December 30, 2006
Saddam is Dead
I trust that the Lord had done as was meant to be done. To the very end Saddam showed no remorse, no humility, and actually requested to be executed by firing squad as "would be the honorable way for a soldier to be executed". I'm glad he hanged. I hope this shows that NO man is above the law of humanity and mankind. Only for the rest of the rising "Hitler" style leader to follow the same path. The one to the gallows.
So here you have my "thoughts for today".
December 28, 2006
Change over
We had a pretty good Christmas. The kids did. Keith and I were both a bit melancholy - thank the Lord that we had so many activities on Sunday at church. It kinda kept our minds off of the fact that we were again famliless.
The kids were fun to watch. We visited ggm today and Pelik has has a real hard week. She even commented on his lack of social skills. Lori stopped by and helped her out. From what I hear - it was rather a free-for-all. Pelik is having a real problem with the "bully - type" stage and I'm not liking it a bit. He took off over the parking lot on Keith - so he just put on the backpack and then had to carry a screeching kid across the lot to the building - it was something for the parenting class to watch. Quite a sight lol!!!
Baby is trying real hard to walk - he is standing alone while he claps his hands, reaches for things and his favorite - going in circles around his new activity table. I couldn't find another toy like I sent to Tetee - so he got a different one - and he loves it too!!
Pelik keeps asking when we are going back to Kiah's house on 4 planes. I keep telling him he has to ask Papa - I'm ready anytime - Keith just rolls his eyes at me. Last time we went we hadn;t been having so many behavior issues. I can't imagine traveling across country with him at this point/ . .
I'll have nightmares tonight!!! That's all the real news in my life - and I never hear from anyone else, nor do they update thier sites hint hint!!
December 25, 2006
Christmas Day
December 22, 2006
Happy Birthday
Next Rant!!! They closed the Curves that they transferred me to when they closed the Curves closest to me. Now it would take me longer to get there than the workout!! So now I have to get motivated to do it myself. Doesn't this ship look just wonderful!! I have about 80 pounds to lose before February and we go on our cruise. It will be a test run for the BIG ONE. Actually, I got so seasick when we went fishing, we wanted to know that I can handle it before we try planning my Dream Cruise~~~
Hope everyone is as ready for Christmas as I am - like as in - NOT. I've got nothing put together, can't think of anything Keith needs or wants - other than a larger print Bible - and haven't been shopping enough to even find one of those!!
My therapy is almost done and I will be returning to the Dr. soon so we will maybe get an idea of when I will be able to do a whole Blog entry without "resting".
Pray for my friend Liz as she has just undergone serious surgery and I can't get my head around in time to call her. This time difference thing keeps me either to early or to late> > > >
Thanks for reading another of my rambles. Merry Christmas all - and especially to my family whom I miss terribly.
December 20, 2006
Christmas 06
To All Our Friends and Family,
We hope this finds you all happy and healthy and ready to celebrate this Birthday of Christ Jesus. As always, I’ve written a little book to go with my cards. So here goes. . .
Love to all,
The Beattys
Sorry that the pictures didn't upload the right way. If I can get back to it - I will try again to upload them again. Merry Christmas.
December 15, 2006
Party, Party, Party
Here is the reason you don't want to get in front of a bunch of Hungry Baptists at the Christmas Dinner!! We had a great turnout - the line was clear around the room. I decided I'd just take pictures and wait for awhile. I figured that the food would be there just the same whether I took pics or stood in line. Of course, Grammy and Zoey were there to hold babies. They even brought friends to help out LOL It makes it sooo nice. Baby actually took a really short nap - and my White Elephant was~~~~ guess which I picked and which Keith did!!
Anyhow, we all had lots and lots of fun and I don't feel quite so lonesome. It is so hard being so far from anyone that we could even remotely call family. Now with Tom gone - we have less than ever before. I'm slowly finding a way - but ever so slowly. Lives are set with families and friends - and believe it or not - we do lead quite a different lifestyle than most couple our age. LOL
Just wanted to touch bases - off to get ready for the Legion Party for tomorrow afternoon.
December 11, 2006
Oh well, HO HO HO. Merry Christmas to All!!
My Prayer
'Just Taken Pics"
S'te, my heart and prayers are with you as you face this very, very difficult day. I wish I could be there for you. It seems as I am always so far away, especially when I would like to be able to comfort you. I thank the Lord for your relationship with Him. I also am grateful to Rod for being the kind and loving husband that he is for I know he is always there for you also. I also pray that the power that be realize that your home is the place for Ellie to heal from the trauma that she has been through.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for the Blessings that You have heaped on us and thank you for Always being there to hold us up. Please Lord, take this young child under your special wings to care for her in Heaven as she was not cared for here on Earth. Thank you Lord for holding on to my own Baby Daughter as she goes thru the continued trials that the people here on Earth are purpetrating. I know that you will give her the stregnth and the will that she needs to carry on in doing Your Work. Amen
My Bromiliad???
For S'te: I've been telling you that I got a "new" toy. Well - after the surgery and the heat and the next surgery and the stroller pushing hand is still sensitive (big time) and now Bastion is getting so big - I seldom got out of the house that we weren't all closed in the van. So Keith bought this for me!!! Isn't it adorable!!! Bastion loves his special seat and just grins and laughs the whole time. He really hates for it to stop. The other kids love it too. Keith and a neighbor designed and built the little seat for them. I don't know that it would hold ME but I'm not going to attempt it anyway. So I strap the kids in and we can stop and chat with whoever happens to be outside. It's a "snap" to load and unload them, it has headlights that work, and according to one of the other "gals" around her - we are quite the talk of the Village. We go over to the Compound every day and "change the moobies", stop at the playground. It is soooo much fun. And it doesn't use any gas at all. We've had to charge it once in the 3 weeks we've had it . .
December 10, 2006
December 2, 2006
Lost a Post??
I'm having a real tough time typing so it really sucks when I lose a post that I got all the way thru. Anyone seen it!! It must be traveling along thru cyberspace looking for it's proper link so it can find it's way home (sniff sniff)
Fixing breakfast for Sunday School in the morning. I'm trying Chris's Crockpot Oatmeal and if it works - I'll try it on the grandkids if I ever get to see them again.
Had 2 visits this week so the kids are really having a time getting back into the "groove". I told Pelik not to shove and Mom said "he's doing fine" and GGM said thanks for taking such good care of them. And the CW has a problem with GGM? ? ? I don't understand.
A reporter from the Coos Bay newspaper has contacted me about doing a story about Jeremy's disappearance - 20 years later. I've been to depressed over all the other stuff that has been going on to contact him. I did the real wimpy thing and forwarded it to S'te. As if she doesn't have enough to deal with. . . what a champ I am :( I hope to get my wits gathered enough to contact him first part of the week. I feel really bad about putting this off as I KNOW how important it is to keep any publicity possible going - and I didn't grab the ball. I have GOT.TO.GET.WITH.IT before I regret everything I haven't done more than I already do. My endless circles. Can't do enough and enough can't be done. Lord help me with the courage and stregnth that I need to do this again.
Started pt on Wed so fingers are feeling stiffer than ever - but they promise they will get better!!! Typing is my therapy. I can sit and make all the motions with nothing to show for it - or I can type. Slow and agonizing but therapy. Now if I only had my own puter - I would be doing really well.
I'm feeling somewhat better than I was. I have gotten thru most of the gloom and am back to seeing some sunshine - I have the Lord and lots of praying people to thank for it. It's getting better all the time. Thank you all. Therapy time must be over, I have currents running from my fingers to my ears!!!
December 1, 2006
just an update. . .
Keith's puter right now - and it isn't fiendly for me ! It has keys in the wierdest places and is missing a key that I use all the time - so no one will hear much at all from me for the next while. Pray that it comes back soon - "writing " sems to be my catharsis. I purge all my blues, ill thoughts, want's, and needs into one of the several blogs that I ahve going. Since i have no one to talk to - I write - so It is going to be hard not having my syste.
Also for all of you out there - all of my phone numbers and calendar are on it - so - it will be terribly hard for me to call or e-mail anyone until the blasted thing comes back. Its as bad as losing an address book - oh.wait. - that is what I did . . . .
Not only that, but my hand seriously hurts - so it takes forever to get a legible post out of me. Like this 1/2 hour for this little bit!!
Keep in touch!!