February 16, 2008

Back at Canaveral

Woke this morning feeling better. Went up to the gym thinking I'd sweat some of it out. Well, I got about a ton of stuff sweated out... As soon as I got warm enough - I started coughing - well - then I had to go to the shower - - and I coughed up some of my toenails - I stayed in that hot shower until my lungs and sinuses cleared way out!! Attendants stopped by several times to see if I was ok - back at a really good place to be sick. . . . .LOL But after all that - I really felt sooooo much better.

Got up to the Lido in time to catch Sharen and Jack having coffee after thier breakfast, Keith finally came thru - we got our carryons - and waited our turn to debark.

As I've said before - it is amazing how quickly and well organized they manage to move the thousands of people, bags, grumps, and kids on and off of the ships. Only improvement would be to shut down the all but the aft set of elevators and steps so that people aren't coming down the front stairs and "cutting" in line. After I've walked to the end of the line, waited in line, and am taking my own turn, I have a "resentment" (as Keith calls it) for those who think they or thier time is more valuable than me or mine. Carnival does a wonderful job of getting those with airlines to catch, handicapped and disabled people go priority, and all of that is great. I'm all for it. But for a group of 20 to come crashing down the stairs and run over my feet with thier wheeled carryons, and just butt into the line - yes, I have a resentment. Kind of like the car that drives up the shoulder of the road to a blocked exit - because they are to important to wait in the same line everyone else is in. Someday they will be in a line that they can't butt into - I'm a firm believer in "what goes around, comes around" and the Lord sees everything!! So I can let my resentments go to Him - and know that someday. . . .

So anyway, we took Sharen and Jack to Orlando where they had a room booked - said our bye-bye's and headed for home. Sharen can tell you what they did - I know we headed south - it got hotter - we decided not to stop at the Commisary (I didn't want that far from a bathroom or fresh clothes) - and picked Baby J up from the sitters.

She wasn't happy to see him leave. She had a wonderful week with him. He is so lucky - to be loved so much by so many people!!

We got home and I spent the rest of the day in absolute agony!!! Several times I wished that I had left Baby at the sitters. . . just for 1 more day!! But thanks to Papa - we all made it thru. I sat in the hot shower again - got my head and chest cleared up again - and it was better. . . . . .

So ended our February 2008 Cruise
Thanks for going with us
We definately enjoyed your company
The difference in our excursions gave for many
conversations and lots of fun.
Hope to do it again.
And of course no pictures, as I lost my camera sniff sniff.

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