I feel almost naked!! Our barfy baby is on his way to the Shelter - Bad Judge, Bad Judge, naughty parents, naughty parents, dirty word, dirty word!!!!! After the 3 toddlers leaving last week and now our barfy baby gone - we are down to 1. And in a few minutes I will be without e-mail for a day or two as I have to pack my laptop up to travel.
I was estatic to hear that Mak - our 5 year old delinquent (he got suspended from preschool today for being a bully) - is glad to hear that we are "almost on our way". I think he likes me. The last time I talked to Destini - our 7 (?) year old bully - I asked her what she remembered about me and her answer was " you're 51". Now that smarts!! I haven't had the courage to ask any of the others when they answer the phone :) But I know that next Christmas I'm gonna be the meanest Grandmother around (Ty says I'm called Amah 'cause I'm to old to be Grandma!) because not one of the children has written a thank you for the mega gift that I sent to them last year. As badly as I dislike the idea of kids sitting around in front of video games - I found a 'dance pad' that I thought they would enjoy. Only problem was - after I purchased it and had it drop shipped - it was for a ps??? and they didn't have one of those. It was the only type of box that they were missing - but they aren't now. Come to think of it - I guess there isn't anything else they need for gifts. Now that's the way to look at it!!! No thanky no gifty. I sound so mean and heartless!!! And if all they can remember is how old I am ? ? ? ?
Anyhow, tomorrow it is off to the wild blue yonder with our whiney baby. The flight attendents are soooo going to love us. And so are the other first class passengers!! For our anniversary trip - Papa upgraded us. And I know we will be more loved than we would have been if we'd had both infants. But I'll bet we won't make the "most popular list" tomorrow. HEE HEE.
Our entire congregation iat Faith Baptist s praying for PeeWee (the barfy baby) as he is relagated to the bowels of the "system". I'm still in shock over the simple fact that parents would rather see an infant is the "Shelter" and the judge would actually sign an order that would put him there, rather than have the people that have cared for him since he was 8 days old take him on a trip. It just does not make any sense at all to me. It is so totally beyond my sensabilities that I am still having trouble grasping the entire idea. Write to the Florida Dept of Children and Families and complain. When we return I will probably still be ticked and will make sure that everyone that counts hears about it. When the DCM said that the "judge is upset with the department so he has ruled for the parents all week" I absolutely about peeeed my pants!!!! Just in protest!!!!! Enough of my soapbox and Papa is waiting to pack this lifeline of mine so I have to say
See ya soon!!!!!
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Can't wait to see you!!!
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