We had a liettle excitement on Thursday, Pelix pulled the fire alarm while they were visiting Grandma!! He was really excited when the fire trucks showed up and "everything"!! His eyes lit up like candles when he was telling me what happened. It was so much fun - I'm sure he'll do it again as soon as he gets a chance. Jeremy did that when he was about 7. He was visiting Aunt Sharen while I took Brett to get his "cowboy boots and shirt" for his birthday!! My sister was totally mortified when the entire fire dept showed up. She lived in an apartment complex and she didn't even know it was him - until he told her. Scared him to bits. I took him to the Fire Dept and they gave him a really good "talking to"! For some reason, S'te never did do anything quite like that - at least not that I've ever been told of.
We will be headed out West at the end of this week - for a week. Taking 2 kids and leaving 2. Pelik is in preschool now and I don't feel that I can handle him and Mary on a plane. The "honeymoon stage" is completely over. Mary has come into her own and is doing the terrible two's at almost 3. She has to get them all in really quickly - so she can transform the Terrifying Threes to perfection!!! :)
I guess the next step will be actually walking instead of this "monkey step"!! To the right - you can see Pelik's room after he had a little "meltdown". He broke everything that was in there. Tore sheets and pillowcases off of the bed!! A real tizzy tantrum. See what I get for "timeouts"!! Don't know that he'll ever "earn" all the stuff back. I had to put most of it in the trash.
I'm getting really, really excited about my "trips". Now that there are 2. Almost back to back. I get to see my baby and her babies. THAT'S NEWS!!
Now for a RANT! I was in the parking lot to our SuperWalMart (yes, I went all by myself) - putting my millions of little bags with one item in it - into the little car. I was parked right next to a handicapped spot so I'd really lucked out with all the junk I had. I be sure that the milk is upright and cannot fall over - and then I put ALL the rest in the car. I then took my cart to the cart depository = the whole entire time I was doing all of this (and I had a WHOLE CART FULL) there was a woman in her Lexus blocking the thru traffic so she could have my spot. You know it!!! People were honking horns, she was acknowledging that they were #1 and by the time I got backed out of my spot - the line was the ENTIRE legnth of the front of the store!! HOW RUDE!! If she is disabled, and not just incredibly dense, then she can get a handicapped sticker so she can just park in the front line and not have to be so rude as to hold traffic up for that long!!!! I guess that and the rude people that put thier airline seats all the way back and then sit straight up for the whole flight are on the top of my lists!!!!!
Any how, that's my update for this week. We'll see if and when anything else interesting happens so I can take 2 more days to type it up!!!
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