June 28, 2010

Day 2

Thankfully, there weren't any more issues - only the 1 trip down the 2 flights of stairs for Keith and 2 round trips for me... but . .  the elevator, true to the young man's word, was still out of order when we went down to breakfast.  So, Keith painfully transcended the staircases, again. 

I got this brainchild of an idea during breakfast... Since the irritated couple last night had a 1st floor room (I saw them head down the hall after our nice conversation) and were headed out on their long drive - early, early, early ~ to repeat their words ~ I could go request that we get their room after it was cleaned - and the elevator was fixed.

The nice lady at the desk was astounded about the elevator breaking down with us in it - no one seemed to realize we'd been in it when it stopped (no one checked, that I know of), was very apologetic about the leak, false alarm, and all the rest - and checked, looked, checked, and looked again at her bookings.  W planned to stay until Thursday - so I REALLY wanted to get Keith off of the 3rd floor and felt like I was being rather pushy... and she checked her computer some more, before asking if we'd requested a 1st floor room.  When told yes, it was requested both at booking (online) and again when checking in ~ but were told there were none available ~ she apologized profusely before offering us a room - that had not been booked the night before - so we didn't need to wait for cleaning or anything - EXCEPT - the elevator was still not working - and we had ALL THAT STUFF and no luggage cart!  She actually made several trips up and down those stairs HERSELF packing our stuff down them.  In just a jiffy or two, she had us ensconced in a 1st floor room.  Thankfully for others, the elevator was actually fixed that afternoon, and the leak and and alarm system was online shortly afterwards.  Me, the worry wart, was on a need-to-know quest with that stuff!

So, when April and Elizabeth came to pick us up for our CARDINALS Game, we weren't in the same room as when she and Brennan had left us in just the night before!! :-))  The desk called and let us know that we had our daughters looking for us... and we were so happy!!  So, ready, set, go... we are off!!

and what a crowd!!
that went totally nutso
after being behind since the 6th inning -
during the 9th inning
with 2 outs
the Cardinals came awake


And we tiredly made our way back to our 1st floor room at the Best Western.
A good day was had by all!
Except the lady with the sore legs from running
up and down those stairs so many times!! LOL

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