June 15, 2010

A little insulation!

With the advent of the Pantry at the Crossings Community Church we found that we badly needed a bit of insulation above the rooms we converted.  I got Lowes to match me on the donation of 10 rolls of attic insulation - So here is ever-ready helper Mike getting started on the first few rolls. 

He managed to get about half of them installed while working alone.  He got to the point that he needed some help so had to stop.  Hopefully the rest will be installed there soon.  It sure can't hurt the power bill.

So far we managed to get weather stripping around all the outside doors, caulk the windows, and put the heat barrier film on all but the Sanctuary windows.  That with a bit more help with the insulation will be a great start in making our Church a bit more economical.  Then we can save our funds for the big projects :-)

Thanks for helping so much Mike -
I doubt that we could have done it all without you!

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