February 29, 2008
Week 2 of Visit
February 21, 2008
Our Week
The family at the Memorial in Sebastian
The kids got to play in the sand and ocean - and see the big waters an entire country away from the big waters they are used to playing in. hehe.
February 19, 2008
They are here!!!
I drove up to Orlando and found out the plane was going to be 30 minutes late (it was still "on time" the last time I checked on the internet). I was so excited that it was a loooooonnnnnggggg 30 minutes!!
But I finally saw them coming thru the secure area. I was soooo happy to see them......
We got thier luggage and van and got headed south. We went by the Lone Cabbage - but it was already closed. So we wound up at McDonalds. It was great being with all of them again. They've all grown sooo much. And so well behaved!!! I almost thought they'd be cranky and/or grumpy after that long flight and then the long drive = but they weren't. I think they were excited to be here. I pretty much had the kid van - I have the dvd in it. They watched a movie during the drive. Raquel kept saying "I can't believe I'm in Florida!!" Even Tetee stayed awake and watched all the movie. It was dark - so there wasn't much scenery - and blessedly - not much traffic either. Just a trucker that must've been trying really hard to stay awake at the wheel and then someone else just "parked" in the lanes on one of the 2 lane roads. But we made it home safely and all are tucked in thier "beds". On the floor, in the beds, in the recliners, all soundly snoozing. I'm so happy. Just wish I felt better. Hope I don't "pass anything around". Baby hasn't "caught" whatever it is I have but I think Keith might be feeling a little under the weather.
Blogger won't let me upload pics right now -
February 17, 2008
I'm busy getting "family" packs of STUFF. I did a huge trip to Sam's since I was to sick to go to the commissary. Between fevers, sweats, coughs, and changing damp clothes, I am cleaning, and making room!! And it's great excitement. A purpose, a light, and to see my "babies" again!!! It seems like so long ago (and it was in August!). I just know Cavelle is 1/2 grown already.
The Crossings Community Church has invited the ones that do the Action Presentations to perform at both their Lakewood and Vero Campuses!! Ladaria is working on songs that 5 of them can do. It will be so exciting. They are going to present at the coffee hour here at the Village too. Everyone is going to get to meet our family!!!
I'm just tickled!!! I plan to drive up to Orlando to meet them!! Can't wait for them to get clear here!!! I am soooooo ready to see them. and it might possibly cut some of the lonliness around here too.
Anyhow, I'm sure they have lots of great plans and I only hope that I finally get better enough to enjoy and "run" with them. There are so many things I want to show them. And take them to lunch down at the "Driftwood" and show them the house I just love that is totally inappropriate - but I love it anyway. And take S'te and Rod to Bingo and Bunco. And see the Atlantic together, and just be with them. Oh, to be sooooooo blessed!!!!!
February 16, 2008
Back at Canaveral
Got up to the Lido in time to catch Sharen and Jack having coffee after thier breakfast, Keith finally came thru - we got our carryons - and waited our turn to debark.
As I've said before - it is amazing how quickly and well organized they manage to move the thousands of people, bags, grumps, and kids on and off of the ships. Only improvement would be to shut down the all but the aft set of elevators and steps so that people aren't coming down the front stairs and "cutting" in line. After I've walked to the end of the line, waited in line, and am taking my own turn, I have a "resentment" (as Keith calls it) for those who think they or thier time is more valuable than me or mine. Carnival does a wonderful job of getting those with airlines to catch, handicapped and disabled people go priority, and all of that is great. I'm all for it. But for a group of 20 to come crashing down the stairs and run over my feet with thier wheeled carryons, and just butt into the line - yes, I have a resentment. Kind of like the car that drives up the shoulder of the road to a blocked exit - because they are to important to wait in the same line everyone else is in. Someday they will be in a line that they can't butt into - I'm a firm believer in "what goes around, comes around" and the Lord sees everything!! So I can let my resentments go to Him - and know that someday. . . .
So anyway, we took Sharen and Jack to Orlando where they had a room booked - said our bye-bye's and headed for home. Sharen can tell you what they did - I know we headed south - it got hotter - we decided not to stop at the Commisary (I didn't want that far from a bathroom or fresh clothes) - and picked Baby J up from the sitters.
She wasn't happy to see him leave. She had a wonderful week with him. He is so lucky - to be loved so much by so many people!!
We got home and I spent the rest of the day in absolute agony!!! Several times I wished that I had left Baby at the sitters. . . just for 1 more day!! But thanks to Papa - we all made it thru. I sat in the hot shower again - got my head and chest cleared up again - and it was better. . . . . .
February 15, 2008
Friday at the Bahamas
We got off of the ship in pretty good shape. Sharen and Jack had some stuff they wanted to do - so we went our own ways. We took a little 20 minute horse and buggy ride - just great. There was enough breeze that it wasn't stiffling and the constant fresh air seemed to help my head. It was way to short. . . and great fun. And I took lots of pictures too.
We then went to Bay Street (I think) to take the ring setting and stone in to be set - found out it would be. . . like 3 hours. . . by this time Jack and Sharen had caught up with us and we sat on the bench and watched Captain Hook, several pirates (complete with real birds), and some other characters strolling along the sidewalk. Meanwhile, I'm feeling worse and worse. And it's getting hotter and hotter. But I wanted t-shirts for the kids. . .
Sharen and Jack had found a neat little stand - so we went there and I got 12 tshirts. I miscounted - - - and I got 2 of the same - - - and a couple were the wrong sizes. . . . . but at that point I didn't care!!! I checked my wallet - and of course - I didn't have enough cash - and couldn't move without coughing and. . . . so anyway, I asked Sharen to go get some money from Keith - - she came back with the money and laughing like mad. . . . . She said "things don't change much" I was still telling her what to do and she was still doing it without question LOL. Now, mind you, this isn't really the way it always was. When we were kids, if we had to ask Jack something - I did it, if we needed Mom's permission - she did it. We knew how to work that system to a T!!
So we've got our t-shirts, the gem man from Carnival has agreed to bring my ring back to the ship with the other stuff, I am feeling like I've been run over by a truck and Sharen is looks close to feeling the same. . . . so we head back to the ship. Thank the Lord for it being close!!!!! We got to this really cute statue and I want a picture. . . .. no camera. . . .no idea where I put it down. . . so Keith keeps heading for the ship (his basketball aches are catching up and his legs hurt hehe) and I head back to visit our previous stops. . . Sharen catches up with me on the corner. . . . we can't find the camera anywhere. . . Someone got themselves a fairly nice camera - just wish I had the photos!!! We don't find it - but on the way back - we find Jack looking for us. . . . But I can't stop - I've got to get back to my room. . . . It's like a beeline. I felt so bad that I knew if I stopped, sat down, or slowed down, I would be done. . . . I was terribly rude and left them back in the customs line . . . I got to my room - changed out of my sweaty, wet clothes, into a cool shower and laid down with my cough drops and a wet cloth. And there I stayed for about an hour.
I finally felt human and not like an internal inferno and went up on deck for lunch, found the others, and got some soup. By this time Sharen is pale and looking for a lay down - so they left - Keith went to find a basketball game - and I ate my lunch - went back to lay down some more and missed dinner. Now, you know I'm not well if I miss food - especially that great food!! Our room steward was wonderful - she filled up our ice bin - brought me a cold cloth for my head and offered anything else I wanted. Oh what a place to be ill!!! If it wasn't that I was missing all the fun - It's the best place in the world to be sick. Everything is available, someone is there to bring it, change the bed, clean the room, empty the garbage cans full of tissues. Even being sick on the cruise was decadent.
Keith had to go cash out our Casino cards and do the Purser stuff as we wanted to be done before getting home. I just stayed in bed. He brought me tea and chocolate on his last trip to the room. Then we had to pack. By now I cannot bend over and put my head down!! I was sitting on the floor trying to pack. . . Keith finally had to finish it up (of course I supervised hehe) He's a wonderful guy!!! He had the bags out in the hall before time.
I took a bunch of meds, put on my c-pap, sucked on coughdrops and finally slept for a few hours - until my head and chest hurt to bad to lay down!!! It was a memorable ending to our last day of the cruise.
And of course - I have no pictures - because I lost the camera!!!!
February 14, 2008
Sea Days
Keith hanging out on deck. He was really enjoying the music. We took the Cribbage Board on deck and each of the three of us won a game. Jack pretty well waled on me - he's much quicker at counting (I think I have old-timers) and we bored him after he won the 1 game - and off to see how Sharen was doing!!
Jack is watching the views as they walk by (LOL) and hoping that Sharen gets better soon. He kept her supplied with all sorts of goodies. Every time I saw him he was getting a sweet, or a drink, or something to take to her.
Sharen was so sick that they missed the 2nd formal night (like I missed the first) and boy did she miss a treat!! Chateaubriand and Baked Alaska!! Here is our server with the Baked Alaska!! And a flower for Valentines Day!! It was absolutely delicious. By this time - I had a cough and a forever and ever dripping nose and was getting a headache - but I wasn't ready to quit yet~~ We went to the really~best~neatest~ show that they had put on yet. It was another musical - but it was great!!!
Even tho' I spent most of Thursday between laying down napping, coughing and blowing my nose and sunning myself - I did manage to make it to dinner. . . LOL
While in Belize Keith bought me the most beautiful Valentines/Birthday gift!! It's a georgeous square cut diamond - unset. The setting we go to go with it has 2 marquise diamonds on it so it will match my wedding rings!! Here he is with the largest diamond I've ever worn!!! He is such a sweet-heart - and all I got him was a new bicycle seat!!!
February 12, 2008
I don't know for sure which road we went on - most probably the Northern highway - to to Zoo. It was a great trip to an outdoor, completely habitat - stle zoo. We had cages that we waked thru to see the animals. They had about everything!! The howling monkeys, otters, ocelots, jaguars (3 kinds) and the birds - parrots and macaws - were well worth the trip. The excursion service provided us with ice cold water (it was in the 90's) and gave us time to shop in the little gift shop.
Then back to the ship for yet another fancy dinner another show, a little time at the Casino and our freshly turned down bed.
February 11, 2008
Cozumel, Mexico
Here we are getting off of the ship at Cozumel. We were lucky that it actually had a pier to tie to so we didn't have to "tender" to shore :) The Glory is on the right side.
So then we cut across the middle of the island - there are many more Mayan ruins on the northern part - but the Federales protect that and no one is allowed to go there.
So we got back to the Port, had some lunch, did some window shopping, watched the Bay, and headed back to the ship - to get ready for yet another really decadent dinner and to compare day's happenings with Sharen and Jack.
After dinner we went to the most halarious comedy show I've ever seen - live that is - it was along the lines of "Cable Guy" - it was GREAT!!!!
And after another full day and lots of entertainment - it was off to bed!!
To see the rest of the Cozumel Pics - click here
February 10, 2008
Our Sunday - Day 2
Saturday, the first day of our Cruise was also my birthday - way to many of them but thank the Lord, I'm still having them!! Sharen and Jack gave me a beautiful pewter dresser set that I will put out - as soon as I feel good enough to rearrange the top of said dresser!!! Not a lot of room since the TV sits on top of Keith's dresser and he dumps his pockets on mine (snicker, snicker). and of course we ate to much, Keith went to the Casino, Sharen and I went for our massages and then I promptly rested up for DAY 2!!
So as not to leave any good deed unpunished, I brought along this hat. And this hat has a story to it.... Last April we (Keith and I) were in the BWI airport and in very good spirits - after having a wonderful week in Maryland and Williamsburg, VA, and visiting the monuments and the Wall in DC. So we went by this store that was having a sale. . . . And it was a WONDERFUL sale!!! I bought crabby shirts for several of the grandkids, a crabby apron for my friend, (crabby is a Maryland thing) a lighthouse button down sweatshirt, and Keith found this red hat. Well, Sharen's penchant for hats is well known - as well as the fact that I like them - but they won't stay on my head. I have lost every hat that I ever tried to wear ANYWHERE!! So anyway, Keith added Sharen's hat to the pile of STUFF that I had. We paid, I picked up the dozen or so "carryon's" that we purchased and proceeded to the airplane to come home. Boy did I get some nasty looks - but - honestly - when I came thru security - I had my computer, camera, and purse. That was ALL!!
So, in May we leave FL to go visit S'te and I become a semi-permanent pain in her ^^^>>> for all the reasons that I stayed for several months. Again, I took all the crabby stuff (which I just KNEW that I had stuffed this hat with) - the kids wore them on the cruise in August - and I went on about my business. . . . . . Until I went to check out (visit) Sharen and Jack's new house in KFalls. . .. . . and I see this hat. Well, I just KNOW that this hat is the one that I bought at BWI but don't remember sending it to her.... talk about senior moments!! Well, anyway, it wasn't that hat. It was similar - but not that one. She didn't get one from me. SO, I go back to Coos Bay, tear that place apart looking for the hat that I know couldn't still be at S'te's because we finally cleaned up our mess and got most of it out of her house. . . and I fret about this hat. Well, I had 6 weeks to fret because it was that long before we got back to Vero. And I found the hat. . . . sitting on the dresser next to where I packed the suitcase of crabby stuff to take to the west coast with us.
So, 10 months later , I pack this hat and took it ON THE CRUISE to make sure that I finally, really, truly, gave her the hat that Keith picked out for her last year. And it's a georgeous hat - huh!!!
So, now we can get on with the cruise - I didn't wait until Valentines or any of that stuff - I made sure said hat was delivered and now free of any responsibilities - I can enjoy!!
I think this is Jack on the waterslide - he and Sharen were the only ones of us to try it. . It was our first whole day at sea and we spent it eating and laying in the sun (I toasted 1 side of my leg and 1 arm), I watched the "hairy chest contest" on the Lido Deck and then went in to lay down for a few minutes before getting ready for the first formal dinner night - well. . . I didn't wake up. . . I hadn't realized that the release of the hat responsibility would make such a difference (here is another snicker!). . . . SO. . . . instead of the formal dinner - we met Jack and Sharen and went to the neatest show - and then went and had pizza at the all-night pizzaria!! Even after my 3 hour nap I was tired. . . . so. . . . .
Then it was off to bed for us. . . . Sharen's part of the story can be read about at Rea's Place!! And she doesn't get sidelined so much - actually - you can get a really good feel for how much Carnival does to try to keep us amused by reading her blog.
Funship Freddy!!
February 9, 2008
And we're off!!!
But right now we are headed out to the airport now to pickup Sister Sharen and Jack. Then we head to Port Canaveral to get on the Carnival Glory!!!
I will let you know how Cozumel, Belize, and Nassau are getting along. Sharen has huge plans for excursions - I think Keith plans to take it a little slower than that.
So wish us Bon Voyage, the housesitter has arrived -- so adios amigos!!
February 8, 2008
As my birthday gets closer:
February 1, 2008
End Of January Already!!
Well, I got the carpet cleaned. . . Actually, Keith paid someone to do it so I'd stop whining about it LOL!!! Besides which - as I told S'te - I had to get the bedding done. . . . And with the carpet cleaning came moving all the furniture around, and picking up lots of stuff. Now I just need to get it all put away again. . . before it all moves back to where I picked it up from. hehehehe
I have so many wonderful things that will be happening during our good old Valentines month. A cruise with my sweetie pie (my sister and hers is joining us!) and a visit from my baby and her family. I am so looking forward to them both!!
And I'm sweating already. . . . it was 80 degrees here by 10 am. . . I can't imagine what it will be like around here by April!!