November 18, 2006


Today we "did" our ShoeBoxes to take to the church tomorrow. Pelik insisted that he was a good boy so he should get the stuff instead of having to put it in the box. Mary and Boo just mooned over the stuff and Mary threw herself on the floor when we put the lid on it. I don't think they think much of the idea of "giving". They had another visit yesterday and now the fight is on - Pelik has his Mom and she is his Mom only. He actually came to slapping Mary right across the face for insisting "my Mom" when that isn't what he wants to hear. He just seems to have one issue right after the other. Never satisfied. And he has to worry the issue to death. I brought him in, sat him down and explained that Mommy has 4 kids. He has to share his Mommy with the others. I am Amah to all of them, Papa is Papa to all of them, and Mommy is Mommy to all of them. He sat there and looked over my shoulder the whole time - and went into the room telling himself that she "is MY mommy" just loud enough to make sure I could hear him. He managed to get "grounded" to his room to play - for "not playing nice" - and after his "nap" went right back to the MY MOMMY crap. How long before he goes on to something else???

I felt good packing the shoeboxes. I put a little of most everything on the list in them. I couldn't find any boxes here so we stopped at Payless Shoes last night (our date night) and they donated 3 to our cause. I'm hoping that whatever child receives them - are happy with them. Not a lot can go into them - high hopes, some love, someone acknowledgeing your existance, and a few things to play with. They are done and ready for delivery.

Mary is officially Potty Trained. She even threw such a fit that Papa had to pull over and take her in to potty on the way home from thier visit!! Yea Mary. She even stays dry thru her naps and is dry most mornings. I praise the Lord. I had given up but He stayed with her and she "saw the light" as well as she now hates to be crumbly or wet - even if it is her own sandwich or water soiling her clothes. She's funny!!

Keith has been getting the B12 injections that his Doctor recommended. He did the 3 days in a row (Thankfully we have a neighbor who is a retired nurse - she gave him the shots) and now only needs to do monthly for followup. We will see if there is enough good from these that he won't have to take meds that seem to have potential side-effects 2 pages long. Hopefully, the b12 will do it.

I go to have my stitches out on Monday. My appointment is 8:05, Keith scheduled his meeting at 9 am, and the van is sheduled for the shop at 8:30. Now, I can take the kids to my appointment, I could take the van in - but I have no way to get 4 kids in carseats home if the van stays. So my thought was to wait until after his meeting and he could take the van down - but then it dawned on me - same dilema - If I pick him up - we still need to fit 4 carseats in the vehicle. We only have one that they will all fit in. Oh what a time to need a friend. My only friend here - she's a showbird - they arrived the end of October but are headed back up North on Monday to return after the 1st. So, even tho we know the van is an all-day job - they have to fix some recalled hoses - we have no way to get whoever takes it back home. And the dealership won't guarantee a "return" trip - but I'd almost bet that if I went down there with all 4 and a picnic basket - they'd find a way to get us out of there!!! What a thought!!

Heard from Baby Sister and Baby Daughter - they both updated and I am in 7th heaven - hopefully they will do so more often.

I am fixing LaDaria's "green bean casserole" for the church potluck tomorrow. Papa really likes it. I guess I'll take the crock pot and an extension cord. I've heard that you can heat it in there instead of baking it. I shall try it and see? ?? ?

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