August 10, 2006


I was really wanting to get my little bit of family to be able to come out here to the "tropics" and see where we live. I have the few people that I do know that I wanted them to meet. I am so proud of my Daughter and Sister that I wanted to show them off.

But, AS THE WORLD TURNS, it won't happen this fall. Rod will be in and out of port until after the first of the new year - Sharen is job hunting again and won't (I'm almost sure) get a vacation until she's been there a year - Our "little house" is rented from November to April.

So, even though I'm terribly disappointed, I'll live. I won't get what I want (pout, pout) again. But one of these little pipe dreams that I get Keith to research for me will eventually come to pass. When the Lord deems it time - I would really like to see our families (both sides) meet each other (the Cruise idea) and be in closer contact with all. Seeing how the "other side" of our family has kept in contact and stayed close (to the point of a LONG drive from S. CA to N. OR) has made me wishful and nostalgic.

It's getting closer and closer to my "bad" Anniversary - I'm into thinking all the "stuff" that shoulda and coulda been.

Thanks for all the love.


Anonymous said...

I'm hoping that one day we will make it out there. Wish you were closer so that it would ne easier to do!

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