August 7, 2006

Nothing New

Same ol', same ol' at Sea-ami. Days change, names change, characters change, but really, nothing changes.

We are busy trying to retrofit our days to these new children. And trying to retrofit them to us and our home. As is not uncommon - the word NO is used by them to us more than the other way around. For being as young as they are - they sure know what they are NOT going to do. All the way from eat (or even try) a piece of apple to pushing buttons on the computers or tvs.

But the Lord (God Bless Him) will use us to work things out.

The new radio in the red car blows the fuse every time it gets turned on.

I went back to "my" Curves today and discovered that I gained 10#'s in California. In less than 10 days.

The home inspector promised a report faxed today - didn't happen.

The next to the youngest went to sleep while I rocked her.

The baby cat-naps with 3 or 4 fingers in his mouth at once.

They all eat just about anything if I don't let them snack.

The promise of ICE CREAM for dessert cleans the plates really quick.

See, nothing has changed - but it's all different. And it's still HOT. hehehe

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's cooled down here!! Isn't it amazing how young they learn what they do and don't like!! Hope things settle down quickly!