June 24, 2006

The End of Week 3

Boy I'll bet the kids will be glad when we leave!! S'te has to much time to dream up new projects while we are here!! This just outlines the last few days.

She decided to see if she couldn't get the wiring run so that her hall lights would work. This had to be done early (like before coffee or breakfast) before it got hot. That attic warms up quickly!!

The Jay-man helped out by keeping TeeTee occupied and off the ladder.

So when it got to hot to work in the attic - she scraped the wall until she got that finished and got it all cleaned up before Kia's bedtime!!

So that's what they are doing. I've just been trying to help out by being the gofer. I can reach switch boxes, do laundry, chase TeeTee and be a general pain to the kids because I'm a wonderful "chore checker". I just keep right on a checkin' 'em 'till they are done right!!

Last night I went with Keith and he dropped me at C1 while he went about his bizness. Had a really good chat with Janet and Debbie. I was glad to see them because they aren't going to the Padre game with us tomorrow.

Today, the triple digit heat forcast didn't materialize and we went to the Swap Meet down by the water and I found 2 new tents (dresses) that will fit around my ever expanding behind. I also found a couple of really cute tops for Destini and Brayana on the $2 table. I hope they like them. It was cool enough that we actually wore sweatshirts off and on all day.

After that we picked up LaDaria her performance in Claremont. I was glad to get there in time to watch part of the program. I love it. More and more every time I see it. LaDaria is getting really good. She has really gotten her niche and it shows!! Great Job, LaDaria. I was sorry that Ty decided he didn't want to go today. He has a real talent and maturity in his presentation of the materials. He presents like it comes from his heart no matter what his 16 year old mind thinking.

We then went to Coco's and ate too much, came home and fed kids while S'te went to stock up on supplies to COMPLETE her projects-in-progress.

Talked with my sister at Knuckles Knoll and there may actually be a reunion of my Mother's side of the family scheduled FOR WHILE WE ARE UP THERE!!! Now that's luck. What usually happens is that everyone has plans elsewhere while we are visiting. So I have been blessed. She will call with more details within the next few days - so I'm really pumped about this!! I haven't seen some for 10 years or so and others for much longer than that!! I'm really hoping that this comes to reality.

Now all is asleep and it's time to check out what is happening in the rest of the world.

God Bless!!

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