First off I want to congratulate my nephew Caleb and his new wife Kelly. They were scheduled to tie the knot yesterday and I haven't heard that they didn't, so I'm assuming (bad word, I know) that it happened and they are headed down the road to Marital Bliss (wherever that is). So, here's to many happy years ahead!!
Now, Since nothing noteworthy has happened over the last few days, I want to address one of my pet peaves. Maybe someone else has the same one - or close.
I spent the entire day (off and on) on my knees in our 2 bathrooms. Had I actually known that having 2 only helps in that no one has to wait in line to pee on the floor. Oh,yeah, I've heard all the excuses. "I lost my balance". "I didn't do that" "If I'd done that I woulda cleaned it up" or the little one that just looks at me and says "Oh" when I ask if he was the one that peed on the seat. I KNOW I didn't. And I know that yellow stuff around the base of the utility isn't from me, just as well as I know that those streaks running down the sides and the spots on the footer isn't from anything I've done in there. Now, you might as how I know it was one of the males in the house. Ya see, there are six of us. 3 are in diapers. Papa, Felix, and me aren't. I cleaned 2 bathrooms that had yellow splashes on the walls, on the floor, on the front, running down the sides, etc. Why can't you sit down and do all of your business? Is it a macho thing? If I'm in the woods, I'll squat, and I'll take the chance of ruining my shoes. You are not so ill equipped for being the hunter and gatherer. While traveling, I understand not wanting to sit on the seat. You are lucky - YOU DON"T HAVE TO!!! (I hate to be behind a woman who stands up and does her business without lifting the seat also.) But in the comfort and quiet of a house, in the place where a stranger is not cleaning up the mess, be a MAN. Sit down and relax. It might be nicer than standing there pretending that you aren't doing anything. And all the wives and mothers will thank you as much as I do.
If you have trouble with this concept - do this experiment - find (or make) a mud puddle. Only make it as big as the bowl in the bathroom. Take the hose, turn it on, aim it to the middle of the puddle. See all the splashes? Now is that puddle as small as the bowl in the bathroom? If it is - you have mud splashed all around. If it isn't you probably still have mud splashed. So now, what do you think?
Now that I've managed to offend the entire Male Sex. Let me say that I love you all. But consideration is the key here. If you don't want to clean it up yourself - what makes you think anyone else does? Sit down, relax and ponder.
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