sitting in the livingroom! I figured it was from the kids but I didn't know it was this years father's day present.

Personal art work is the best!