August 9, 2006

As we settle in

The kids are settling in well. Horray!!

They may get permission to travel so I can go to Indiana with Papa. Horray!!

I gained more than I lost last month. Boo Hoo

Step-Mom had to have surgery on her legs. Ouch

Surgery was 100% successful. Yippee!!

Sister is having troubles right before son's wedding and the big 50. it sucks!!

I remembered to take and send her Birthday presents!! Kudos for me.

I've made it to Curves 3 times this week. Another Kudo.

Finally got a mailer and sent my Mother-in-Law's Birthday present off. She was 85 last month. Big Booooooo!

The house didn't pass inspection - so that deal is off! The Lord does as he sees fit. It must not have been meant to be.

For the most part my life is right where it is. I am sorry for those whose life I affect/effect in a negative way. I sure don't mean to. It is all completely by accident. I always mean well ~ it just doesn't always work out.

Good luck Judy and Sharen. All will work out, I will try better to keep in touch.

Bedtime for my babies ~ they whiney war is on (the one where they see who can whine the loudest)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry the house didn't pass inspection. Guess we'll have to keep looking ;-)

Hope Grandma Judy is doing well!

Will have to hop over the Knuckles Knoll!!

Good job on making it to Curves. I'm going to do my tae-bo tonight!!