October 28, 2006

Cooling Off

The weather man has announced cold fronts twice this week. I haven't felt a "cold front" yet but it does seem to have cooled a bit. Many of the winter residents are returning from thier summer homes up North. I drove thru the Village yesterday and was happy to see the pressure washers and weedeaters out. It looks so deserted and dirty around here during the "off season". The Village really looks pretty good when it looks "habitated" :)

I actually got 3 workouts done at Curves - I think I've discovered that to try and get there when they come back after lunch (at 3) isn't a good time for me to get motivated. Morning seems to be better as far as the energy I have to put into it.

I've stayed up late the last 4 nights - watching the Series. The Cards finally made it. Keith teases me all the time about them being "my team" - which they are - after the Padres. And the Padres do so great and then just . . . quit. That's the only word I can think of. So the official game of the summer is over. Another year!! It was only a little more than year ago that we were just arriving home after waiting "Wilma" out in Georgia!! None of those terrible predicted storms really arrived this year. We have been blessed.

Halloween is coming close. GGMa brought costumes for the kids. So now they have choices. Sometimes choice is good. Sometimes it drives me NUTS!! Baby is pushing a box around so he can walk as I type this. He is so funny!!! The box outslides him and he backs up to look at again. Like he is examining the issue - before he makes another run at it!! He is getting around so quickly now. There are no back-ups around here - 'cause he is probably right behind your feet. It's a go-ahead show!!

Felix spent most of yesterday in "time-out". He just couldn'd seem to wrap his brain around the fact that he isn't an adult in this household. He just hasn't earned the title yet :-( I prayed that we would have a better day today. Maybe it was the excitement of playing with Miss Lori twice, seeing GGMa, going to the park so many times - he just had a hard time containing himself at home for an afternoon. Papa even put him in time-out after he kept interrupting his (Papa's)conversation with a neighbor and then got nasty about it. I was shocked!! PAPA? ? ? So here is hoping that today is a much better day for him

The kids are all up and wanting "morning attentions" so it's time for me to sign off. Hope to hear from all of you today!! Yuck - I smell something unpleasant ~~~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm still here just been busy. Trying to get ready for our Children's ministry open house on the 5th. Lots to do.

Hope Pelic has better days to come.