July 3, 2006

2nd day in Powers

We had a really nice laid back day today. Cousin Debbie stopped by this morning before leaving for home and Cousin Linda came by this afternoon for a cook-out. Linda, Aunt Nita, and I walked thru town, had a soda, got caught up on the news and happenings. Keith and Chai had a good visit too!!

Keith asked Uncle Jim "How did they ever even find this place to start with?"
Uncle Jim Answered "Well now, I don't know, I was born here, so it was here when I got here."

But we did find some Powers History - On the Wall of the Timberline Lounge right smack in downtown Powers!! There is an entire wall papered with these old photos and I was promised that if I came back next year there would be lots more up!! I'll be back - even todays younger loggers don't remember this kind of work!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well now, don't that just sound like Uncle Jimmy!!! Sure do miss him!