June 24, 2010

Perry Georgia

After lots of assistance by John, Jessie, and Mike A. we headed out about 10 am.  We actually had quite a nice drive up the Turnpike and then blended nicely onto I75.  Tom had fantastic directions - and we stopped several times to stretch our legs out. 
This was one of our first stops in Georgia.  The temperature on the thermostat in the pickup said 101 but the radio was announcing a heat index of plus 10-15 degrees.  It sure felt like it.  Here is Keith discussing the heat with a gentleman that was headed south toward Tampa.  We met many folks that were headed the opposite way we were! !

The rest area here was pretty and massivly green.  The groundskeeper said that was due to daily rains.  We only drove thru minimal rain - just a few drops and we were done.

Rush and I kept an ongoing scintilating conversation going for much of the trip.  I was able to stay connected to radio stations that were consecutive for many hours (much to Keith's chagrin) Hahaa.

At the Information Center area (I probably have the tags wrong) these huge trees have lots and lots of moss hanging. I tried to get Keith to take a photo of me with them - but it was still to hot out... He went inside, leaving the pickup running and the air on - and straight back out again.  I have to admit - IT WAS HOT!!

We stopped here at Perry, GA at the Holiday Inn, where we met some really nice folks.  They are having a conference for Comcast (hehee) so I listened a lot about the ways they figure things out.  And.... I heard about a building that burned down after a worker (the guy got paid to do this) put a splitter in a wall for an apartment and it wasn't tight (or something to that effect) and sparked.  So, what I got out of that is to make sure all my connections in my cable are always screwed all the way in.  Anyhow that was the big discussion of how Travelers Insurance was going to have to pay to rebuild this building because the tech did it.  My news for the day LOL

So.. Now we are still headed northward.. Maybe on to Lookout Mountain.  Keith says he is feeling a bit 'rocky' this morning . . . so we will see how he feels when we get close.  Hopefully he will feel like exploring - Other than that we are doing well and enjoying the trip!

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