June 14, 2010

Busy, busy, busy

I finally found a set that I like for the dining room - and it fits here too!  It is really pretty with a hutch, china cabinet and table that came with a glass cut for the top!  I really am enjoying having another flat surface to stack stuff on!!

My pet project for the last month or so has been to organize and assist in the creation of the 90th Avenue Food Pantry for The Crossing.  Of course any 'pet project' of mine turns into one for Keith too! :)  Our CORE committee has worked hard in getting it all up and running!  We draw (purchase) food items that have been donated to the Treasure Coast Food Bank to distribute to those who are in need.  We opened on June 5 (S'te's birthday  ~ Happy Birthday girlie!) and served a very few - our second open day saw a great increase - and we are looking for an even greater increase in the weeks to come! 

The fellows at the food bank are wonderful! They loaded our pickup full of items for the Pantry - all with smiles! I am so glad that I was able to be a part of it. Makes my heart lift! After we go thru the fresh fruits and veggies - we always end up with some spoilage - nothing goes to waste! Here is a sample of the recepients of the spoilags - this was taken at the Rest Area between PSL and VB. Closer to home we have some goats that come running any time the hear the pickup coming. We were blessed with an overload of fresh corn and tomatoes during our last run! We distributed all but the spoilage - and the goats got that! Everyone and everything is being blessed by this project. Again, I am thankful that I've been involved with it.  We even have Youth that have been able to be blessed with assisting us on Saturdays.

The Crossing, Vero Campus, has been where we have been attending and doing whatever little bit we could to lend a hand. It has been great fun for me to have the chance to be useful again! I've been doing some of the nursery duty to get my 'baby fix' since we've not been doing the foster care gig. I miss my babies (sniff sniff) but the break has been nice too.   On a side note, The Crossing is now collecting items for a Rummage Sale to raise funds for some much needed building maintenance as well as a portion of the donations going to help fund the Pantry.  If you are one of my friends in this area and have 'stuff' to donate - give a call - I can get someone to come get the donation and give you a receipt for it!!  The Rummage Sale will be on July 10th, in the morning.  Come shop!! 

So, now to get ready for our vacation.  It is getting pretty hot and humid - Keith gave me a departure date.... Thank you LORD, for close neighbors that we can depend on to keep our home safe and sound while we are gone.  John and Jessie keep a real close eye - as they live next door - and Barb stops by every now and then to check on them... hehee!!

I've been working really hard on resisting the urge to spill all of my opinions on the Health Care garbage that went on and the media hysteria over the nasty oil well in the Gulf - and - so far - so good!  For another jpost anyway.

Hopefully I will have good posts of our travels this summer and pics of our growing Grandchildren!  Oh what beauties!!  And so grown up!


Anonymous said...

Diane, you are AMAZING. The Lord really blessed the Crossing when you and Keith came along. Thank you for all that you do for the church and our community. The world can use more people like you! We will miss you while you're gone but hope you have a wonderful summer. Love the Flores crew

S'te said...

So glad that you successfully got the food pantry up and running. What a blessing!

Can't wait to see you in a few short weeks!

Anonymous said...

Try once more....
Your blog is always interesting to read and see progress....
It even sounds like you enjoy all the work you do.
Take time to rest in this hot and humid weather.
Time is running short, keep healthy.

Anonymous said...

Just sent you the above note..Barb