April 4, 2007


Well, it's our 3rd Wedding Anniversary and I am home alone :( Keith is in St. Louis, doing a meeting and staying with April but due back home tomorrow. He has been "invited" to a meeting in Maryland towards the end of the month so we will celebrate a belated Anniversary then - as I will get to accompany him. After the meeting days, we have planned to drive down to Williamsburg and spend a couple of days there. It is something that I've always wanted to do. I spent many years of my life right in Maryland and missed many of the Historical Sites that were very close by. Of course, when you are a 2 working parent family with 4 children, vacations were spent seeing grandparents - not touring the "tourist traps" hehe. Now that I'm grandma - I get to tour. I'm sure it will be lots of fun and we are both looking very much forward to the trip.

Not much else is going on - cleaning and re-arranging and waiting to see if they come up with any real short term babies that want to come share our home for a time. We will see what God has in store for us now.

It is so funny to have an "empty nest" again. Much to quiet. I love the sound of baby sighs and the little giggles.

As I sign off for now - I'm HOME ALONE!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I'm sure you'll have fun on your mini vacation!!

Sharen said...

I always said I'd take the boys back to see where we grew up... haven't made it there yet! Glad you are getting to go see some of that tourist stuff!

Where did "the crew" go?

Love, Sis