July 28, 2006


We're back~~~~ Like the -I can't think of the name of the movie - probably the Inlaws or something like that! Short visit this time. Really only the weekend here. Dr. appointment today. Monday to Santa Ana to Attorney. Tuesday to Santa Ana for deposition. It sounds like this may be getting all done. I will be so thankful. Wednesday to TJ to see Dr. Ruth (our Dentist). I need to order some new teeth (a new partial) - I lost the one I got in April already!!

Our ride with Frontier was uneventful - which translates to great!! The first leg (Orlando to Denver) I sat between Keith and a man that had on a NASA shirt. He had 3 cocktails and asked for another between the take off and the donut that they served. He had already had a real rough night (my nose could tell :) and was well on his way to a real rough morning. WE did hit some rough spots from the storms but it wasn't very bad at all. A very nice flight. We got to Denver about 10 am (noon est) and had a sandwich at Quiznos. They sure make good fancy french dips!! On the second leg (Denver to San Diego) I sat between Keith and a little boy going to see his Aunt and cousins for 3 weeks. His first flight. he was so excited. He thought it was great. The weather was perfect. He had the window seat and we watched the Rocky Mountains, Grand Canyon, Salten Sea, and finally the Naval Hospital, zoo, Balboa Park, Olde Towne and then the AIRPORT. He was very entertaining and such a nice little boy. I'm sure that was just his "company face" and he is more of a regular little boy at home - hehehe. As usual, I called when we actually landed - the Road Runner (S'te) was there almost as soon as we picked up our luggage and we talked about Jeremy and "stuff" on the way home. I want to put my baby to rest.

I had a real scare -for me- last night. More in the evening. My whole side clear from my breastbone thru to my back and over to my right shoulder just "spasmed". Shear pain. Not an ache, not a little stick. A real long pain. It kind of worked it's way down my arm and into my hand with the ants and pin sticks. It lasted several minutes. I don't know what else to call it. It all just was like it was all being smashed and twisted at the same time. Then it relaxed into kind of a throb and the headache suddenly boomed. Keith thought maybe it was because we really hadn't eaten in quite awhile - so he took me to Carnitas Uropan for dinner. We love that place. We are there so often that Mrs. Rodriquez remembers us. Keith has taken several pig (she collects them) "items" to her. He loves the Machaca. I had the enchiladas and they were great tasting but I just couldn't eat. The headache didn't go away so I did the stretch exercises that Dr. Clark gave me for my neck. No help. So I took meds. This morning I feel pretty good for it being 4 am pst. But all the muscles and skin just aches. Hopefully, it will work loose thru the day and it will be better.

Ty is up for school - I think it's his last day of this session of summer school. S'te said he is doing great with his grades this time. ....Might be there is something to haveing to get yourself up, get yourself there, and get yourself home while everyone else is on vacation that hit home for him. I certainly wish him better luck this school year. Maybe next year he won't have to retake any of his classes. He is getting sooo tall - I just confirmed as he came out of the shower - it is his last day. He is happy. He is sorry he spent his summer pedaling his bike to school. He is growing up!!

Almost 6. My stomach is growling. I need to go get my Grape Nuts ~~~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yup wake up call when he realized I really was NOT going to drive him to school everyday!!

Glad you're back!!