May 17, 2006

2 Days?

Has it only been 2 days? My foot feels like it's been 2 weeks. And a busy one too. Austin is really a pretty good boy. As long as you leave nothing in his reach, all the doors closed, and the sliders locked (it didn't take long for him to figure out how to open them), the baby's bottle put up, and check behind the big kids everytime they go out the door of the screen room. I've finally just locked the those doors and if they want in - they have to come to the front door and go thru the house. It only took once for the neighbor 3 houses away bringing him home that I figured out he is an escape artist.

Keith and I were "Panel Foster Parents" for the graduating MAPP class last night. The Judge for Indian River County was also there. I learned a bunch listening to his answers to the prospective fp's there. The group was mixed between foster and adoption so there were lots of different types of questions. The one that really astounded me was "Why would it take up to a year to get a 9-13 year old girl in good health to adopt. And we don't want to go the foster route, we want to adopt right away". The answer is soooooo simple. The ones that are really adoptable are the children of any age that are in good health. Family members and foster parents who've already had them for a year or two adopt them. Come on!! The children that are with large sibling groups or the children that will never leave home are the ones we are begging people to adopt. This is a site to look at if you are willing to adopt a sibling group or older children. OKay off of my soapbox again! :)

We are winding down for the summer. We have a placement for Lonnie, a possible for Amber and Tylor, and we don't know anything yet about Austin. Placement told the PI that we would keep him until the end of the month. Placement asked us if we could help out with him for a few days. Same worker ~ different spin. It's ok - we know the Lord will help UFF out!!

Keith is planning an addition to our home. He wants to put an additional 10' on our screen room - he says it's for the space - I think he just wants to make sure they don't put another home on the area that the Village told us was our "oversized lot" that we chose because it was one of 2 "oversized lots" left. But I can live with his version. We will then have a screen porch almost as wide as our home and an additional carport. Lots of room for us two. :)

So with laundry, panels, babysitters, oh, and did I tell you - my foot is broke. Dr. says stay off of it and he will see me again on Friday to see if I need an ortho consult. LARGE HAHAHAHAHA With Austin's circles and the kid's school winding down I've been busier than a cat covering crap - and my house is a wreck, the pills make me want to sleep so I'm tired, Papa is still not back up to par, and other than that - Life is wonderful. I have the dream of seeing my beautiful daughter and wonderful grandchildren to sustain me for the next couple of weeks!!!! This is Austin watching Baby Einstein's Baby Neptune. I put the movie in the DVD out of desperation and he LOVES it. I can hear him laughing and talking back to it - so I know he is enjoying it. Lonnie is still trying to teethe- or something - and has been whinier and clingier than usual - and there he goes again!!
So - see ya later.

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