October 29, 2006


What do you do when a dear friend lets you know that she is very, very ill? I started thinking of the last time we "got together". It was way to long ago. The last time we spoke on the phone and the last emails that were not forwards. I missed the signs and signals that she wasn't feeling well - I haven't been as good a friend that I would have liked to have been. In fact, I haven't been a friend at all. I've been so caught up on the every day work of raising (temp of course) the 4 little ones that the Lord has entrusted into our care that I haven't talked or written to her in months. But this friend made it a point to get to Vegas when Keith and I married. Gave me a beautiful gift and card. Has been available any time that I did want or need to talk. And she - didn't feel that I was that available. And that hurts. Oh, it's not her fault. I tend to stay busy. And I tend to "sound" busier than I really am. Well, here is to Liz. May the Lord see fit to cure her illness and be kind about it. Add her to your prayers for me. She can certainly use them.

And to Liz, I am here. And I'm not to busy. And I don't care about the time difference. And I want very much to be here for you. I am sorry that I can't be there for you - to much distance seperates us. You are in my thoughts, heart, and prayers. Get well soon - I'm pulling for you.

October 28, 2006

Cooling Off

The weather man has announced cold fronts twice this week. I haven't felt a "cold front" yet but it does seem to have cooled a bit. Many of the winter residents are returning from thier summer homes up North. I drove thru the Village yesterday and was happy to see the pressure washers and weedeaters out. It looks so deserted and dirty around here during the "off season". The Village really looks pretty good when it looks "habitated" :)

I actually got 3 workouts done at Curves - I think I've discovered that to try and get there when they come back after lunch (at 3) isn't a good time for me to get motivated. Morning seems to be better as far as the energy I have to put into it.

I've stayed up late the last 4 nights - watching the Series. The Cards finally made it. Keith teases me all the time about them being "my team" - which they are - after the Padres. And the Padres do so great and then just . . . quit. That's the only word I can think of. So the official game of the summer is over. Another year!! It was only a little more than year ago that we were just arriving home after waiting "Wilma" out in Georgia!! None of those terrible predicted storms really arrived this year. We have been blessed.

Halloween is coming close. GGMa brought costumes for the kids. So now they have choices. Sometimes choice is good. Sometimes it drives me NUTS!! Baby is pushing a box around so he can walk as I type this. He is so funny!!! The box outslides him and he backs up to look at again. Like he is examining the issue - before he makes another run at it!! He is getting around so quickly now. There are no back-ups around here - 'cause he is probably right behind your feet. It's a go-ahead show!!

Felix spent most of yesterday in "time-out". He just couldn'd seem to wrap his brain around the fact that he isn't an adult in this household. He just hasn't earned the title yet :-( I prayed that we would have a better day today. Maybe it was the excitement of playing with Miss Lori twice, seeing GGMa, going to the park so many times - he just had a hard time containing himself at home for an afternoon. Papa even put him in time-out after he kept interrupting his (Papa's)conversation with a neighbor and then got nasty about it. I was shocked!! PAPA? ? ? So here is hoping that today is a much better day for him

The kids are all up and wanting "morning attentions" so it's time for me to sign off. Hope to hear from all of you today!! Yuck - I smell something unpleasant ~~~

October 23, 2006

Just another Monday

We've had a pretty good weekend. If you want to count days 1 and 2 of potty training pretty good of anything!!

Fleix went to the Lab another few times and HORRAY!! his platelet count is back over 100,000!! No known reason - I guess that is why they call it Idiomatic!! He has to return for a followup in a couple of weeks but the danger point is over!! Praise the Lord. I know it must've been all the prayers that flew to heaven from all over the country!! Other than TRYING to keep him a bit more calm (Dr said: no running, jumping, riding bikes, slides, monkey bars, contact sports, etc.) and keeping him indoors where we can watch his sisters (to keep them from hitting, kicking, jumping on him, etc) we didn't do anything different. oh, but I did start giving them multivitamins!! Anyhow - he is looking much better!!

Today we find out what the ct scan shows about Mary's neck. She still isn't complaining of any pain or favoring that side of her mouth - so we shall see ? ? ? ?

Baby B is pulling himself up on furniture, legs, chairs, toys - anything he can find - and is walking around them!! He is getting pretty good at getting fries, prietzels, baby snacks and anything else we hand him - to his mouth - BUT HE ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT hold his bottle!!! Hints anyone?? Not that I mind - I enjoy sitting and rocking him - and yes, holding his bottle for him while he goes to sleep. He is such a good baby!!

Boo has decided that she is done with being picked on - she is exerting her "rights" (hehe). If she wants juice - she SCREAMS until she gets . . (actually gets put to bed). I cannot completely imaging what she will be like during the "terrible two's" as she mostly seems to be pretty much there now!!! Her and Mary are learning to talk. We are understanding more and more of their words. Some are pretty funny!!

Lori has been by to see them and will begin coming over to visit weekly. And Papa has promised to dig out the RV and take us to the Keys for a few days. We have to see when this may come about!!!

Halloween isn't too far away - we've gotten some decorations out and costumes for the girls. Felix is just to tall to fit into any except for the Princess one -- and I'm not ready to dress him that way - so, I guess I'll just have to go shopping (sniff) - unless of course Papa does it for me!! (which is a very real possibility).

I'm dreading my pre-op for my wrist - which is on Halloween - then the surgery is the following week. Not that there is much to it (or so I've been told) but I guess I will be without a hand for a few days - so Papa will have the "duty" even more so 'cause I won't even be able to change a diaper - definately need two hands for that!!!!

I just keep looking and looking for others' to update Blogs. They are like my newspapers. I have the family section, friend section, special interest, comics. . . But to go days without a paper ! ! ! ! ! Come on - even if you just take a topic out of thin air and roll it out - write something for me . . . . please!!!!!

October 16, 2006

Funny funnies

With the recent events at the top of my mind and deep in my heart - I try to look at the good times. During our trip -

Felix laying on the floor introducing himself to the cat - and waiting for a response. I know that child will talk to anyone or anything - I caught him kissing himself goodnight in the mirror tonight on his way to bed :) [Remind you of anyone?]

Mary, Boo, and Tete - picture them with their "high heels" on, their purses over thier arms, babies in drag, fighting over who gets to push the shopping cart. Two start pushing each other and the third takes off with it :)

Baby B - just barely crawling and 10 days later pulling himself up to standing on the couch, table, steps (and making it up one step), with his big baby smile, drool hanging off of his chin :)

Papa laying back in the recliner with baby(s) asleep on his belly or sitting at his feet enjoying whatever cookie or cracker is popular at the moment :)

S'te feeding a bottle while web-surfing (how that worked is amazing!!) :)

Rod getting home from his cruise and singing His praises at Church :)

A photo session on the kitchen table while lunch is cooking :) With actual professional photos to show for it!!!

The kids all sharing so well ~ rooms, toys, time and attention.

The zoo, the spraypark, Rosarito Beach. . . .

Doors banging, kids "conversing", babies cooing, toddlers chattering, utter and complete chaos. Oh, how I miss it!!!!!

We've had a rough day with promises of rougher ones to come. Thank you for all of your prayers.

October 11, 2006

Back home Again!!

We had a really busy Monday. A long-time co-worker of Keiths passed away from cancer and we took the kids and attended the "Celebration of Life" at Admiral Baker's. It was a really moving tribute to him. Lots of raised eyebrows but we stuck it out :) anyway. On the way back to S'te's we stopped by so I could say so long to my friends. Again, I didn't get to spend any amount of time with them. Days go so fast and once the sun starts setting - I do toooooo.

A Pic from the "top of the clouds over the Dallas/Ft Worth Airport
Our return trip was really well coordinated. Our flight out of SAN was delayed an hour because of bad weather in DFW but once we got into the air - everything ran like clockwork. I don't think we'd hardly got off the ground and all 4 kids went to sleep (it was past their naptimes!!) and they slept almost the whole first flight. We merely got off of one plane - took the "SKYCAR" (which Pelik loved) to the next terminal - walked up to the gate - got on the plane and whoosh - we were on our middle leg home. Got our luggage (it was ALL there) and walked out the door and the shuttle to the parking lot was right there. Now I know how those celebreties feel with everything running soooo smoothly hehe.

Arrived home with all kids sleeping again and managed to get them into their beds without waking them - and crashed!!! Slept in until almost 8 and was up before them!!

I think we are all jet lagged today tho'. Boo is having a terrible time. She has booo'd all day and Mary just runs from one thing to another to get reprimanded for. She just doesn't know what to do with herself. Pelik is just taking it easy. He's got his Spiderman stuff from his birthday and he's in 7th heaven!!

Got Channel 2 slideshow edited and back on the community channel and stuck a movie in the vcr for Channel 9. Tomorrow I may bring the bags in from the screen room and unpack. I think I'm a little "lagged" tooooo.

Enjoyed my visit with the grandkids and big kids. They are progressing continually in the quest for the "Money Pit" and doing wonderful things with their Church. They certainly stay busy!!! I got tired just watching them!!! Glad to be home but can't wait to be able to see them again. . .

October 8, 2006

Happy Birthday to Papa and Pelik!!

Happy Birthday to my Love. I have enjoyed spending the last several with you and hope to spend many, many more with you.

We attended Good Seasons Church with the kids (we usually do while we are here) and there was a wonderful message thru Pastor Vines as well as a baptism and a baby dedication!! Rod sang with the the Men's Choir and we were well entertained!! It was a great morning. I think I now understand the difference between saved and sanctification a little better. Pastor Vines is such a dynamic personality - he always provides us with much food for thought. Rod was originally supposed to give the message at the 8 am service but that got rescheduled to next week so we will miss it. S'te promises to send us a cd so we will get to listen to it.

S'te took lots of picures today. She was on to a regular photo shoot after Church. Her and Rod orchastrated the shoot and I fixed lunch. We then had cake and ice cream for Papa and Pelik's birthdays. We got a Spiderman cape in Rosarito Beach for him so he has his SUPERHERO and souvaneer all together. He absolutely loved it!!! We also got Mak a Batman cape because he has been so great with sharing his room, toys,and Mom's attention!! I will post photos on Flickr as soon as I get them from S'te.

Keith is going to a former co-workers services tomorrow. He is sad to be losing those he worked and played with. We will then be getting ready for the trek home. We leave on Tuesday - time to leave this wonderful weather and head back for Florida!!!! At least the hurricane season is almost over - knock on wood!! Again I didn't get the chance to visit as much as I would've liked. The night in the ER completely boshed that whole idea - but I will return and one of these days I will learn my way around and go visiting - you can bet on that!!!

October 6, 2006

Our 1st War Casualty

The first casualty for our family happened on Tuesday. S'te's cousin (my ex's brother's son), Dean Bright, was killed in action on Tuesday morning in Iraq. I feel the grief as well - even tho' he isn't "actually" a relation of mine any longer. Having family in the military - loss is always right around the corner - and I feel very blessed that this is the closest that it has come to me. I worry for the day that it may come closer.

I often thank the Men and Women in Uniform often for the Blessings that they are fighting for. I am definately Proud to be an American and the sight of our Flag and our Military always brings tears. It is a cold, cruel world that makes it so men and women have to die fighting for freedom. And we are so blessed to have the freedoms. A lot of laws but freedoms none the less.

As a parent that that has faced the loss of a child - my heart truly goes out to Bob and Norma on the terrible loss of Dean as well as to the rest of the family that is surely grieving. Click here to read more of Dean's story .

To all of the Bright family (both past and present) my heartfelt condolences are offered. We must all pray that this war will be over and that lend our hand, compassion and empathy to other families that have faced and will face their losses.

Papa Smurf

We had the blessing of our trip!!! We went to Rosarito Beach for 2 nights, all alone!!!! We stopped in TJ for our usual dental visit - Dr. Ruth as a real card. She is such a sweet person. I can't imagine someone as nice as she is deciding to make digging in other people's mouth's her career. But it takes all kinds!! And I for one am so very, very grateful. We got to reminiscing about how many of people she is now seeing from our circle of friends. Many of our friends are now bringing others to see her also!! She was laughing as she said about 1/2 of her practice is from the States. Keith was having work done after Iwas finished so I went to have some lunch while he was in the chair. I met up with some ladies that were here from Kentucky - for an oral surgeons convention. They couldn't believe that people actually went south for dental work - and how much cheaper it is - and that we actually found a quality craftswoman such as Dr. Ruth!!!!

Anyhow, we rode a big, fancy bus down to the Beach. Just the 2 of us and the driver!! What a difference from going down on Friday or Saturday! We had a great time! Our first activity was the hot tub. I laid there until I cracked and popped and felt really good. I opened my eyes and looked at Keith. His beard was the prettiest color of aqua!!! I got to laughing so hard that I 'bout cried. My own big smurf!!! Turns out that the Hotel had some different tyupe of clorine and that is what did it. It shampoo'd right out and he was as good as new!! But I had to get a pic first.

We did some shopping, lots of eating, some walking and generally had a great time.

Got back over the Border in record time. Caught the bus in Rosarito at 11:45 and were in the States at 2:15. Met a woman from Pennsylvania and she is starting the processes for that state to foster/adopt. It was a very interesting conversation and made the time go very quickly.

We got home just in time for the Elmores to head for Home Group so we delightfully had TeeTe to entertain as well as our regular crew!!

October 2, 2006

September's end

It's Monday - it was a long, long weekend for me. I'm sure it seemed even longer for S'te!!

Sat here (in my favorite recliner) on Friday and updated this. Did meals, snacks, diapers, you know - normal regular stuff. By time to start dinner, I was hurting. I felt like someone was taking a fork, sticking it in my chest and twisting. It did a come and go trick for an hour or so and in between times I would break out in a new sweat. S'te had home group and so I just had Tete and our kids to fix for. I reheated left-overs, fed kids, got them to bed - meanwhile these stupid pains didn't get any better - no worse either - and I figured I'd managed to aquire a bad case of heartburn. S'te and kids got home and everyone went to bed. The pains had kind of settled down and I was thinking of going to bed too - Papa was already in bed - and they started back up again!!

I looked up heart attack on the web and I had all but one of the symptoms. So I took an aspirin and waited a while. They didn't get any better and I was really getting kind of scared!!! About midnight I woke Keith up and made him take me to the ER. I really had a hard pain about the time we pulled into the parking lot. We got registered Keith went to park the car. They took me into triage and they took me right back to a cubbie. The nurse came in to hook me up to the "stuff" and I realized that I hadn't had another pain!! From really bad to nothing. But my chest still hurt from the stress of the pains that I did have.

They brought Papa in - he just laid down on the floor and went to sleep so after a bit the nurse told him they would be holding me for awhile so he decided to come home to get some rest - after all, someone has to be able to watch the kids - and S'te is already watching them so we can do Rosatito next week - REALLY didn't want to take advantage!!!

The Dr. came in and said that my BP was really high (for me anyhow) so they were going to admit me for observation. My BP stayed high for several hours even after that!! They gave me 2 nitro tabs and it settled down. . . Keith called at 8 am and that is what I told him. So I laid on the gurney in ER and watched tv for 12 hours before they did a stress test. It was fine. My second set of bloodwork was fine. Dr decided to get an ultrasound of my gall bladder - it was fine. I'm in great health!!!

Some guy came in about 3:30 and put a bracelet on me and said they had a room to put me in. I sent him to my nurse because I thought I was leaving "soon". In hospital talk - I guess I did. We left at 5 pm.

Breakdown was:
17 hours and who knows how much money to decide that I had heartburn. Got a prescription for probotics. The warning label says it may cause heartburn, headache, and general fatigue. Suppose they will help?

Meanwhile I missed friend Gamma Debbies birthday party!! I did call and ask Yanet to give her my heartiest happy birthday wishes - but I'd a much rather been there. S'te wound up babysitting for me to sit at ER instead of the Birthday Party - - A definate waste!!

It has taken me 2 days to recover from my lack of sleep but I'm FINE, I'm GREAT. I haven't had an episode since the parking lot. What a waste!!

Went to church, Wally's, and did a normal day yesterday. So I'm no worse for the wear, just a little smarter. No more ER heartburn for me.

I can just stay home and suffer. :):~):-) a whole bunch cheaper. . . .

So thanks for all who called to check up on me. . but got a baby crying . . . gotta go check. . . and I'm fine. . .