Saturday Mitch noticed that our front tires on the RV had worn down badly, so he got on the phone for us and found the right tires, a place to align the front and for the work to all get done on Saturday so that he could go with Keith to show him where to go. After all, this is their area, we know nothing!! After they got the new tires on they called us from Roseburg and we (Sharen & I) put the top down on the "little red car" and met them. We had lunch at Sharen's favorite Chinese restaurant, walked thru the historic main street, found the Information Center, got our history lesson, and napped in the grass. We were having an ice cream at Dairy Queen when the call came in - it was done!! Mitch and Sharen hearded it back to Canyonville for us while Keith & I just had a nice drive in the little car! We then attended a Potluck on Saturday night! MORE FOOD! There was everything from BBQ'd Chicken to the biggest wild blackberrys that I have seen in years!! All was right with the world!!!
Sunday we went to the Canyonville Cafe for breakfast before attending part of the Pioneer Days Sunday Church Service right at the Pavilion. Mitch knows everyone and Sharen is meeting them. After the Service we all came up and took a very nice nap on the new deck that Mitch has just finished building. In the shade with a breeze - does it get any better? Then we woke up and BBQ'd. MORE FOOD!! We have a good joke going because we barely finish one meal before we start talking about the next one!!!
This morning I made a visit to the Chiropractor and he also was a very warm and friendly person. He made the necessary adjustments for my week-long headache and the "driving knots" that I developed coming thru the mountains. I feel wonderful now. Mitch and Sharen are both back to work so Mike is hanging out with Auntie for the day. Unfortunately we won't see Mitch again this trip as he works rather far away for now. Sharen will be back for dinner and since Wednesday is her birthday - I'm trying to think of something unique - other than us being here. But we all know - unique isn't my strong suit!!
Mitch and Sharen have done soooo much work since we were here last July! Flower beds, paths, new arches, new deck. . . . busy, busy. It looks great! Congrats on the new Grandson too!!
We've also been keeping track of Hurricane Katrina as it has made it's way over Florida and is now tearing up the Gulf States. I'm praying hard for those people. I remember vividly what our Lakewood Village was like after Francis and Jeanne blew thru last year. We all need to keep those people who've lost homes, cars, lives, and family close in our thoughts.
Enough for now, everyone take care!!