October 12, 2005

Back in St. Charles

Here is the falls that we visited in Oklahoma.
Another tribute to the amazing way that God put our world together. The more I've seen of His work, the more impressed I am. To have planned for all this to work the way it does, its just awesome!

We left Oklahoma early yesterday morning and arrived here at April's last night about 6. We thought we were supposed to park in her yard, so I pulled right up into the grass next to her house!!! OOPS. Now they have huge ruts because of the rain and soggy ground. We moved the camper this morning - over into the driveway and across the sidewalk. It would take another 2 blocks in the front to level it front to back and that's to scary high!! So - what happens if the back end is higher than the front? Being a NOVICE - I just found out that the gray water doesn't drain. So after I finished cleaning the tub and shower - I have an inch of water sitting there - oh well - it's clean now.

April and the kids were glad to see us. Elizabeth and Brennan came running out with Papa's birthday present. They were so excited!! They went to the "Zebra" (I don't know where that is) and Brennan made Papa a piggy bank and Elizabeth made him a skateboard. They did real good jobs on them too. I will add them to our collection of precious "stuff" when we get home. April got Keith a Cardinal Shirt that has all the bright colors that he loves. If I put it in the dryer a couple of times - I'll have a Cardinal shirt HEE! HEE!

Right now Keith, April, Rick, and kids are all gone doing thier respective things so I'm all alone right now. That doesn't happen very often. Keith called and said he has Cardinal Tickets for tomorrow night - so we get to go to a play off game!!! Great timing!!! We will be going with Jeff and Lori and I am looking forward to having a wonderful time.

S'te says we should have the keys for the Condo tonight so that saga is almost over. Now we can just put a for sale sign on it and get over it. It is people like this renter that makes things so hard for the good people. I just am hoping that it sells quickly - I haven't had rent on it since June and we are a ways from then! Another chapter to close - that of a landlord in San Diego!!

So all is well here in Bounderland. More as more comes!

God Bless everyone,

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