July 30, 2006

Lots of Rain?

It's really funny what we get used to. . . . This morning while we were getting ready for Church I heard the News Announcer (not a clue which one) talking about the large quantity of rainfall for the month of July. Here in San Diego County July is probably one of the dryest months but even so, The total rainfall for the MONTH was 48 one hundreths of an INCH. And that constitutes a wet month for July. It actually has been hot and muggy. Just reminds me of Florida - but not quite. The "feels like" numbers are still not as high. Oregon and Florida are not quite known for such "high numbers" on the rainfall index. hehehe Here is quite a comentary for the anomaly - Wet July in San Diego

Church was great. They had a guest speaker today - Scott Turner - he is a retired San Diego Charger. You could've knocked me over with a feather!! Of course, preconceived notions will bite you in the *** every time! He is a wonderful speaker but he "sure don't look like no football player"!! I bought 2 of Pastor Vines DVD's - one to send to Mom Beatty for a belated birthday gift and one for me. I think I may "let" Pastor Bert watch it so he can see where we go while we are out here.

News on the Oregon place is moving extremely slow. At least that's the way I see it. Everything is hurry up and wait. We've got all of our paperwork in order - but the sellers don't seem extremely motivated. Of course, they may just be really busy or even not know the answers to my inquiries.

I've spent quite some time in conversation with the Lord - I want for Him to use me and what few abilities I have left in His way. I've never been good at taking hints - I'm the sort that you have to hit with a bat - so I'm wondering just where he needs me. Is it in Florida - with those babies - or is it in Oregon where there is just as desperate a need but we have more family connections to help the children feel part of an entire family - or is that not even in the cards for us. Of course the rest of my conversations deal with helping me overcome my most extreme personality defects. My lack of patience is sometimes worse than others and I have a really horrible habit of interupting people in the middle of thier sentences. I don't mean to - and I try hard not to - but it seems like I'm always doing it.

Momma Kitty has stayed with her 4 - and is being a pretty good mommy so far. I don't know if all of the kids are aware of the event - the babies are still rather quiet - but S'te didn't want them mauled - so she didn't let the news out for publication hehehe

I made 2 big pans on enchiladas for dinner - they all seemed to have liked them. I made one chicken and one beef - so they would have choices. I do really try to be a good grandma. Even if I don't seem to have a large tolerance for constant roar level noise. I keep working on it - really I do. I love being here close to the kids and don't understand how anyone can be an "absentee grandparent'. I don't know what would happen if I could only see them once a year or two. It seems like they grow and change even withing the few months between visits!! They all are so smart - and talented in so many different ways! I do love them and I do enjoy them and I am glad that I get to see so much of them , but, I'm not real sure they feel the same way about me.

S'te has talked to someone from the Coquille Sentinel Newspaper - she contacted him to see about a story for Jeremy - something to at least acknowledge that it's been 20 years since he's been seen - and the person she talked to said that I used to work with his wife. I've not had the chance yet to contact him - but I certainly plan to - I wonder who it could be ? ? I think that it would be a great thing to get something back up in print - who knows when the right person will read something and a detail that the Sheriff's Department is looking for will be found. I don't ask God to keep him safe anymore - I ask him to keep him close so I can see him when I get there. It is getting closer to the bad day. I get thru it every year - I hope every year that it will be the last time I have to not know.

Well, it's past bedtime and as usual I'm maudlin and sad - it shows more when I get tired. That is one of the reason's I've taken to updating in the mornings.

Enough for now. . .


Sleeping Mommies
Originally uploaded by Amah.
Had my Doctor's appointment yesterday. I was so looking forward to seeing someone that could or would do something!! I was really, really sore after the travel and the spasms (or whatever it was) on Thursday. I was glad that I had the appointment and thought it was perfect timing as my shoulder, neck,and arm were all in considerable pain. Not just the achies like it usually is. No luck. This Dr. let me know right off the bat that he was ONLY consulting and ONLY on what percentage of the problem with my neck ONLY may have been due to my employment. I guess it isn't connected to anything else in my body. So much for those high hopes. He did say that I have a couple bulging disks - but can see nothing actually pinching a nerve or anything that would have an impact on my shoulder, arm, etc. So, we will wait and see what the report says. We got home and Keith told me that I need to lay off of the pain pills. Well, that isn't an option right now. We go see the lawyer on Monday.

Went to lunch at the Longhorn Cafe for lunch. Other than Mexican, it is probably one of Keith's favorite places to eat. He gets the Bison Burger. He's been eating that for several years now. They were suprised to see us and greeted us warmly. Everyone remembers Keith. How could they not!! hehe

Afterwards, we headed back for S'te's - just about in time for them to get ready to leave for their VBS. She's done a really great job of assisting the Church in matters involving children. They are lucky to get her!!!

Mak was up early this morning, coughing and gagging. He came in and crawled up in my lap - went right back to sleep too!! So I put him in bed with Papa. They had a nice little sleep-in. I don't know that Kiah has ever slept in that long. And he was in a great mood nearly all day. I hope that when they take the growth out of his throat - this lets up for him. It has to be awful!! Today there was a 2nd birthday party for Mom Beatty. This one at Dolores' house. She sounded exited and very happy. I will be too if someone notices that I am 85. She is such a great and gracious lady. I'm luck to know her - and I thank her for her son. The one I'm married to ~~~

This morning S'te and I headed for Curves. She enjoyed it and danced around all over the place!! I worked hard trying to almost keep up - and I've been doing it for a couple of weeks now! The machines they have are great for me - I can use my good arm to force rom from my achy one. It keeps it from freezing on me. It has to help. Not using it didn't help any!
Keith brought us another UPC code from Slim-a-Bear so we can take Ladaria on Monday. They are good for 2 weeks trial. We've been teasing her about being the only 3 generation family there!! We might make the papers!!

This morning S'te fixed Coco Kitty a box and put it in the warm hot water heater closet with an old blanket in the hopes that she might use that as her L&D spot. I noticed that she (Coco) hadn't been around for awhile so S'te went and checked the spot and WAHLAAA ~~ there were 2 black and 1 grey kitty in the box with Coco. And a bit ago - there were 2 black and 2 grey kittys in the box. Wonder if she is done ~~ she won't tell me -

July 28, 2006


We're back~~~~ Like the -I can't think of the name of the movie - probably the Inlaws or something like that! Short visit this time. Really only the weekend here. Dr. appointment today. Monday to Santa Ana to Attorney. Tuesday to Santa Ana for deposition. It sounds like this may be getting all done. I will be so thankful. Wednesday to TJ to see Dr. Ruth (our Dentist). I need to order some new teeth (a new partial) - I lost the one I got in April already!!

Our ride with Frontier was uneventful - which translates to great!! The first leg (Orlando to Denver) I sat between Keith and a man that had on a NASA shirt. He had 3 cocktails and asked for another between the take off and the donut that they served. He had already had a real rough night (my nose could tell :) and was well on his way to a real rough morning. WE did hit some rough spots from the storms but it wasn't very bad at all. A very nice flight. We got to Denver about 10 am (noon est) and had a sandwich at Quiznos. They sure make good fancy french dips!! On the second leg (Denver to San Diego) I sat between Keith and a little boy going to see his Aunt and cousins for 3 weeks. His first flight. he was so excited. He thought it was great. The weather was perfect. He had the window seat and we watched the Rocky Mountains, Grand Canyon, Salten Sea, and finally the Naval Hospital, zoo, Balboa Park, Olde Towne and then the AIRPORT. He was very entertaining and such a nice little boy. I'm sure that was just his "company face" and he is more of a regular little boy at home - hehehe. As usual, I called when we actually landed - the Road Runner (S'te) was there almost as soon as we picked up our luggage and we talked about Jeremy and "stuff" on the way home. I want to put my baby to rest.

I had a real scare -for me- last night. More in the evening. My whole side clear from my breastbone thru to my back and over to my right shoulder just "spasmed". Shear pain. Not an ache, not a little stick. A real long pain. It kind of worked it's way down my arm and into my hand with the ants and pin sticks. It lasted several minutes. I don't know what else to call it. It all just was like it was all being smashed and twisted at the same time. Then it relaxed into kind of a throb and the headache suddenly boomed. Keith thought maybe it was because we really hadn't eaten in quite awhile - so he took me to Carnitas Uropan for dinner. We love that place. We are there so often that Mrs. Rodriquez remembers us. Keith has taken several pig (she collects them) "items" to her. He loves the Machaca. I had the enchiladas and they were great tasting but I just couldn't eat. The headache didn't go away so I did the stretch exercises that Dr. Clark gave me for my neck. No help. So I took meds. This morning I feel pretty good for it being 4 am pst. But all the muscles and skin just aches. Hopefully, it will work loose thru the day and it will be better.

Ty is up for school - I think it's his last day of this session of summer school. S'te said he is doing great with his grades this time. ....Might be there is something to haveing to get yourself up, get yourself there, and get yourself home while everyone else is on vacation that hit home for him. I certainly wish him better luck this school year. Maybe next year he won't have to retake any of his classes. He is getting sooo tall - I just confirmed as he came out of the shower - it is his last day. He is happy. He is sorry he spent his summer pedaling his bike to school. He is growing up!!

Almost 6. My stomach is growling. I need to go get my Grape Nuts ~~~

July 26, 2006

Packing AGAIN

It seems like I just got home!! We haven't had much time to do anything! Here is the little bit of block stuff that we replaced the black right with ~and see that BIG green plant right close to the house? That is supposed to be a hibiscus but it has huge leaves on it and I haven't seen a flower on it yet. I cut the other Hibiscus' back so that it will bloom more. They grow sooo fast. The lawn crew had cut ANOTHER sprinkler head off - so we called and had them all serviced. They needed it. Now maybe none will stick up enough to get cut to pieces.

I didn't even take the BBQ or the screen room furniture out of the kitchen. I have to do laundry to pack and I'm waiting for the dryer to stop before I can start (that's my excuse and I'm staying with it). Papa is busy with Western Wednesday. We got the disclosures from the realator in Oregon but had so many questions he is going back to the owner and get her to fill it out correctly. We should hear something back in the next day or so.

Tomorrow morning EARLY we will be flying - again. We are trying a different airlines. Our luck with American and Alaska have left much to be desired - so this time we are flying FRONTIER. I'll let you know what they manage to do to us.

I looked up the websites that S'te sent me for Mak's upcoming surgery and in case you are interested Pictures and Imaging of Branchial Cleft Cysts and the other is The American Pediatric something something. It is funny how just a little pimple on the front of his neck has turned out to be a surgical issue. He's 5 1/2 and the literature all says this is a birth issue. Anyhow, he has so many health issues - please - everyone - pray - for - him. His surgery is scheduled for August 28.

I look forward to seeing them all again tomorrow. I'm sure they wish we'd spread our visits out a bit more - but they have lots to look forward to. Rod will be home in 9 days. They miss him so.

Well, the dryer is done........

July 24, 2006

Movin' On

Made it to Curves again. This time I wasn't so self-conscience and worked a little harder, sweat a little more, and think I'm a little stiffer than I was on Friday. Researched and found that there is one in Riddle.

Called the Attorney to see if they've made any headway. Will call me right back with an answer. No word yet~~~

Got all of the sprinklers serviced!! Should make a difference in the water consumption as well as the coverage. Found out we have chinch (?) bugs that are eating our grass. That is where the brown spots are coming from. Keith went shopping. Got the STUFF!! We can spread it tomorrow. I don't know what all I've been busy doing but I'm pooped.

Took a late nap and woke to the phone. Keith said "O yeah! Here you can talk to my wife" and handed me the phone. It was the Realiter in Oregon. We've bought a house there. There will be lots of stuff to do before we actually ever get there - We have to: fly to SD for the Dr and Attny appointments, visit Keith's Mom, Keith has a meeting in STL, we have our winter renters coming, pack, get the RV ready for another long trip> > > So best figure is to arrive there sometime in Nov/Dec. It depends on our Renters. If they come in Nov that's when we'll leave. I called my Sis in Oregon to tell her that we will be the not-so-close neighbors - and she was excited. I talked to her until about midnight - And boy was it bedtime!!

July 23, 2006

Household Paper

BULLETIN: Papa's fingers are fine. A little dented - but not bad. He'll live.

Not much going on today. The weather isn't all that nice - thunderstorms and black skies all day. Right after Church, we went to the little house and Papa changed out sprinkler heads - of course - my white skirt got all sorts of goop and rusty crapola on it. Just from being the gofer. Hope it washes out. And I got soaked. That's 2 days in a row. I tried to work on our sprinklers here yesterday. No can do. I can't twist the old ones out to change them and Papa can't see the threads. We called the sprinkler people (who installed the system) about 6 weeks ago and again when we got back. No..... body..... came. The lawn people have cut 2 off and the others have increased thier watering "range" drastically since they put the new meters in. Don't know what difference it should make - but I want them dialed back in. No sense in watering the driveway, road, and the neighbor across the street's yard. Maybe Papa and I will try again tomorrow. Don't........know.

Got some cleaning done - put more papers away - where do they all come from? Bills, confirmations, notices, bulletins, newspapers, magazines, Board Junk (Keith's), mail, envelopes, notes, receipts, licenses, just junk. I never seem to get it all cleaned up. It seems that every time I get a table cleaned up - I go in a circle or thru the kitchen, come back around and it's full again!! And there is only 2 of us at home. I do better when I have a couple of little ones around to make me pick everything up when Papa or I am done with it. Sure makes for less clutter!! And all of it is up high - hehe.

Got Papa "Sweatin' to the Oldies" for the second day in a row. Of course, we only manage about 15 minutes of it and his ankle hurts and my arm is on fire. But we are trying. And boy do we look funny!!!! Neither of us had much coordination ~~~

Tomorrow I've got big plans!!! It's off to Curves again. Let's see what I can do now. I've been on my diet for 4 days, to Curves once, and Oldies twice. No change in the scale - but I'm making a stab at it!!

July 22, 2006

Not much New

Spent the day trying to go thru mail, weed a little etc

Went to Curves for the first "workout" and could do all but the arm machines. There is definately a difference on what each arm can do. Thank goodness they are hydrolic machines and adjust to the arm stregnth and ability. Each side works seperately.

Went to the grocery store to see what I could get for the 7 days we are going to be here.

Signed and faxed the offer on the Oregon Home.

Went to Mexican dinner with Nancy. It was a nice time and the food was great. She is handling Tom's death very well. She talked about how nice all of their friends have been, how the service went, some of the funnier events that always happen, and how it is soooo hard to understand how he could be completely cancer free in February and gone in June. Even when he was in the hospital with pancreatitus they didn't find any cancer. We also talked about other things that have and are happening. It was really nice to see her and see that she is doing so well. Here is a picture of Tom last July. You might remember him from our Novice RV'er's Blog. Then I closed Keith's fingers in the car door

Really had another bad night. I need to figure out how to sleep.
So here was another day that I spent a whole day doing what I used to be able to do after work. And the sad part was - I was busy all day!!

July 20, 2006


I finally bit the bullet and joined Curves. They have a summer price break and I "got" 1/2 off on the enrollment fee. And don't have to pay a monthly fee until September. Since our Excercise Room here at the Village is down until who knows when - I have to do something!! One of the good things about Curves is that I can go to whatever one I find where-ever I find one. Right now that will work for me. Lets see if I can do it at all. Just thinking about it makes me ache!!

We got some really bad news about Kiah. He has a mass in his throat that will have to be surgically removed. His Mom & I both noticed a "pimple" type thing right midway down his neck. She took him to the Doctor and that is how the "mass" was found. Maybe that is why he has had the coughs and lack of appetite. Let's all pray that he comes thru this current problem with flying colors. He's only 5 and has had so many medical issues that I feel sorry for the little guy. But since he's only 5 - God will help him to recover faster. I have faith in that.

I had another bad night - so I slept in this morning. It still amounted to about 5 hours of sleep. Better than nothing!! The neuro should consult should point me in the right direction for getting this problem healed. I return to SD for a Friday appointment. Horray for frequent flyer miles!!

That's about all for today - oh, I did get unpacked from our last trip~~

July 19, 2006

Back to Tropical Florida

The Lone Cabbage on 520
Originally uploaded by Amah.
We actually had a pretty uneventful flight (harray!!). We couldn't get upgraded for the first leg - but we did for the Chicago/Orlando one. Keith is just to tall for some of those seats. He either sits with his knees under his chin or they are in the way for everyone. He actually slept for most of the long flight (SD to Chicago) so the guy on the other side of me chatted. He was headed to Connecticut.

We landed and were driving home on I95 when the Attorney called and said they have an appointment set for me - with the neuro guy. Where was I? I told her we were just now headed out of the airport to go home - she asked which home - I replied - our home in Florida - she asked when would we be in SD again - I replied - when I have a reason to go. I also mentioned that I had left several messages all with the fact that we were TRAVELING ON THE 18 - EARLY IN THE MORNING~~ And if they came up with anything they needed to let me know by the 17th. So ~~ Que Sera Sara

I will be back in San Diego on the 27th for a few days. I don't even know if I'm going to unpack. So there!!

On our way home we stopped at a little Cafe that we enjoy. Sister Sharen and I stopped on our way to Orlando when she was visiting and the Grand-girls & I took an airboat ride from here - in to the Glades to see alligators. We didn't see but one set of eyes and a few rattling waving long grasses - so click on this picture and see what we saw last night!!

This morning Keith is trying to get caught up and I've been out and weeded 2 of our little flower beds. I'm hoping to find a gardner~~ The weeds are as tall as I am!! And it's already to hot to be outside~~ Can anyone help me find more excuses??

July 17, 2006

San Diego

We've been here almost a week. Tomorrow we head back to Florida. We've been busy (for me) picking up after kids. We put some of the black film up on her big skylight windows to cut the afternoon heat from the sun. It worked really well and the kitchen isn't at all darkened but the harshness from the glare is gone. Looks good.

Her new roof is on, the vinyl laid in the kitchen, and yesterday I "made a deal with the kids". I bribed them. I paid them to do ALL of their chores without whining, crying, or lying about them being done. For every lie, whine, cry, fit, scarcasn etc - it cost them 50 cents an incident. It took them ALL day to complete them - but they did get them done!!! Jaleel and Destini were the only 2 to get penalized. Jaleel learned after the first one but it took Destini 4 tries to decide to straighten up. And they all did a really good job. Before they collected their "pay" I checked every chore and marked them off the list. It really wore them out too. Not a one complained about bedtime. They went right to sleep too!! I am still doing laundry but it was so hot here yesterday - they asked that people not use the dryers until evening - so I waited to start that.

Not sure what today will bring but I hear the kids up. More later!!

July 11, 2006

Time to Go

For my last day at Knuckles Knoll, Sharen & I walked into town and had lunch, did a stroll thru several of the shops, and looked at the For Sale window in the Reality place. On the way to the store, we actually rode out and looked at one place before we headed back to the Knoll. When we got home from the store - I told Keith I found a house - he didn't even flinch. I said I liked the windows and Sharen liked the curtains - so it must be perfect. He actually rode out there with me and looked it over.!! And I fixed dinner. I thought it was about time that I pitched in and did something!! I've had a great time for my whole trip - and it would have been even greater if I'd felt better. It seemed that every day was marred with at least the constant naggy pain - and several of the days were cut drastically short because of this stupid whatever.

This morning we got up, I did laundry, packed,Keith loaded the car, all while we had coffee and breakfast with Sharen - out on the deck, looking out at the mountains. Such a pretty view. So now we have to say goodbye again. They'll never get to Florida!! But we'll be back!

We had yet another screwed up flight!! It hasn't been a good trip as far as Alaska Air goes. The screw up going North was way worse - today was more of an irritation than anything else. Keith realized this morning that we were routed from Eugene to Seattle to San Diego. This makes no sense but - OK. We did the first leg. We were about 10 minutes late leaving Eugene. The Flight Attendant announced the connection gates just before we landed. We had about 20 minutes before boarding our next flight so we wandered to the next terminal (from C2 to D5), used restrooms, and I searched for my boarding pass. I don't know what I did with it. I can't find it and I never got out of my seat!! We got to D5 (there wasn't an attendant there yet) and I remembered!!! I couldn't reach anything when I got seated so I folded it and put it in the only pocket-type thing I had (my bra). Well, I jumped up out of the seat and went back to the restroom to see if I'd dropped it there and to search better than I could sitting at the gate. By now I'm getting frantic, we should have been boarding and needing a boarding pass to get on the plane - I stopped at the "Service Center", I got a new boarding pass - but found out that the plane wasn't at D5 because we should've been at C11. He said they announced the change a "couple of hours ago". Well I'm sorry, we didn't get there until 10 minutes ago. He said the flight was boarding so we'd better hurry - it was a pretty good hike from where we were to where we needed to be. And I had to go back to where we were to get Keith before we went to where we needed to be! He was pissed!! He announced into the air for the other 30 or so people sitting at D5 = the flight to San Diego was leaving from C11. Some of them ran!! I stopped back at the "Service Center" and told the guy that he needed to make another announcement for the ones that didn't hear.

So, we made it to the plane. Took off and I opened the July issue of their flight magazine. The flight path from Seattle to San Diego is all over the water. I knew that some of it was but I didn't realize it all was supposed to be. To my suprised I looked out the window and saw lakes, mountains, snow topped ridges, canyons, desert, pretty much everything but ocean. Just before landing, we turned due west, then south, then east, turned and west again for landing. Makes perfect sense to me - how about you?

We landed right on time - it took Keith an hour to get the rental car - they ran out and so they had to give us a Jeep 4-Wheel. It's fun to ride in!! So we got back to S'te's about 10 - moved the bikes out of the driveway, unloaded, visited a bit, and it's bedtime - been a long long day.

July 9, 2006

House Shopping

We are sad - it's time to say goodbye - but for sure it won't be another decade or so before I see them again. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in history and events that I forget the people that loved and stood by me to help during the really hard times. Of course, I'm talking about the whole Coos County visit when I lost Jeremy. I'm hoping that since it is such a big Anniversary year ~ he's been lost for 20 years next month~ that maybe the newspaper or TV will do a couple of shots - if only just to remind anyone that might know anything - that his whole family is still waiting, hoping, wondering, and grieving. We will see. Sallie - my friend in Coos Bay - is working on it for me. With some help from a friend of hers, she gathered up all the maps that were asked for by the psychic and got them mailed. Thank you so much Sallie!!

Then Mitch and Sharen went over to Caleb & Kelly's. This is their new home!! Isn't it a cute little house? Makes me nostalgic for the first little house we bought - just before S'te was born. It was just about that size ~ but without the garage. And absolutely no back or side yard. A little front yard and right side was all we had to worry about keeping up!! Of course, what do you want for $9,000!! Sharen invited us to follow them over to see it. She said they would only be there a "minute or two"!! I really do know how long her minutes are!! And since I wanted to check out those homes, we declined. Caleb & Kelly will be tying the knot next month. Congrats~

So anyhow, we left them at Candy's and headed back down I5. We checked out those manufactured home models that I'd seen on the way up. They are so different from the old "trailer houses"!! Of couse if you can actually buy one of these and set them up - trailer trash wouldn't be appropriate HAHA I was a huge 2 story home. I had to go inside jsut
Click for slide show
so I could see what the floor plan would be. It's NICE!! This "Lodge" style was just gorgeous. I absolutely loved it - both inside and out!! And what's not to love at a price tag of $220,000. And that's before you even buy your lot or do that prep, your concrete, lawn, etc. But they sure are pretty! So just for kicks, when we got back to Canyonville we went up to the new lots they are putting in across from Mitch & Sharen's home. $99,000.
Not remember that's just the lot. The math is kicking in. Big time!!

Enough of that!! We went by the store for goodie to tide us over while we waited for them to return from their visit. Then we had dinner, discussed all the important events and happenings of the day, and retired for the evening!!

Another great day!!

July 8, 2006

Duncan Family Picnic

2006 SB Pics 072
Originally uploaded by Amah.

Click on Picture for slideshow

Today is Saturday. We have fussed around all week and done very little. I've not been up to par - so have had to take it easy BUT today we made the trip to Beaverton for the Picnic. On the way up I5 I looked at RV and Manufactured home Lots. I saw Lodges and I saw a 2 story. I saw RV's that changed colors as you drove by. Awesome!! Hopefully we will get a chance to stop on the way back!!

I haven't seen this side of my family since Mom died - over 15 years ago. It's not that I didn't want to see them - but with Mom gone and Myrtle Point being where Jeremy disappeared from - I had little incentive to visit. Even tho' I lived right in Coos Bay for years. But - by the same token - no one visited me either. Many of the slideshow pictures have names on them but not all of them do. I've been promised help with that part. I couldn't learn all of those names and faces that quickly! I even found a cousin that lives in Murrietta!! That's not to far (as the crow flies) from S'te. I hope they can make plans to at least meet each other.

Anyhow, I got reacquainted with all the cousins, their kids, and pets. It was really great fun. It was nice to see that Aunt Peggy is still doing so well. I'd tried to visit her on my annual visits to the cemetery but she was never home. If she stayed home 364 days a year - I'd get there on that 1 day she wasn't there.

Here is a picture of the mostly in their own groups inside the group. We still have some of the family missing. Robin - who is closest to my age ~ couldn't make it. She had plans with her husband or Kelly~ closest to Sharen's age - he and his family had just made a recent trip down from Alaska and couldn't come back. Of course, its the height of the work season up there too.

So on this one trip of 10 days we've seen more friends and family than I managed to scrounge up in the last 7.5 years of annual visits! It's great to see everyone again.

We stayed at the Shiloh Inn nearby and it was comfortable too. I think we were the first to leave but that didn't mean I wasn't having fun!!

Day 9 in Oregon

Did very little yesterday and visited for another crunch today. By about noon I was feeling much better and even helped Sharen out in her gardens a bit.

It was probably a good thing that our side trip to Anderson to visit Judy didn't work out. I would have been down the entire time. It seemed to take forever to start feeling better. Dad left to go back to Powers this morning.

Mitch and Sharen spent the afternoon doing their errands and such so Keith and I had the ever present Mexican for a late lunch and visited the 7 Feathers Casino for Ice Cream. I managed to get him to sit at the slots while I made my donation. He donated a little too - I'm teaching him bad, bad habits!!

Sharen called us at Knuckles Knoll about 8 and told us that she'd made reservations at the Casino Lounge for their Vegas Girls show. So BACK to the Casino we went. It was a great show and MIKE REALLY LOVED IT. I don't think I've ever seen his face that red for that long - ever!! We then split up to GAMBLE!! I donated a little more. Keith donated a little more. Sharen found us and she was even - so she caught a ride home with us.

Another great day at Knuckles Knoll. Tomorrow we head for the Duncan Family Reunion in Beaverton!! It's busy, busy, busy!!

July 6, 2006

Day 7 in Oregon

Today was spent eating leftovers and watching Sharen work around the Garden. I've taken pictures of it but you are going to have to let her toot her own horn and see it for yourself on her own Knuckles Knoll Blog. It wouldn't be nice to take her bragging rights away. They have worked very, very hard on it and it sure shows the love and nurturing that has gone into it.

I didn't do much else. Stopped by the town Chiropractor for a crunch and was down for most of the day - I was plumb done.

I also watched Mike wash and shine and polish. So for all his work, here is a picture of Mike's pride and joy! Can't leave all of these pics unshown - hee hee

And I don't want to leave Mitch's baby out in the cold either!!

July 5, 2006

Family on the 4th

Here is a once in a lifetime!! It is Keith & I, Mike & Dad, Mitch & Sharen, Caleb & Kelly - ALL IN ONE SHOT!! We had a great day, Mitch and Sharen invited several friends to join our own little family reunion. It's really to bad that Brett and S'te (and family) couldn't be there!! That would've been a perfect Reunion for our little side of the family!!!

One of the many people that came was the couple that loaned their RV for our "visitors quarters" came and we met them.
Sharen had a Treasure Hunt which Caleb and Kelly won. Mitch grilled burgers, sausages, and hot dogs. Sharen made a bunch of salads and sides, and their friends all brought the BEST STUFF!! There was locally caught fish, cheese cake with both blackberry or raspberry toppings, apple pie, chocolate cake. The list could go on and on. I ate shamelessly. It was all sooooo good.

Then, even before the huge meal even got settled Sharen was organizing the horseshoe tourniment out back at the horseshoe pit. It sure sounded like everyone was having fun. I think Sharen did quite well. I think she had more fun than anyone there!! She was full of fun and smiles.

Unfortunately, I overdid or something because I had to quit the party to rest about 4 and never got back to it. I rejoined family in time to watch fireworks from the deck and then we called it a night. Wednesday was a work day for Mitch. It's horrible to have to work the day after a party like that!!

Thank you again for the great party!!

July 4, 2006

On to Canyonville

Uncle Jim,Dad,Aunt Nita, Me
Originally uploaded by Amah.

We got up and around early this morning. It's another travel day. Only a couple of hours to Canyonville but Keith really hates the Powers Road so I will drive the first lap.

We did manage to get a family pic before we headed out. Almost didn't, as you can see Dad has his hat on and is ready to go! One of his friends stopped by with an ANTIQUE CAR that Dad saw during weekend. We did get a picture of that!! I spent pretty much of the last couple of days explaining Blogs, digital cameras, and how they work with wi-fi and my screen saver slide show. But it was all great fun and I got to show off my pictures.

We headed on over the hill about 11 and arrived about 1. Sharen had called and said they were going to have lunch around noon (and I knew we wouldn't make that!!) so we stopped in at the Canyonville Cafe and had a bite before heading up the hill. I think we woke Mitch up when we came in - Sharen was gone with Caleb and his girlfriend.

They soon appeared - and we had a really good visit. I met Kelly, Caleb's fiance and we talked about the wedding, the new home they just bought, work, play and all the things family has to catch up on when they've been apart awhile. Sharen had a spaghetti dinner planned. We played a game of "how stupid can the answer get" to the tune of lots of laughs and turned in so we could be ready for the big day tomorrow!!

July 3, 2006

2nd day in Powers

We had a really nice laid back day today. Cousin Debbie stopped by this morning before leaving for home and Cousin Linda came by this afternoon for a cook-out. Linda, Aunt Nita, and I walked thru town, had a soda, got caught up on the news and happenings. Keith and Chai had a good visit too!!

Keith asked Uncle Jim "How did they ever even find this place to start with?"
Uncle Jim Answered "Well now, I don't know, I was born here, so it was here when I got here."

But we did find some Powers History - On the Wall of the Timberline Lounge right smack in downtown Powers!! There is an entire wall papered with these old photos and I was promised that if I came back next year there would be lots more up!! I'll be back - even todays younger loggers don't remember this kind of work!!

July 2, 2006

White Cedar Days

Slip n Slide
One of the "events" and by far the most entertaining was the slip n slide set up behind the Timberline. Dad and Aunt Nita watched closely!
I couldn't get this on the other post so u hv 2!

Oregon Day 3

Today is another travel day. Alaska Airlines managed to lose a whole day for me. Instead of getting to CB Thursday afternoon, we got there on Friday afternoon. Lost a whole day of being able to see friends and catch up with people!!! There is my venting - now on with the day!!

We had breakfast with Clint and Sallie just before meeting with the Sheriff's Department. CZ (I'm not sure of his title so I won't use one) met with Keith and I and updated us on some of the things that have been done. It has been several years since I have actually been able to meet face to face with one of the Detectives and I was glad that I did. On the phone I tend to get emotional and don't manage to ask any of my questions. So. . . we still don't know what happened to Jeremy but I do know that lots and lots of people have searched, investigated, visited people in several states for all kinds of reasons, listed him on the NCIC and CFM&EC, used sophisticated equipment, dug holes, run dogs, drained wet places . . . all in the quest for finding my baby. I also turned over the tape from the psychic and gave him her request for maps. It was a sad meeting. Non-productive in fact but it sure made me feel better. I know that they haven't forgotten him - or religated him (his files) to the "cold case" room. I would never be able to put my thanks and appreciation to these people into words.

Then we packed up and headed for Powers. As we drove thru Coquille and Myrtle Point a kind of homesickness hit me. I'm supposing that it is a combination of the "empty nest", the meeting I'd just had, the family support that was available back in the years I spent there. As the years went by - mostly after Mom passed away - we've seperated and all gone our own ways. I keep in touch with very few people other than the ones that I communicate with thru this blog!! But the trip. . . the scenery was all absolutely beautiful. The trees are tall and green, water in the river, fields waving with hay. It was an absolutely beautiful drive. Keith isn't any more impressed with the Powers Road this year than he was last year!! We arrived at my Aunt & Uncles home to find that Uncle Jim was home alone. So we went searching - in Powers! And it's White Cedar Days. "In the olden days" there were contests for log rolling, axe throwing, pole climbing. . all sorts of good things!! With anticipation we walked down the street to find the festivities. Here was a "different" decorating idea!! Keith insisted on a picture. It's one of those - only in Powers things!!

Then on to the Party!! Found Dad at the tavern eating, so we ate also, then we went to the field behind the Timberline and this is what was happening!!
and the next post should have video.
and I hope to be able to upload the pictures on the wall of totally historic logging!!

We watched the activities and then went back to the house for dinner and a long visit!!