August 4, 2006

Back to Normal

We got S'te to give us a ride to the airport. We were 2 hours early - just like they say to be.

We boarded on time.

We sat on the plane for 70 minutes waiting for the weather in Denver to clear.

Our connecting flight was delayed - but not long enough. We missed it by 10 minutes.

We were changed from Frontier to United. Instead of arriving home at 11:30, we left Denver at 11:40. The good news is that Ty managed to make it home and his mother made him call me. When I got over being scared to death - I CAN'T IMAGINE WHY - I was mad clear thru. It's a good thing for him that I'm now on the other coast.

Arrived in Orlando at 5:45 am. Our luggage didn't. One way to get new clothes!! But my medical films that they sent with me are in them.

Arrive at Vero at 7:15. Installed car seats and kid-ified the house - somewhat

Went to Chiropractor at 8:30

Picked 4 kids up at The Village at 10. Ages 3.5 m, 2.25 f, 16mo f, 5mo m. Went with DCM to register them Keith wanted to do it while we had her - somethings are better done sooner than later at the Health Dept. I registered them with WIC at the same time. BM already has checks for Aug/Sept. We can get new ones mid Sept. DCM will check.

Got home, fed kids, nap (SCREAM) time. I went thru the 1/2 small plastic bag that arrived with the 4 of them. 1/2 pkg size 1 diapers, 1 baby outfit, one shirt sz 18 mo, 4 shorts 18 mo, 2 shirts 5T, 2 shorts 6x. Asked for clothing allowance. Was told to go to the clothes closet in St. Lucie. . . This is for 4 children!!

Time to fix dinner.

Nothing has changed - just the names - and only for whatever reasons. Different babies, same game~~~


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the county hasn't gotten any better! Seems like they would take care of THEIR kids better than that!!

Glad that you finally made it home!