June 30, 2006

And On to Coos Bay

As you all are aware by now, we made it to Oregon. Spent the night in Eugene as Keith didn't want to do one of "those roads" at night. They really aren't that bad!! We went over to the coast on Hwy 126 from Eugene to Florence. It was a beatiful drive!! At Florence we turned on to 101. I think that 101 is an interstate - but if it is - it's not like any interstated you Easterners have EVER seen!! This picture it taken about 25 minutes out of Eugene and Keith was driving. We left about 10 am to make it to Coos Bay before the Friday night "traffic" started.
We stopped at the Hwy 101 and Hwy 38 Junction at a little restaurant and met Lucy and Art since they were headed to a wedding in Eastern Oregon and I wouldn't be able to see them during my shorter-than-planned visit to Coos Bay. The painted saws on the wall were amazing. There were more but I tried real hard not to make a total spectacle of myself taking pictures. We got there just in time. Right after we sat down, the place totally filled to the rafters!! We had a really good visit and I caught up on some news that I hadn't heard. Lucy looks great and they both look really happy. See? It was a nice rest in the trip.

Then we headed in opposite directions! We did make it for Clint's Birthday and "last day of official" work before his official retirement. We visited for most of the afternoon at thier home and then went out to see who might be out to see. Since the airlines problem cut our stay down to one day - we tried to pack everything in at once. On Flickr there are more pictures - of the scenery, the dunes, the McCullouch Bridge, and of the entry to North Bend. I think that was it for the day. We were back in our room by 10:30 and called it a night.

June 29, 2006

Where In the World . . . .

When we were the "Novice RV'er's" my sister used to quip "Where in the world might Keith & Diane be" now. This comes from an OLD computer game that only those with DOS history might remember. It is probably one of the first computer "games" Brett & S'te played. No graphics, no mouse, lots of typing, and spelling was a MUST!!

Anyhow, where in the world are we? We are stuck in the Portland Airport until 9 PM. We were on time for our 10:45 am flight. We boarded about 20 minutes late as the plane was late arriving. In fact they were de-planing about the time we should have been boarding! Then, as we are captively strapped into our seats without air to breath and Keith has no legroom - they announce that an outside door of some sort has a crack in it and they will be replacing it. Instead of letting us out where we could breath, eat, potty, or walk - there we sat. Like sardines of the first order!!!

So, guess what time our ticketed connection is!! 1:45 Only a supposed 1.5 hour wait in Portland. As soon as the late announcement came Keith tried calling Alaska Customer Service and make sure we were booked on the next available flight. He waited on hold for about 10 minutes (while they nicely told him he might get quicker answers on AlaskaAir.com) before a nice lady answers AND THE CALL WAS DROPPED!! So Keith askes the Flight Attendent what time the next flight from Portland to Eugene is. Before we ever leave the terminal in San Diego. He answers 5 something or another. We breath a sigh of relief. At least we won't be driving to Coos Bay in the dark. Note : at 10:30 this morning Alaska Airlines knew we would not make our scheduled connections!!

At 2:25 pm we de-plane in Portland - we stayed in our seats so that travelers with connections they could make could get out first. Such nice people we are!!

We are told to check in with Customer Service at the desk upon de-planing. We do so. We are told that we would be booked on the 9 pm United flight to Eugene. Not the 5:40 Alaska flight. It was booked up with others that had missed connections and checked in before we landed. It didn't make any difference that Alaska Airlines knew there was no possible way to make our scheduled connection - they did not hold the seat for us until we checked in at PDX!!! They had a 5 or so flight to North Bend - we said hold on to that for a minute. Fired up the trusty Internet - Checked the car rental rates - More than double for a rental car from Coos Bay/North Bend area AND a mileage allowance. No wonder the "tourist trade" is floundering!! No - for that amount ~~~~ SO ~~~

We took the $8 each for lunch and dinner so we have something to do while we wait the 6 hours before the 9PM United flight. So much for driving in the daylight! We go to the United terminal and see a 5:45 flight to Eugene. So, we go there and ask if we can be put on the standby list for that. Yes, the Agent was very sweet, smiled nicely, checked us in for the 9 something flight and put our names on the 5:45 standby list. She sweetly smiled while she asked if we had United Flyer Numbers. No - we have Alaska and American. A few AirWest and I think Keith even has some Delta. But no United. So, still smiling, she says that even tho' we are checked in really early, the flight is overbooked, and if United Customers booked on the 9 pm flight wanted to bump ahead of us - it would happen. Makes me wary of the later flight. What if the bumped REGULAR United passengers from the OVERBOOKED flight at 5:45 decide they want our seats on the later flight? Does that mean we walk? Or after spending 6 hours in the airport - they keep us here overnight - and I miss my meeting with Detective Looney tomorrow? Maybe, just maybe, we should have just mailed the tape. Maybe. Maybe. Maybe.

So only the Good Lord knows where we will be tonight - or even tomorrow. Pray for us - we need all the support we can get :)

So now, we've had lunch and I've typed this and Keith went down and got us both mileage numbers - no miles on them but we have numbers!! and only have 4.5 hours to go. What do do next?? ? ?

Signed - the Novice Travelers!!

Travel Day -Again

Well, it's back to the airport again. Heading for cooler weather. A constant quest!! It has been really hot here!!! Of course, this is Spring Valley - not Sera Mesa!! I guess it's always been hotter out here - but I never spent much time this far out - so I didn't realize it. Ya learn something new every day!!

Dad says it's "cold" in Powers. Of course, he's from Bullhead City, right in the desert. We will see him on Saturday for White Cedar Days. Sallie H. called last night and she will have dinner ready for us when we arrive!! She says we have to eat - and of course, she loves to cook!! Clint won't be home until tomorrow - he's in SF.

Well, Keith is carrying suitcases into the bedroom - so I guess I'd better get to packing - no sense in waiting until the last minute.

More from Oregon!!

June 28, 2006

Wednesday the 28th

Well, it's our last full day here before we head North for a few days. Our flight is about 10:30 in the morning so we will leave here by 8 or so. Not much time tomorrow.

Sunday we went to the Padre game. It was a circle jerk!! But it was fun and another memory of "the best laid plans". Of course it seems that when somehting is planned thru Pat at C1 - it turns out that way. People tell me that it isn't always screwed up - just when I'm involved (you think they are trying to tell me something?). We all got there - almost 30 of us - in time for steak and eggs or hot dogs. The bus was supposed to pick us up at noon - First pitch is at 1:05. At 12:45 about 10 of us (the rest opted out) got into cabs and left because the bus never showed. We did make it before the end of the first inning - and our seats weren't bad either. We had shade by the 3rd. They were a little higher than I like - but Papa has spoiled me so badly!! Pads lost - bad!! 8 to 4 when we left in the 8th. We rode back with Bumper - she offered the cab fare back to C1 but I wasn't letting her out of my sight. Lil Deb wound up sitting on knees both going and coming. She was real good natured about it (but, hey, she is the only one that wouldn't smash the legs down to toothpicks) there were several jokes passed on - but it was all in fun. The rest of the crew showed up about an hour after we returned. Keith and Earl went down to the Moose and met Liz for dinner - I stayed at C1 and got all kinds of caught up on news. I had a really good visit with Judy and saw several people that I hadn't seen in a year or more. Got home and had a long talk with S'te about a few things that were bothering me (I talked and she played her 'puter and said ah-huh).

Monday I don't know what I did. Probably real close to nothing except for laundry - and lots of it!! Papa finished the closet doors and hung the planter outside for me. He also had his own work to do. He's been concentrating alot on his part-time position as well as what is going on in Lakewood. Between all of that and listening to me - he definately has a full day - every day.

The roofer came bvy and left an estimate, the floor people called and said they would be out Wednesday to check out the subflooring in the kitchen.

Ms. Joyce came this morning and brought sunshine as always - she is a happy, cheerful person with a constant smile on her face. I got all of my "stuff" picked up so she could do her job. Kinda hard to do floors when you can't even see them. I haven't taken any pictures or done much of anything lately. S'te has been really, really busy and it sounded like she has another really full day ahead of her today. Her house and yard are coming along. She is working hard on the house and on the kids. It's alot to have them all home, all bored, all wanting to do the same thing, all day!!

Today I need to get laundry done and packed. I feel like crap. Of course it's the same crap as usual - just a little more so. I overdid a bit (maybe alot - for me) yesterday. I just have so much I'd like to do - and so little time to do it. We did get curtains and rods for a couple of the bedrooms and S'te got the film for the kitchen windows - so I might get that stuff up while laundry is going - and I finished here :)

It has been really hot the last couple of days - even Ty has a heat rash. Not Florida hot - but hot none-the-less. Makes activity sluggish. But when I start hurting - I have to do SOMETHING so I don't just sit and dwell on it. It still aches and sometimes really hurts - but if I'm not focused on it - it seems more bearable. Speaking of which - my typing time is over. I'm correcting more than I'm typing.

June 24, 2006

The End of Week 3

Boy I'll bet the kids will be glad when we leave!! S'te has to much time to dream up new projects while we are here!! This just outlines the last few days.

She decided to see if she couldn't get the wiring run so that her hall lights would work. This had to be done early (like before coffee or breakfast) before it got hot. That attic warms up quickly!!

The Jay-man helped out by keeping TeeTee occupied and off the ladder.

So when it got to hot to work in the attic - she scraped the wall until she got that finished and got it all cleaned up before Kia's bedtime!!

So that's what they are doing. I've just been trying to help out by being the gofer. I can reach switch boxes, do laundry, chase TeeTee and be a general pain to the kids because I'm a wonderful "chore checker". I just keep right on a checkin' 'em 'till they are done right!!

Last night I went with Keith and he dropped me at C1 while he went about his bizness. Had a really good chat with Janet and Debbie. I was glad to see them because they aren't going to the Padre game with us tomorrow.

Today, the triple digit heat forcast didn't materialize and we went to the Swap Meet down by the water and I found 2 new tents (dresses) that will fit around my ever expanding behind. I also found a couple of really cute tops for Destini and Brayana on the $2 table. I hope they like them. It was cool enough that we actually wore sweatshirts off and on all day.

After that we picked up LaDaria her performance in Claremont. I was glad to get there in time to watch part of the program. I love it. More and more every time I see it. LaDaria is getting really good. She has really gotten her niche and it shows!! Great Job, LaDaria. I was sorry that Ty decided he didn't want to go today. He has a real talent and maturity in his presentation of the materials. He presents like it comes from his heart no matter what his 16 year old mind thinking.

We then went to Coco's and ate too much, came home and fed kids while S'te went to stock up on supplies to COMPLETE her projects-in-progress.

Talked with my sister at Knuckles Knoll and there may actually be a reunion of my Mother's side of the family scheduled FOR WHILE WE ARE UP THERE!!! Now that's luck. What usually happens is that everyone has plans elsewhere while we are visiting. So I have been blessed. She will call with more details within the next few days - so I'm really pumped about this!! I haven't seen some for 10 years or so and others for much longer than that!! I'm really hoping that this comes to reality.

Now all is asleep and it's time to check out what is happening in the rest of the world.

God Bless!!

June 22, 2006

Another day, Another project started!!

She's at it again!! So, one minute she was scraping the wall in Kiah's room so she can patch and paint his walls (One wall of Kiah's room was kind of done with strips of wood in a mosaic pattern and Ty tore it down.) and the next minute she was tearing out tile in the hallway.

Well, actually maybe not quite that quick - but all we said was that there were so many cracked and broken tiles there that she was going to have to replace that floor finish also. Turns out that there is hardwood floor there also. Under a layer of ceramic tile, cement, mesh, and tar paper was actually hardwood flooring!! Ty had the unfortunate luck of coming in from school about the time the wheelbarrow needed to be emptied.
S'te was thinking that it might take a week or so to get the tile all torn up and scraped. I thought maybe she should know when someone might be around to install new flooring before doing the RIP job. But, no, not she. She found that wood floor down there and didn't stop until it was finished!! It came up in large pieces and chunks like in the picture above, so it didn't take long. I helped by cleaning up the mess afterwards and putting the tools away - so I did assist a little!

Then we had the interview with the Psychic. She didn't want to talk on speakerphone so she concentrated on S'te for awhile and then spoke with me. S'te called the Coos County Detective that happened to be 4th or so in line to inherit Jeremy's case. She told him what she had done and the results. I also spoke with him for a very short time but we made arrangements for me to meet with him while we are in Coos County. I don't want to spill the beans just yet. I want to digest and ponder for awhile and wait and see what happens before I give up the feelings that we were given. I'll let you know if anything comes of anything!!

Then this evening Keith had his Board Meeting for Lakewood. He really looks all serious too!! Don't you think? The wonders of modern technology!! He has called and been involved with every meeting that has been called. Things seem to be progressing pretty well at the Village. I'm anxious to see the changes when we return.
The new flower bed that was started yesterday got put on hold for today - they will probably work on it tomorrow. The middle kids spent most of the day in and out of the pool so they stayed pretty busy. The basketball hoop got moved to the back yard the other day so the nasty lady on the other side of the fence can't complain anymore about the balls going over the fence and into her yard!! Now she's going to have to buy her own balls instead of keeping the kid's.

Enough for tonight. More when there is news.

June 19, 2006

Papa finds a baby!!

Originally uploaded by Amah.
No matter where we go - or how far we travel - Papa finds a baby to hold!! He's made fast friends with this little guy!! He is the baby of a friend of S'te's that is visiting for a day or two. He's sure a chunky little thing.

Not much afoot today. Ty started summer school - the others are bored and have nothing to do. It is amazint - today is the official first day of summer break. I don't know how S'te is going to survivie a whole summer. It has nothing to do with Rod being deployed - he works full time when he isn't deployed :) She is planning out her gardens - like her Aunt Sharen - and will get more done as time goes on.

We met Liz and Earl for dinner last night and then on up to C1 to see the gang. It looks like we might get quite a crew for the Padre game on Sunday. Sammi is planning a Bunco party and that sounds like fun but if I do that - I'll never make it to the game. Janet, S'te and I had planned to go to Bingo today (Janet and I need help on our cards HEEHEHE) but Keith had to work - so that fell thru. We didn't have anyone else to leave the kids with. BOO+HOOO

Even with all the good times and great visits things must be catching up with me. One of Keith's very good long-time friends passed away last week and we didn't know until the day of the services (when Keith called to see how he was doing). We have another friend that all are in prayer for - hoping for a quiet and painless passing. I had a bad night and an even worse day. I don't know why I insist on the continual eating when I feel bad. Now my foot hurts, my arm-hand-and shoulder are throbbing, I have a headache and heartburn. BUT I'M FULL!! :( Overful. Bloated. Fat. And nothing went away. I did get in a nap this afternoon for a few minutes before dinner. S'te fixed Tacos with spanish rice and beans. It was great. I hope that the law bans electric guitars. They cause more trouble than guns!!! Especially when there are teens in the house!!

We have lots of plans for the week. The kids have a VTC with Rod and the interview regarding Jeremy are both set for Wednesday and Thursday. It is possible that that is what is messing with my brain right now - but we will see.

Wish us luck!!

June 18, 2006

Father's Day Cards

Papa's Cards for Father's Day!!

End of Week 2

Friday was LaDaria's Graduation from 8th grade. I didn't get to go to the ceremony but S'te taped it so I could watch it. As all of those things go, we couldn't see enough of the one we wanted to see enough of. But it was nice to be able to watch her graduate.

I went to the Doctor and got a neuro referral and they hope to get me seen while we are still here. It would sure be nice to get this arm and neck fixed. Once and for all!!

Saturday was Destini's 9th birthday. We got her an outfit and some bath gels. "All About Me" was the name of the set. It sure fits. She's the dramatic one of the bunch :) We watched the other kids while she and her friends went for her birthday lunch and then all but Taniyah went to the movies. Taniyah stayed with Amah and Papa - she sat up here and had munchies while we watched TV. We had our own little fun. She is so absolutely adorable!! I remember when they were all little and sweet instead of pre-teen and and teen and all argumentative! ! !

Today is Father's Day. The blessings came early!! Keith started out with a new T-Shirt that says "Navy Dad" and cards from S'te and the kids. Then he got a call from his "Little April" to wish him a happy day from her and the kids.

We again went to church with S'te and family. It is amazing how many ways the Gospel can be presented. Pastor Vines peppers his message with many comical paraphrases and really brings his message into every day life. Todays message was on Fathers Love. He spoke of how our Father brings the love for the fathers everywhere to share with others. He spoke of ID's verses identity. It was a really great message brought in a rather non-traditional way. He definately keeps you listening :) See a sample of New Season's here. I miss my home Church in Vero but this is good also. Variety is great.

We are spending the afternoon kind of kicked back and lazy. The Andy Griffin Show is on and we adults all have laptops going!! I couldn't get the photo of the cards to load so have to put them in as a seperate post.

Happy Day to all you Dad's.

June 17, 2006

Makkiah promotion

Makkiah promotion
Originally uploaded by Ste Elmore.

It was Graduation Day for our youngest grandson today. Papa went off to visit Timmy while S'te, Ty, and I went to the Graduation Ceremony at the park. It was a really cute. = They did the chicken dance (everyone but Kiah - wasn't no way, no how he was doing that!!), einsy weinsy spider, more chicken dance, and then got thier certificates. The adults jumped into line like starving orphans and had sandwich, cake, and punch. It was really organized and the kids were wonderful. They must've been practicing. They stood in line, didn't talk, paid attention!! They have a lot of work to do to fix that before their next grad!!!!

S'te and Ty and I helped to clean up and pack up. I had the balloons that I was carrying to the top of the hill - to THIER pickup - literally snatched out of my hand buy Kiah's least favorite teacher. For more Graduation, another picture, and a link to the slide show - visit the Money Pit. S'te has all that on there.

Papa has decided to put the kids to work. He returned with a blade for the sawsall, a new lawnmower, got the weedeater started, and had a total list of what needed to be done. I guess the visit with Tim motivated him.

Liz and I went to lunch at Pedro's here in Spring Valley. I ate too much and we had a great visit. I vented some of my frustrations about Gerald and Jeremy. She is really a great listener. When she needs to - she vents to me. I guess it was mostly just my day. She toured the Money Pit and couldn't get over how much progress has been made in less than 2 years. She was just totally amazed. We laughed about the "maze" and how far you had to go - to go back to the kitchen for your purse. She drove right past it when we returned from lunch - said she did the same thing when she came to pick me up. The kids have done a wonderful job of putting it together.

We went to support group and then stopped at Denny's. Another busy day!!!

June 15, 2006

Brayana, Jaleel, Makkiah, Destini

Whew, what a day!! The AIM Team had a presentation at Del Mar at the San Diego County Fair so all the kids skipped school and we headed for it. We all got in free - Papa and I were chaperones (hee hee) and since it was "bracelet day" and we could ride from 11 - 7 with a $20 bracelet, we stopped at Ralphs and got coupons for $5 off the bracelets. That way after the Presentation, we could just ride, and ride, and RIDE, AND RIDE :) I know for a fact that the kids had a long, good day because they all went to sleep in the car coming home. We actually hit really good traffic and were there inside the gate at 11. The call time for the kids was 12:30 so S'te took the middle kids to ride for awhile while Ty and LaDaria went to the "big rides" for a short try out before they had to report for dress and make-up. As always it was great. I just about cry everytime I see them put their talents into such a wonderful thing. I can't even describe it. And the people watching it were suprised that the team wasn't a "Christian School Group" but a group of kids that got together and put the talents and spirit that God gave them to good use. Papa and I kept Taniyah and watched the other performers do ballet, skits, choir renditions and the like - I really like to watch talented people. Gives me hope for the future to watch people doing something besides murder, rape, and the like.

Sooooo, after the AIM presentation we parted ways with the big kids (they'd rather hang with the friends, ya know) and took all the middle and little ones to the infield where their rides were. Papa even bought S'te and I wristbands, so I felt obligated to at least ride a few! Now I remember why I'd rather watch. Every ride I got on was way too long. Not that I didn't enjoy riding with the kids - but by the time the roller coaster, the swinging boat, the tea cups, and the twisty boat rides were done - so was I. I was perfectly content to watch my Baby and her Babies ride, and ride, and ride. About 6 we left the kids area and headed over to meet the big kids. They found more to ride over there!! I took TeeTee and we just hung out in the shade until they were ready for the last ride - then Papa and I took her and TY (he wasn't feeling real well haha) to the van and waited the few minutes until they got there. It was a great family day - not hot, not cold, a nice breeze, sunshine, smiles, giggles, the lines were really short because most kids were still in school, good food (I go to eat!!). We got back to S'te's and I asked TeeTee if she was ready for bed, she very solomly nodded her head, kissed Mommy goodnight, took my hand and went to bed. Not a peep outa her since..I thinks she was tired! I think it was a good day!
Now, back to reality!! But not until morning. Good night!

June 13, 2006


6-13-06 017
Originally uploaded by Ste Elmore.
We got around early this morning. Ty is out of school this week and is trying to earn "points" so he can pay for his internet game site that he likes. So he told his Mom that he would do anything she wanted him to do. Well, guess what was first!! The lawnmower is back at HD because the motor mount is broken - mind you - it is a brand new mower!! So he wound up weed-eating the lawn. He was really good natured about it too!! He can really be a sweet kid when he isn't trying to see how far he can push!! He got the lawn all cleaned up nicely. S'te and I went to the Garden Shop and got some stuff to kill the huge weeds that really like the new soil in the lawn. We have to wait for 3 days to spray it on now - but even weedy - it looks better than it did. He has the week off before he heads for summer school.

We did some deep cleaning yesterday and figured out that the tiles in the kitchen were REALLY getting bad. The ones that Lowes sold them that were defective. Lowes gave them the purchase price back but nothing for the pain of installing and now ripping out tile that is less than 2 years old. She caught me with the camera while I was laying on the floor trying to clean under the fridge. Never trust a kid (no matter how old) with a camera when you are doing something that looks really stupid :)

Mak has been taveling with us every day after his 1/2 day at school and pretty much takes it in stride. He was really funny at WalMart. He was "wanting" things he didn't have a clue what they were.

TeeTee was in a huggy and kissy mood so she got lots of attention. Her little legs and her purse in the crook of her arm - it was sooo cute. Papa is making up to her with Smarties so he has a new best friend!!

We straitened Brayana and LaDaria's hair the other day and LaDaria wanted to know why I don't know anything about curly hair!! LIke I EVER have had a problem with CURLS!! I laughed so hard tears came.

We are going to let the middle kids and LaDaria skip school tomorrow and go to the county fair in DelMar. The 4 oldest are "presenting" with the AIM for Faith Team and I definately LOVE to watch them. I'm going to try AGAIN to get a good video. I even have a tripod this time - yea!!

Keith got me an appointment - shows that the "squeaky wheel". We have to go to the downtown office verses the Kearney Mesa office - but I'm happy to be going!! God does wonderful things - if we give Him a chance!!

It's taken me 2 days to get this entry finished. By now I know that Alberto wasn't as bad as it looked from here and I'm so glad that the people out there weren't torn up and washed away - again. I've been watching every news show Keith will let me turn on. He says hi to everyone and he is working hard!! He even babysat for TeeTee while we went to the floor store this afternoon!!

Enough for now - going to go out and help S'te plant more flowers!! She has lots of strawberries on and they are going to be plumb sick of tomatoes!! Fruits of labor. :)

June 12, 2006

End of Week 1

Originally uploaded by Amah.
As our first week here winds up and comes to an end - I am thankful that we are here. The kids may not be :) but I am. The extra adult eyes - and eyes in more places at once have disconcerted the kids!! In just the few short weeks since Rod has been gone they've gotten the hang of avoid-Mom-'cause-if-she-sees-me-she'll-say-no and then I'll have to stop having so much fun. It's a little rough sometimes - I'm not atuned to 7 kids at once screaming over each other, the music, and the earphones to be heard by all. I haven't gotten the "tune out" button that Mom's these days seem to have. Maybe I had one years ago - but it went somewhere and I'm definately looking for it. When it really gets loud I try to remember how sweet they all were 5 years ago. Back when they were all sweet little tots. They are growing up sooooo fast!! I stayed in tune with their growth better when I lived here. I get to see and stay closer than many, many grandparents and I'm so very happy about that. I miss out on growing with them and have a hard time catching up with the 'tudes and tantrums. And they ALL have them!!! Even me!!! I get all the yelling I can stand - then I start. They don't like that much - but it's ok if they do it!! Example: Destini changed in Brayana's room and left her clothes in there. Brayana snottily told her to get her clothes out. Destini didn't comply so Brayana put them in the garbage!!! Destini came and tattled to Mom that Brayana threw away the clothes but didn't tell the beginning of the story. So when the whole story was told the tatteler was in as much trouble as the tattelee!!!

Otherwise, we've talked with the WC attorney and were authorized to make an appointment with the primary that I had before we moved. The only appointment they had was for the day we are leaving for Oregon. When Keith tried to make an appointment for when we got back from there - they weren't scheduling that far out!! So what do you think of that?

We've started several small projects but haven't gotten much completed in the last few days. I accidently took my evening meds in the morning on one of those mornings and spent most of the day in a daze. My eyes were open but there was nobody at home!! Sometimes I think I'm certifiable!!

TeeTee is talking a little, she says Mama, YaYa (for LaDaria), and of course, PAPA. She definately has her own opinions on things and has abolutely no qualms about letting you know 1. she's done, 2. she wants Mama 3. no touching 4. she dosen't like that I learned all of those things right away too!!

June 7, 2006

Our Day 5 here

It's Day 39 for S'te. She's keeping track of how long Rod has been gone!! I used to count the days Papa was gone - back when he traveled alone. It's hard to believe that he used to be gone for weeks at a time. I was working and stayed pretty well busy back then. Busier when he was gone than when he was home. Just to pass the time!! That's when I started doing Respite for foster families. S'te had foster children then and I went and got my prints done, passed my security check, got registered as a respite provider and then watched the children so that the parents could take a time out. I sat anywhere from a few hours to a weekend - sometimes at my home and others at theirs. I wish Florida had more respite providers. I should campaign or something. If we had providers that could watch the children for short periods of time - we might be able to recruit more foster families. Who knows? I'm not real sure just where all that came from but it's here now :)

We've been quasi-busy for the last few days. So far:

Saturday - we arrived, Keith went to the Condo to check a few things with the renter. I was tired and my foot looked like a football. So I stayed home and rested. And visited and played with the kids.

Sunday - We went to church, to C1 for spaghetti for lunch with a bunch of friends, stopped by the Condo to try again to fix a few things, had dinner at the Moose Lodge with Liz & Earl

Monday - S'te's Birthday YEAH - 29, went to play Bingo with Janet!! What a bust!! I had so many cards that I could anywhere near keep up!! Got home and Papa asked if we had a good visit!!! Like we had time to talk!! I didn't even have time to breathe!! We are planning to go again in a couple of weeks. I'll take S'te with us to help us keep up!! Had dinner, cake & ice cream - and gifts - for the Birthday Girl!

Tuesday - S'te had her VTC with Rod. She took TeeTee and Kiah. The rest of the kids were in school so she taped it for us to watch. It was really kool the way they did it. I wish they could have taped what was being said on this end. We could only hear Rod on the tape so sometimes we didn't know what he was answering to but we were able to hear his voice. It was so great!! Then we went to Olde Towne for dinner with a co-worker of Keith's that was here from St. Louis on business. We have Mexican food every day since we've been here!!

Today - S'te planned to take "Yellow Kitty" to the shelter. She really only was going to take care of him until she could find a home and he is soooo little~~ but she didn't want 3 cats. So, she packed him up and took him along - Papa and I were laughing about her ability to leave him at the shelter!! She might make it into the parking lot but she'd never make it in the door!! Well, she didn't - but she didn't come home with him either. She took him into Headstart this morning with Kiah and found a parent whose kitten had to be put to sleep - so she wanted him. God works when you let him!!! Follow your little "feelings" and everything will work out! Papa fixed our bedroom door - it was ruining the carpet so he took it off and shaved some off of the bottom. He also scoped out how to patch the hallway ceiling and has already gotten the materials he needs. I went shopping and got lost trying to get back here!! It took me 5 (or 15) minutes to get to the store and 45 (or 75) minutes to find my way back!! Just one wrong turn and I totally lost my way. Same as in life. I followed my warped sense of direction and came out on Broadway (I think) - and got back here. Just like my Mom, turn me around twice in a paper bag and I'll never find my way out!!

S'te went to her leadership meeting this evening and now we are sitting in the recliners working on our Blogs. Papa is asleep. We are way to relaxed here. I could get used to this!!!

Well, now I'm done with this so I thing it's bedtime now for me. I've uploaded new pictures on Flickr - so go check them out!!

June 3, 2006

We're Here

We're Back!!! S'te and the kids picked us up about noon today. We left home about 4:30 this morning est and made our 8 am flight in plenty of time. Even with driving to Orlando. We got an upgrade for the first leg of the flight but didn't for the DFW - SAN leg. The longest part. Papa sat with those long legs pressed against the seat in front of him for the whole trip. He couldn't even use part of my leg space because the kid next to me was tall also and with thier legs and my width - it wasn't real comfy for anyone. Like Papa said - a real "love in". At DFW we got a ride from one end of the C Terminal to theother end of the D Terminal on the handicap cart - I don't think I'd have made it if we hadn't. Anyhow, the driver was a riot!! The would holler "cart coming thru" and then he'd thank everyone that he almost ran down!! Then he'd tell me not to laugh because they'd (those people) would be "hittin' on yous and hurt yous 'cause you be ridin' and they be a walkin'". He was totally halarious. We got to our flight with just about 10 minutes before boarding - and that was because they were late getting it cleaned from the incoming route. But we made it!!! We are here!!! Ty and LaDaria weren't here to meet us - they had spent the night with friends and just got home a bit ago. It's 9:30 my time and I feel like I've run all day. The kids and S'te walked in the La Mesa Flag Day Parade (about a mile) while Brayana played her Flutophone. She played "This Land is Your Land". S'te said it was HOT (about 90). The did the parade before they came to pick us up. She's got great timing. FOr the second time - she pulled up just as we got to the door. They had stopped at Taco Bell but Papa didn't want that - he was ready for Carnitas Uraban at Mrs. Rodriguez. So after unloading our gear he and I went down there and had lunch. We got back - he took a nap and I unpacked all the stuff that I packed just yesterday!!

We've had a good visit - Destini has shown us her routine that she is working on with Action, Brayana played us the theme from Star Wars and S'te tuned the flute Grandpa Doland gave me up and played a bit of that for us. Papa has gone to see some friends and I'm about to relax right to sleep.

I really think I should've worn the "black boot" just a little longer. My foot feels like ##***#. I'm not liking it at all. Dr. Lisa has given me some new meds to try so maybe I can sleep tonight. Not only that - it cools down at night here!!

Have a great one all. I'm so happy to be here!!

June 2, 2006

Getting Ready

We (I) are getting ready for our vacation!! This is rather solitary (it seems) work. I pack for us - he packs for him. I clean house - he checks e-mail. I stop the paper, put in address cards - he looks at the jokes on his e-mail. I make arrangements with the office, fill out appropriate forms - he spends an hour contemplating his time sheet (there was a holiday and it threw it all off). I'm bitchy. The Dr says my bloodwork is wonderful - she is so everlasting cheerful. I'll just bet she was a cheerleader all the way thru Med School!! I don't think she is as old as Dougie Houser. Well, maybe a little. Anyhow, I thought I'd vent this way instead of strangleing Papa and winding up in jail instead of on an airplane. I got the laundry done minutes ago. He took his things that I'd folded and rolled them up and put in his suitcase. Of course, he has 1, I have 3. But I have all the meds, toothbrushes, toiletries etc that we will both use. THAT STUFF dosen't go into his bag. I can't do my meds until we go to the drugstore, and we will do that on our way to pick up the rental car, and drop the little car in Frazers driveway, and the pickup in the little house drive - that way everything is under cover and there is a vehicle at each home. Keith washed the bbq off a few minutes ago. He left it on the driveway to dry so we can bring it into the kitchen. The lawn maintenance people just came by and mowed the lawn. I don't want to be the one to tell him that he needs to go wash it off again. Living in Paradise~~ We have to make sure that everything is tied down, put inside, or take the chance that it will become a missile. I'm not afraid of anyone stealing anything - I'm afraid of things turning into missiles and breaking my house. Aren't I funny HEHEHEHE.

I'm still crabby. Writing didn't help. It was 78 at seven this morning. I bought a dehumidifier for the shed so that I could actually put stuff in there without it molding. I got a whole container of water overnight. I guess we will have to do the hose and drill a hole thing - on both houses as I bought one for the Florida Room at the little house. Thought that may help in making that room a little more comfortable. And less moldy too!!

I think Papa is ready to start moving. Geez I hope so - I want to get done what I need to do - so that I know it's done and I have time for all the things that I forgot to do while I was worrying about the things we haven't done!! So see ya'll soon.