July 20, 2006


I finally bit the bullet and joined Curves. They have a summer price break and I "got" 1/2 off on the enrollment fee. And don't have to pay a monthly fee until September. Since our Excercise Room here at the Village is down until who knows when - I have to do something!! One of the good things about Curves is that I can go to whatever one I find where-ever I find one. Right now that will work for me. Lets see if I can do it at all. Just thinking about it makes me ache!!

We got some really bad news about Kiah. He has a mass in his throat that will have to be surgically removed. His Mom & I both noticed a "pimple" type thing right midway down his neck. She took him to the Doctor and that is how the "mass" was found. Maybe that is why he has had the coughs and lack of appetite. Let's all pray that he comes thru this current problem with flying colors. He's only 5 and has had so many medical issues that I feel sorry for the little guy. But since he's only 5 - God will help him to recover faster. I have faith in that.

I had another bad night - so I slept in this morning. It still amounted to about 5 hours of sleep. Better than nothing!! The neuro should consult should point me in the right direction for getting this problem healed. I return to SD for a Friday appointment. Horray for frequent flyer miles!!

That's about all for today - oh, I did get unpacked from our last trip~~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think I'll just stick to my sit-ups and push ups!!!

Less than a week and you'll be back!!

Hopefully the dr can give you some answers and fix the problem.