July 24, 2006

Movin' On

Made it to Curves again. This time I wasn't so self-conscience and worked a little harder, sweat a little more, and think I'm a little stiffer than I was on Friday. Researched and found that there is one in Riddle.

Called the Attorney to see if they've made any headway. Will call me right back with an answer. No word yet~~~

Got all of the sprinklers serviced!! Should make a difference in the water consumption as well as the coverage. Found out we have chinch (?) bugs that are eating our grass. That is where the brown spots are coming from. Keith went shopping. Got the STUFF!! We can spread it tomorrow. I don't know what all I've been busy doing but I'm pooped.

Took a late nap and woke to the phone. Keith said "O yeah! Here you can talk to my wife" and handed me the phone. It was the Realiter in Oregon. We've bought a house there. There will be lots of stuff to do before we actually ever get there - We have to: fly to SD for the Dr and Attny appointments, visit Keith's Mom, Keith has a meeting in STL, we have our winter renters coming, pack, get the RV ready for another long trip> > > So best figure is to arrive there sometime in Nov/Dec. It depends on our Renters. If they come in Nov that's when we'll leave. I called my Sis in Oregon to tell her that we will be the not-so-close neighbors - and she was excited. I talked to her until about midnight - And boy was it bedtime!!


Anonymous said...

So happy for you! I am glad you will be able to be closer to family. We will miss you both very much! We'll just have to see you as much as possible before you actually pull out of Vero.
Love you, Sallie

Anonymous said...

How exciting!! Guess they decided to come down to Poppa's offer!!

Talking about water- got a Poppa project. Hot water dripping in the bathroom and I don't know how to fix it!